Feeling down about kids



I’ll toss in my point of view, as a guy – though I don’t know how many other guys see things my way, I’m sure there are some…

I don’t know that my wife and I ever struggled with the idea of having children. I’m the one with cystic fibrosis – when we started dating, my wife and I had a long talk about the slim likelihood of me living another 10 years. (I was 25 at the time, not considering transplant, and it was the mid 1980s…) Neither of us really desired having children. I’d always worried about leaving them – about having a child, living another 5-6-7 years, then having me crash and burn and pass away. It might be morbid, but I didn’t like the idea of bringing a child into the world and leaving myself. But I’ve known many CF women and men who desperately want to have children – and I can appreciate that. I don’t think there can be anything more special in the world than having and caring for your own child…

And, looking back now – if we’d have had children early in our marriage, they would now be in their mid-twenties. They would be adults. My fears would have been unfounded. I’m 52 (with two beautiful, new lungs for the past 12 years – and now one beautiful, new kidney…) And, for CFers with decent lung function – the future seems much more promising than it did 10-20 years ago!

As was discussed above – I do have to agree that it’s a natural urge. I have to imagine that “social conditioning and pressure” might aggravate and promote that natural urge. I also think that a lot of us with cystic fibrosis, or many other chronic, childhood illnesses, are surrounded by a great deal of love, concern and support – many of us have incredible support systems in our families, medical caregivers and friends. Many of us feel VERY cared for and loved. And I feel that, sometimes, we’d like to reflect all of that love onto someone else – we want to love someone who needs us and depends on us – and we want to love them and care for them in the way we’ve been loved… Again – that’s just a thought that I have and it may apply to some, and for others it’s total crap.

I’ve also watched a number of CF women conceive, go through pregnancy and give birth. And it seemed that the whole process took an awful lot out of them and their health spiraled downward. I have to believe that the hormonal and physical changes that go along with pregnancy must create a lot of stress on a normal, healthy body – adding CF into the mix makes things more complicated. I don’t imagine that always happens, or has to happen – but it’s probably a warning to be vigilant about health during and after. I’m also acquainted with a few CF women who seem perfectly fine after having a child…

I’ve got nieces and nephews that I love and I’ve watched grow up. My wife and I have a close relationship with some of them. But, all of our parents had kids (obviously) and I see how we try to support them as they’ve grown older – and I do worry sometimes whether my wife will have that support after I’m gone. Sometimes I think that would have been a beautiful part of having children – even if I weren’t there to see them grow to adults…

I hope you get what you want in life… Love, Steve


Thanks all for your input. It's a lot to think about. I am excited to keep thinking about it :)
I feel the same way, welshwitch! It's like I woke up one morning and I was 33. Although that's a GOOD thing ;) ... but my hubby and I have never really felt the timing was right for kids, we've liked things the way they are, but he's made mention of possibly something more recently. I'd love to have a child/children with him but I'm scared to death!!!! I think that's a possibility whether you have CF or not. I've told him before, it's not that I've wanted kids up to this point, I'm just afraid that when we feel the time is right, I will be too old or too sick. BUT I have seen CF women having children when they are older than 35 and 36, so that gives me much inspiration :)


New member
My guess is you won't have problems getting pregnant especially if the sperm are from a younger male.
Just wanted to add to the mix that a pregnanct NON CF over age 35 is considered high risk.
As most of us will agree, the pregnancy was the easy part and for many of us even getting pregnant wasn't hard, but the parenting in the first 2 years is draining.
Not 2-3 days go by that my husband and I don't say to each other something along the lines of "parenting is for the young." Our son is 5 years old and has a ton of energy. We try to give him the best life possible but sometimes our energy is just not up for it. What's horrible is that even after having one the feeling you are having now won't turn off. I think for most it is a conscious decision at some point to discontinue the effort to bear more children. It is a strong urge & having one as difficult as some times have been over the last 5 years, just makes me want another. As a previous person responded it's about adjusting our dreams, I am trying to focus on retirement now and attempting to bring in a side stream of income for our family so we can retire before 65 and enjoy the amazing world we live in.


New member
I had my first 2 sons when I was 23/27 & my last 2 sons when I was 38/41 ! I wasn't dxd until I was 44 , so in a way it was a blessing in disguise that I didn't know I had CF at that time because I don't know if the outcome would have been the same. