feeding tube to infant


New member
Just wondering about feeding tubes and babies. I have a 10month old who was at the 25% but has dropped down to the 5th. She's being referred to a gi doctor cause she refuses to eat. She will be scoped and then we will go from there. Any advice


Super Moderator
I'd strongly suggest reading Ellyn Satter's Child of Mine. About that age, we started pressuring son to eat and he then outright refused to eat, drink, etc. They started discussing feed tubes but a great occupational therpist suggested Satter's books. I backed off and he started eating again within 3 days. He had his first 50% BMI last month. Hugs


Super Moderator
oh good. And you think please PM me if you want me to give you the down and dirty and maybe think through some approaches, especially if you think you might be pressuring. I was and it took me reading the book and the stories of other parents to understand. It is not about CF--but about feeding, but CF or not, babies/toddler are babies/toddlers. I finally stop trying to get DS to eat because I had tried everything else and this was the last chance at me "fixing" it without feeding tubes, etc. so I figured it couldn't hurt! hugs dear mom.


Super Moderator
I sent you a private message with more information. If you aren't sure how to see it, on the top look under notifications. Hugs. (I'm off line over the weekend but look forward to hearing yoru thoughts).


New member
Will he drink from a bottle? My 16-month-old still refuses to eat food, but he'll drink. I came up with a mixture of stuff for his bottle that got him from the single-digit percentile for height-to-weight up to over the 60th percentile in a period of a few months. (Our hospital said they'd never seen another case like it.) We're still working on solids, but at least he's getting the calories he needs orally. If your baby is taking a bottle, pm me, and I'd be happy to send you the recipe. (It's nothing weird.)