I understand totally what you mean when you say y ou are not sure you are at the point of needing a tube. I went through that too, but I'm so glad we went ahead with it.
Emily was 18 months old, 19 pounds...if I remember correctly, she was about the 16th percentile. I could be wrond about that, I don't remember. Her weight had stalled, but other than that she was perfectly healthy. No coughs, no colds, no tummy troubles other than malapsorption. Our docs wanted to be proactive with the tube...set her up for better health through this winter by putting some weight on her in the fall.
It was the scariest, hardest decision we ever had to make. Emily now weighs around 26 pounds, she got her tube in August. She is doing great. Looks good with the extra pounds, had managed to fend off the colds the rest of us have had. IT was worth it to get the tube.
I was worried that the care of t he tube would be too much for us...it's not at all. It's not hard. THere have been a few minor snags along the way, but nothing we couldn't handle.
Feel free to PM with specific questions. I understand that a tube ish't for everyone, but I will never regret getting it for Emily.