feelin alittle blue..


New member
ok... me and chris have been together almost a year. will we get married? i def. think so. just not yet. with all the complications (insurance wise) idk if it could even be possible for us to get married (the government sucks and i feel riped off from having a decent life, on top of this damn disease).
we both know the chances of having a baby with CF, and we both still want one. is that selfish?
i would love to be married before i have kids. and i def. want to be a mommy. my doc even told me sooner then later would be best.
the whole time we have been together we have not used any kind of protection. i know this wasnt smart in the beginning forsure. and i also know the chance we are taking. but its like i dont care b/c i believe a baby would be a miracle, whether im married or not.
financially it wouldnt be the right time. chris is talkin about maybe goin to school next year. i myself am finished with school. but i dont want him to lose his goal either. all in all i dont want to seem selfish. i know if we had a baby. it would have a good life, and wouldnt be without.
also i know the chances of actually bein able to carry and have a baby, (if it isnt to late already) are gettin slimmer as time goes on.
i also know how much harder it would be to care for myself and a baby.
i havnt got pregnant yet so does that mean it wont happen naturally?
its like i want it to accendentally happen. but in all reality it wouldnt be an accidnet b/c we arnt trying to prevent it.
i have 3 baby girls soon to be in my life. my 16 year old step sister is due in october. one cousin is 18 due tomorrow, and the other is 19 due in december. all are under 20 yrs old. and all were accidents. why are they lucky enough to be able to have a baby when they didnt even plan for it. and me, i know i would be a good mom and cant have one.
maybe the reason i've been thinkin so hard about it lately is b/c all these babies are about to be here soon.
life just keeps gettin more and more unfair for me!
(i never ever complain! so bare with me. seems like this is the only place i can)
i guess my next question is... what steps do i need to take in talking to my doctors about TTC, when ever i feel its right..
i feel very uncomfortable talkin to most of my doctors about this. (thers maybe one i can talk to who i know wont feel weird about it, the other one flat out tells me to talk to women about women problems)
i know chris needs to get tested for the gene. we have talked about this. i dont know the methods there are, and all that.
thanks for listenin to me blab...


New member
ok... me and chris have been together almost a year. will we get married? i def. think so. just not yet. with all the complications (insurance wise) idk if it could even be possible for us to get married (the government sucks and i feel riped off from having a decent life, on top of this damn disease).
we both know the chances of having a baby with CF, and we both still want one. is that selfish?
i would love to be married before i have kids. and i def. want to be a mommy. my doc even told me sooner then later would be best.
the whole time we have been together we have not used any kind of protection. i know this wasnt smart in the beginning forsure. and i also know the chance we are taking. but its like i dont care b/c i believe a baby would be a miracle, whether im married or not.
financially it wouldnt be the right time. chris is talkin about maybe goin to school next year. i myself am finished with school. but i dont want him to lose his goal either. all in all i dont want to seem selfish. i know if we had a baby. it would have a good life, and wouldnt be without.
also i know the chances of actually bein able to carry and have a baby, (if it isnt to late already) are gettin slimmer as time goes on.
i also know how much harder it would be to care for myself and a baby.
i havnt got pregnant yet so does that mean it wont happen naturally?
its like i want it to accendentally happen. but in all reality it wouldnt be an accidnet b/c we arnt trying to prevent it.
i have 3 baby girls soon to be in my life. my 16 year old step sister is due in october. one cousin is 18 due tomorrow, and the other is 19 due in december. all are under 20 yrs old. and all were accidents. why are they lucky enough to be able to have a baby when they didnt even plan for it. and me, i know i would be a good mom and cant have one.
maybe the reason i've been thinkin so hard about it lately is b/c all these babies are about to be here soon.
life just keeps gettin more and more unfair for me!
(i never ever complain! so bare with me. seems like this is the only place i can)
i guess my next question is... what steps do i need to take in talking to my doctors about TTC, when ever i feel its right..
i feel very uncomfortable talkin to most of my doctors about this. (thers maybe one i can talk to who i know wont feel weird about it, the other one flat out tells me to talk to women about women problems)
i know chris needs to get tested for the gene. we have talked about this. i dont know the methods there are, and all that.
thanks for listenin to me blab...


