Feeding my almost 9m old


New member
Also, they (her drs and dietician) have threatened a feeding tube if she doesn't gain to their liking... so I have been seriously stressed. Not that we will allow a feeding tube unless she isn't gaining or is losing, but still it is scary!


New member
Also, they (her drs and dietician) have threatened a feeding tube if she doesn't gain to their liking... so I have been seriously stressed. Not that we will allow a feeding tube unless she isn't gaining or is losing, but still it is scary!


New member
Also, they (her drs and dietician) have threatened a feeding tube if she doesn't gain to their liking... so I have been seriously stressed. Not that we will allow a feeding tube unless she isn't gaining or is losing, but still it is scary!


New member
Also, they (her drs and dietician) have threatened a feeding tube if she doesn't gain to their liking... so I have been seriously stressed. Not that we will allow a feeding tube unless she isn't gaining or is losing, but still it is scary!


New member
Also, they (her drs and dietician) have threatened a feeding tube if she doesn't gain to their liking... so I have been seriously stressed. Not that we will allow a feeding tube unless she isn't gaining or is losing, but still it is scary!


New member
I think you have done an excellent job with breastfeeding for 7 months!! That's great. Not everyone can go as long as some people have. You have to make things work for your family. So feel good you provided excellent source of nutrition, immunoglobulins, bonding for that amount of time!!!

I, personally, would not recommend reglan. It has been associated with extrapyramidal side effects. We hardly use it in the pediatric ICU unless a child has a significant reflux issue just because of the potential for bad side effects.

Yes, she is at a lower end of "caloric intake" but I did not factor in any of the calories of the foods you listed.

As Jeana asked, how is her weight. How is her growth curve? Is she following a curve? Each child should follow a natural curve in growth, whether it is at the 5% or 90%. The concern is when they plateau, not continuing on the "curve" or when they drop off that growth curve. I would not be concerned if she is showing slow, but steady weight gain. If she is showing decrease weight gain and looks like she's falling off her growth curve, I'd offer some more bottles of BM with formula fortification. Also, encouraging good fats, like avocados (even cream cheese, cheese).

Hopefully, things are looking good!

31 yo cf


New member
I think you have done an excellent job with breastfeeding for 7 months!! That's great. Not everyone can go as long as some people have. You have to make things work for your family. So feel good you provided excellent source of nutrition, immunoglobulins, bonding for that amount of time!!!

I, personally, would not recommend reglan. It has been associated with extrapyramidal side effects. We hardly use it in the pediatric ICU unless a child has a significant reflux issue just because of the potential for bad side effects.

Yes, she is at a lower end of "caloric intake" but I did not factor in any of the calories of the foods you listed.

As Jeana asked, how is her weight. How is her growth curve? Is she following a curve? Each child should follow a natural curve in growth, whether it is at the 5% or 90%. The concern is when they plateau, not continuing on the "curve" or when they drop off that growth curve. I would not be concerned if she is showing slow, but steady weight gain. If she is showing decrease weight gain and looks like she's falling off her growth curve, I'd offer some more bottles of BM with formula fortification. Also, encouraging good fats, like avocados (even cream cheese, cheese).

Hopefully, things are looking good!

31 yo cf


New member
I think you have done an excellent job with breastfeeding for 7 months!! That's great. Not everyone can go as long as some people have. You have to make things work for your family. So feel good you provided excellent source of nutrition, immunoglobulins, bonding for that amount of time!!!

I, personally, would not recommend reglan. It has been associated with extrapyramidal side effects. We hardly use it in the pediatric ICU unless a child has a significant reflux issue just because of the potential for bad side effects.

Yes, she is at a lower end of "caloric intake" but I did not factor in any of the calories of the foods you listed.

As Jeana asked, how is her weight. How is her growth curve? Is she following a curve? Each child should follow a natural curve in growth, whether it is at the 5% or 90%. The concern is when they plateau, not continuing on the "curve" or when they drop off that growth curve. I would not be concerned if she is showing slow, but steady weight gain. If she is showing decrease weight gain and looks like she's falling off her growth curve, I'd offer some more bottles of BM with formula fortification. Also, encouraging good fats, like avocados (even cream cheese, cheese).

Hopefully, things are looking good!

31 yo cf


New member
I think you have done an excellent job with breastfeeding for 7 months!! That's great. Not everyone can go as long as some people have. You have to make things work for your family. So feel good you provided excellent source of nutrition, immunoglobulins, bonding for that amount of time!!!

I, personally, would not recommend reglan. It has been associated with extrapyramidal side effects. We hardly use it in the pediatric ICU unless a child has a significant reflux issue just because of the potential for bad side effects.

Yes, she is at a lower end of "caloric intake" but I did not factor in any of the calories of the foods you listed.

As Jeana asked, how is her weight. How is her growth curve? Is she following a curve? Each child should follow a natural curve in growth, whether it is at the 5% or 90%. The concern is when they plateau, not continuing on the "curve" or when they drop off that growth curve. I would not be concerned if she is showing slow, but steady weight gain. If she is showing decrease weight gain and looks like she's falling off her growth curve, I'd offer some more bottles of BM with formula fortification. Also, encouraging good fats, like avocados (even cream cheese, cheese).

Hopefully, things are looking good!

31 yo cf


New member
I think you have done an excellent job with breastfeeding for 7 months!! That's great. Not everyone can go as long as some people have. You have to make things work for your family. So feel good you provided excellent source of nutrition, immunoglobulins, bonding for that amount of time!!!
<br />
<br />I, personally, would not recommend reglan. It has been associated with extrapyramidal side effects. We hardly use it in the pediatric ICU unless a child has a significant reflux issue just because of the potential for bad side effects.
<br />
<br />Yes, she is at a lower end of "caloric intake" but I did not factor in any of the calories of the foods you listed.
<br />
<br />As Jeana asked, how is her weight. How is her growth curve? Is she following a curve? Each child should follow a natural curve in growth, whether it is at the 5% or 90%. The concern is when they plateau, not continuing on the "curve" or when they drop off that growth curve. I would not be concerned if she is showing slow, but steady weight gain. If she is showing decrease weight gain and looks like she's falling off her growth curve, I'd offer some more bottles of BM with formula fortification. Also, encouraging good fats, like avocados (even cream cheese, cheese).
<br />
<br />Hopefully, things are looking good!
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />31 yo cf


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JosephinesMommy</b></i>

<b>2am </b>4oz

<b>7am</b> 4oz

<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil

<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal

<b><b>10am</b> 3oz

12</b> 1.5oz

<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells

<b>1430</b> 3oz

<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut

<b>1930</b> 4.5oz</end quote></div>

The only suggestions I would make:
Try switching out the canola oil for organic coconut oil or organic butter (or some other MCT oil).
See if you can find an organic version of mac and cheese.

Also, make these changes one at a time so you can observe the effect and know which did what.

Good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JosephinesMommy</b></i>

<b>2am </b>4oz

<b>7am</b> 4oz

<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil

<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal

<b><b>10am</b> 3oz

12</b> 1.5oz

<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells

<b>1430</b> 3oz

<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut

<b>1930</b> 4.5oz</end quote></div>

The only suggestions I would make:
Try switching out the canola oil for organic coconut oil or organic butter (or some other MCT oil).
See if you can find an organic version of mac and cheese.

Also, make these changes one at a time so you can observe the effect and know which did what.

Good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JosephinesMommy</b></i>

<b>2am </b>4oz

<b>7am</b> 4oz

<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil

<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal

<b><b>10am</b> 3oz

12</b> 1.5oz

<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells

<b>1430</b> 3oz

<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut

<b>1930</b> 4.5oz</end quote></div>

The only suggestions I would make:
Try switching out the canola oil for organic coconut oil or organic butter (or some other MCT oil).
See if you can find an organic version of mac and cheese.

Also, make these changes one at a time so you can observe the effect and know which did what.

Good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JosephinesMommy</b></i>

<b>2am </b>4oz

<b>7am</b> 4oz

<b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil

<b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal

<b><b>10am</b> 3oz

12</b> 1.5oz

<b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells

<b>1430</b> 3oz

<b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut

<b>1930</b> 4.5oz</end quote>

The only suggestions I would make:
Try switching out the canola oil for organic coconut oil or organic butter (or some other MCT oil).
See if you can find an organic version of mac and cheese.

