So I was dx with CF @2 and went in for tune ups all through school years etc etc. But for the most part was more feeling good/great than bad. Fast Forward to age 39 and now almost 40 in January and the past year has been hell. I am feeling bad 8 times out of 10. I can not seem to bounce back from tune up and can't seem to feel good. I keep getting "sick" ,like ,tune up sick. I workout and because of not feeling good my workouts suffer. I am a 5 days a week go to the gym gal and now its walks in the neighborhood 3 times a week. I know the answer is progression of the disease unfortunately. But I'm not use to being sick more than feeling good. Those of you that go through this how do you do it. I am sad for myself, angry and feel bad for my husband. He works all day and then I can not even have dinner ready for him like I used to. He loves me and does not care. But I am really upset of my downturn that is dramatic in health. My Fev1 are in the 50's use to be in the 60's when I have an exacerbation it goes down to the high 40's. It really bothers me this lack of exercise cause I am a big proponent but so hard to do if you don't feel good and short of breath. I am running a fever so I am not a proponent of pushing myself physically when not feeling well and especially with a fever.<br><br>Need words of encouragement!<br><br>Thanks<br>