New member
ok... me and chris have been together almost a year. will we get married? i def. think so. just not yet. with all the complications (insurance wise) idk if it could even be possible for us to get married (the government sucks and i feel riped off from having a decent life, on top of this damn disease).
we both know the chances of having a baby with CF, and we both still want one. is that selfish?
i would love to be married before i have kids. and i def. want to be a mommy. my doc even told me sooner then later would be best.
the whole time we have been together we have not used any kind of protection. i know this wasnt smart in the beginning forsure. and i also know the chance we are taking. but its like i dont care b/c i believe a baby would be a miracle, whether im married or not.
financially it wouldnt be the right time. chris is talkin about maybe goin to school next year. i myself am finished with school. but i dont want him to lose his goal either. all in all i dont want to seem selfish. i know if we had a baby. it would have a good life, and wouldnt be without.
also i know the chances of actually bein able to carry and have a baby, (if it isnt to late already) are gettin slimmer as time goes on.
i also know how much harder it would be to care for myself and a baby.
i havnt got pregnant yet so does that mean it wont happen naturally?
its like i want it to accendentally happen. but in all reality it wouldnt be an accidnet b/c we arnt trying to prevent it.
i have 3 baby girls soon to be in my life. my 16 year old step sister is due in october. one cousin is 18 due tomorrow, and the other is 19 due in december. all are under 20 yrs old. and all were accidents. why are they lucky enough to be able to have a baby when they didnt even plan for it. and me, i know i would be a good mom and cant have one.
maybe the reason i've been thinkin so hard about it lately is b/c all these babies are about to be here soon.
life just keeps gettin more and more unfair for me!
(i never ever complain! so bare with me. seems like this is the only place i can)
i guess my next question is... what steps do i need to take in talking to my doctors about TTC, when ever i feel its right..
i feel very uncomfortable talkin to most of my doctors about this. (thers maybe one i can talk to who i know wont feel weird about it, the other one flat out tells me to talk to women about women problems)
i know chris needs to get tested for the gene. we have talked about this. i dont know the methods there are, and all that.
thanks for listenin to me blab...


New member
ok... me and chris have been together almost a year. will we get married? i def. think so. just not yet. with all the complications (insurance wise) idk if it could even be possible for us to get married (the government sucks and i feel riped off from having a decent life, on top of this damn disease).
we both know the chances of having a baby with CF, and we both still want one. is that selfish?
i would love to be married before i have kids. and i def. want to be a mommy. my doc even told me sooner then later would be best.
the whole time we have been together we have not used any kind of protection. i know this wasnt smart in the beginning forsure. and i also know the chance we are taking. but its like i dont care b/c i believe a baby would be a miracle, whether im married or not.
financially it wouldnt be the right time. chris is talkin about maybe goin to school next year. i myself am finished with school. but i dont want him to lose his goal either. all in all i dont want to seem selfish. i know if we had a baby. it would have a good life, and wouldnt be without.
also i know the chances of actually bein able to carry and have a baby, (if it isnt to late already) are gettin slimmer as time goes on.
i also know how much harder it would be to care for myself and a baby.
i havnt got pregnant yet so does that mean it wont happen naturally?
its like i want it to accendentally happen. but in all reality it wouldnt be an accidnet b/c we arnt trying to prevent it.
i have 3 baby girls soon to be in my life. my 16 year old step sister is due in october. one cousin is 18 due tomorrow, and the other is 19 due in december. all are under 20 yrs old. and all were accidents. why are they lucky enough to be able to have a baby when they didnt even plan for it. and me, i know i would be a good mom and cant have one.
maybe the reason i've been thinkin so hard about it lately is b/c all these babies are about to be here soon.
life just keeps gettin more and more unfair for me!
(i never ever complain! so bare with me. seems like this is the only place i can)
i guess my next question is... what steps do i need to take in talking to my doctors about TTC, when ever i feel its right..
i feel very uncomfortable talkin to most of my doctors about this. (thers maybe one i can talk to who i know wont feel weird about it, the other one flat out tells me to talk to women about women problems)
i know chris needs to get tested for the gene. we have talked about this. i dont know the methods there are, and all that.
thanks for listenin to me blab...