Also, make these changes one at a time so you can observe the effect and know which did what.

Good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JosephinesMommy</b></i>
<br />
<br />
<br /><b>2am </b>4oz
<br />
<br /><b>7am</b> 4oz
<br />
<br /><b>8am</b> a few bites of yogurt, oatmeal w/canola oil
<br />
<br /><b>930 </b>tbl cream cheese, 1/2 stage 2 fruit, 1 formula scoop of oatmeal
<br />
<br /><b><b>10am</b> 3oz
<br />
<br />12</b> 1.5oz
<br />
<br /><b>1330</b> approx 20 veveeta mac and cheese shells
<br />
<br /><b>1430</b> 3oz
<br />
<br /><b>1800</b> 2oz, cream cheese, veggies, fruit and a bite of halibut
<br />
<br /><b>1930</b> 4.5oz</end quote>
<br />
<br />The only suggestions I would make:
<br />Try switching out the canola oil for organic coconut oil or organic butter (or some other MCT oil).
<br />See if you can find an organic version of mac and cheese.
<br />
<br />Also, make these changes one at a time so you can observe the effect and know which did what.
<br />
<br />Good luck.


New member
Thanks to everyone for your replies.

Her wieght curve has been steady and he last weigh in she actually jumped up on the curve. We have a CF appt in 2 hours so I guess I will see how things are going today!

I do sometime use coconut oil, but she doesn't seem to like it. Which I find strange. I keep trying it and I have tried different kinds. I am using organic EVERYTHING, well at least everything I can find! I use organic butter, oil, Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese, Organic Cream cheese, Earth's best babyfood, Gerber Organic Baby food. The organic fruits and veggies (raw) are hard to come by in my neighborhood and really expensive.

Her meals lately have been 1/4-1/2 avacado and a slice of mango or watermelon, cream cheese, cereal, little pieces of meat, egg, Baby Bell cheese, yo-baby or trader joes yogurt, fresh homegrwown verggies, zucchini bread w/ cream cheese spread. I have been trying to let her have "fun" food, not jsut stuff that is high in fat. She is really resistant right now on me feeding her... she wants to do it all herself. I have also started cooking egg yolks in some butter and she really likes those.

Right now I am fortifying all bottles. So even though she is only drinking 24oz, she is getting the cals of around 36oz. Do you think I should only fortify 2-3 bottles a day and see if she will drink a higher quantity and then start bumping the cals back up? Her dietician never got back to me and this formula feeding is really foreign to me!

Hopefully only 3 more months of formula! That crap is EXPENSIVE!!!

Thanks again to everyone!


New member
Thanks to everyone for your replies.

Her wieght curve has been steady and he last weigh in she actually jumped up on the curve. We have a CF appt in 2 hours so I guess I will see how things are going today!

I do sometime use coconut oil, but she doesn't seem to like it. Which I find strange. I keep trying it and I have tried different kinds. I am using organic EVERYTHING, well at least everything I can find! I use organic butter, oil, Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese, Organic Cream cheese, Earth's best babyfood, Gerber Organic Baby food. The organic fruits and veggies (raw) are hard to come by in my neighborhood and really expensive.

Her meals lately have been 1/4-1/2 avacado and a slice of mango or watermelon, cream cheese, cereal, little pieces of meat, egg, Baby Bell cheese, yo-baby or trader joes yogurt, fresh homegrwown verggies, zucchini bread w/ cream cheese spread. I have been trying to let her have "fun" food, not jsut stuff that is high in fat. She is really resistant right now on me feeding her... she wants to do it all herself. I have also started cooking egg yolks in some butter and she really likes those.

Right now I am fortifying all bottles. So even though she is only drinking 24oz, she is getting the cals of around 36oz. Do you think I should only fortify 2-3 bottles a day and see if she will drink a higher quantity and then start bumping the cals back up? Her dietician never got back to me and this formula feeding is really foreign to me!

Hopefully only 3 more months of formula! That crap is EXPENSIVE!!!

Thanks again to everyone!


New member
Thanks to everyone for your replies.

Her wieght curve has been steady and he last weigh in she actually jumped up on the curve. We have a CF appt in 2 hours so I guess I will see how things are going today!

I do sometime use coconut oil, but she doesn't seem to like it. Which I find strange. I keep trying it and I have tried different kinds. I am using organic EVERYTHING, well at least everything I can find! I use organic butter, oil, Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese, Organic Cream cheese, Earth's best babyfood, Gerber Organic Baby food. The organic fruits and veggies (raw) are hard to come by in my neighborhood and really expensive.

Her meals lately have been 1/4-1/2 avacado and a slice of mango or watermelon, cream cheese, cereal, little pieces of meat, egg, Baby Bell cheese, yo-baby or trader joes yogurt, fresh homegrwown verggies, zucchini bread w/ cream cheese spread. I have been trying to let her have "fun" food, not jsut stuff that is high in fat. She is really resistant right now on me feeding her... she wants to do it all herself. I have also started cooking egg yolks in some butter and she really likes those.

Right now I am fortifying all bottles. So even though she is only drinking 24oz, she is getting the cals of around 36oz. Do you think I should only fortify 2-3 bottles a day and see if she will drink a higher quantity and then start bumping the cals back up? Her dietician never got back to me and this formula feeding is really foreign to me!

Hopefully only 3 more months of formula! That crap is EXPENSIVE!!!

Thanks again to everyone!


New member
Thanks to everyone for your replies.

Her wieght curve has been steady and he last weigh in she actually jumped up on the curve. We have a CF appt in 2 hours so I guess I will see how things are going today!

I do sometime use coconut oil, but she doesn't seem to like it. Which I find strange. I keep trying it and I have tried different kinds. I am using organic EVERYTHING, well at least everything I can find! I use organic butter, oil, Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese, Organic Cream cheese, Earth's best babyfood, Gerber Organic Baby food. The organic fruits and veggies (raw) are hard to come by in my neighborhood and really expensive.

Her meals lately have been 1/4-1/2 avacado and a slice of mango or watermelon, cream cheese, cereal, little pieces of meat, egg, Baby Bell cheese, yo-baby or trader joes yogurt, fresh homegrwown verggies, zucchini bread w/ cream cheese spread. I have been trying to let her have "fun" food, not jsut stuff that is high in fat. She is really resistant right now on me feeding her... she wants to do it all herself. I have also started cooking egg yolks in some butter and she really likes those.

Right now I am fortifying all bottles. So even though she is only drinking 24oz, she is getting the cals of around 36oz. Do you think I should only fortify 2-3 bottles a day and see if she will drink a higher quantity and then start bumping the cals back up? Her dietician never got back to me and this formula feeding is really foreign to me!

Hopefully only 3 more months of formula! That crap is EXPENSIVE!!!

Thanks again to everyone!


New member
Thanks to everyone for your replies.
<br />
<br />Her wieght curve has been steady and he last weigh in she actually jumped up on the curve. We have a CF appt in 2 hours so I guess I will see how things are going today!
<br />
<br />I do sometime use coconut oil, but she doesn't seem to like it. Which I find strange. I keep trying it and I have tried different kinds. I am using organic EVERYTHING, well at least everything I can find! I use organic butter, oil, Annie's Organic Mac and Cheese, Organic Cream cheese, Earth's best babyfood, Gerber Organic Baby food. The organic fruits and veggies (raw) are hard to come by in my neighborhood and really expensive.
<br />
<br />Her meals lately have been 1/4-1/2 avacado and a slice of mango or watermelon, cream cheese, cereal, little pieces of meat, egg, Baby Bell cheese, yo-baby or trader joes yogurt, fresh homegrwown verggies, zucchini bread w/ cream cheese spread. I have been trying to let her have "fun" food, not jsut stuff that is high in fat. She is really resistant right now on me feeding her... she wants to do it all herself. I have also started cooking egg yolks in some butter and she really likes those.
<br />
<br />Right now I am fortifying all bottles. So even though she is only drinking 24oz, she is getting the cals of around 36oz. Do you think I should only fortify 2-3 bottles a day and see if she will drink a higher quantity and then start bumping the cals back up? Her dietician never got back to me and this formula feeding is really foreign to me!
<br />
<br />Hopefully only 3 more months of formula! That crap is EXPENSIVE!!!
<br />
<br />Thanks again to everyone!