New member
ok... me and chris have been together almost a year. will we get married? i def. think so. just not yet. with all the complications (insurance wise) idk if it could even be possible for us to get married (the government sucks and i feel riped off from having a decent life, on top of this damn disease).
<br />we both know the chances of having a baby with CF, and we both still want one. is that selfish?
<br />i would love to be married before i have kids. and i def. want to be a mommy. my doc even told me sooner then later would be best.
<br />the whole time we have been together we have not used any kind of protection. i know this wasnt smart in the beginning forsure. and i also know the chance we are taking. but its like i dont care b/c i believe a baby would be a miracle, whether im married or not.
<br />financially it wouldnt be the right time. chris is talkin about maybe goin to school next year. i myself am finished with school. but i dont want him to lose his goal either. all in all i dont want to seem selfish. i know if we had a baby. it would have a good life, and wouldnt be without.
<br />also i know the chances of actually bein able to carry and have a baby, (if it isnt to late already) are gettin slimmer as time goes on.
<br />i also know how much harder it would be to care for myself and a baby.
<br />i havnt got pregnant yet so does that mean it wont happen naturally?
<br />its like i want it to accendentally happen. but in all reality it wouldnt be an accidnet b/c we arnt trying to prevent it.
<br />i have 3 baby girls soon to be in my life. my 16 year old step sister is due in october. one cousin is 18 due tomorrow, and the other is 19 due in december. all are under 20 yrs old. and all were accidents. why are they lucky enough to be able to have a baby when they didnt even plan for it. and me, i know i would be a good mom and cant have one.
<br />maybe the reason i've been thinkin so hard about it lately is b/c all these babies are about to be here soon.
<br />life just keeps gettin more and more unfair for me!
<br />(i never ever complain! so bare with me. seems like this is the only place i can)
<br />i guess my next question is... what steps do i need to take in talking to my doctors about TTC, when ever i feel its right..
<br />i feel very uncomfortable talkin to most of my doctors about this. (thers maybe one i can talk to who i know wont feel weird about it, the other one flat out tells me to talk to women about women problems)
<br />i know chris needs to get tested for the gene. we have talked about this. i dont know the methods there are, and all that.
<br />thanks for listenin to me blab...


i convinced naturally. used an ovulation tracker and it was all natural for us! we never really discussed it with my doc. and i think that is something that you should do before hand. any other questions you have you can pm me if you like.


i convinced naturally. used an ovulation tracker and it was all natural for us! we never really discussed it with my doc. and i think that is something that you should do before hand. any other questions you have you can pm me if you like.


i convinced naturally. used an ovulation tracker and it was all natural for us! we never really discussed it with my doc. and i think that is something that you should do before hand. any other questions you have you can pm me if you like.


i convinced naturally. used an ovulation tracker and it was all natural for us! we never really discussed it with my doc. and i think that is something that you should do before hand. any other questions you have you can pm me if you like.


i convinced naturally. used an ovulation tracker and it was all natural for us! we never really discussed it with my doc. and i think that is something that you should do before hand. any other questions you have you can pm me if you like.


New member
Hey, Girl! I feel your pain!!! I am 31, and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, no birth control (STUPID!) before that. But my sister (without CF) has gotten preggers twice and had an abortion both times. How screwed up is that?!

Anyway, I have finally gotten to see a fertility specialist, but they are still making me jump thru hoops before going forward with any treatments. I guess after I jump through all of their hoops, we will try IUI w/ clomid. But it's difficult with my insurance because they don't cover much in that area.

So, I no longer live in KY, but that is where I am from. The Ashland area, and went to school at EKU. What part of KY are you from?


New member
Hey, Girl! I feel your pain!!! I am 31, and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, no birth control (STUPID!) before that. But my sister (without CF) has gotten preggers twice and had an abortion both times. How screwed up is that?!

Anyway, I have finally gotten to see a fertility specialist, but they are still making me jump thru hoops before going forward with any treatments. I guess after I jump through all of their hoops, we will try IUI w/ clomid. But it's difficult with my insurance because they don't cover much in that area.

So, I no longer live in KY, but that is where I am from. The Ashland area, and went to school at EKU. What part of KY are you from?


New member
Hey, Girl! I feel your pain!!! I am 31, and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, no birth control (STUPID!) before that. But my sister (without CF) has gotten preggers twice and had an abortion both times. How screwed up is that?!

Anyway, I have finally gotten to see a fertility specialist, but they are still making me jump thru hoops before going forward with any treatments. I guess after I jump through all of their hoops, we will try IUI w/ clomid. But it's difficult with my insurance because they don't cover much in that area.

So, I no longer live in KY, but that is where I am from. The Ashland area, and went to school at EKU. What part of KY are you from?


New member
Hey, Girl! I feel your pain!!! I am 31, and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, no birth control (STUPID!) before that. But my sister (without CF) has gotten preggers twice and had an abortion both times. How screwed up is that?!

Anyway, I have finally gotten to see a fertility specialist, but they are still making me jump thru hoops before going forward with any treatments. I guess after I jump through all of their hoops, we will try IUI w/ clomid. But it's difficult with my insurance because they don't cover much in that area.

So, I no longer live in KY, but that is where I am from. The Ashland area, and went to school at EKU. What part of KY are you from?


New member
Hey, Girl! I feel your pain!!! I am 31, and have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, no birth control (STUPID!) before that. But my sister (without CF) has gotten preggers twice and had an abortion both times. How screwed up is that?!

Anyway, I have finally gotten to see a fertility specialist, but they are still making me jump thru hoops before going forward with any treatments. I guess after I jump through all of their hoops, we will try IUI w/ clomid. But it's difficult with my insurance because they don't cover much in that area.

So, I no longer live in KY, but that is where I am from. The Ashland area, and went to school at EKU. What part of KY are you from?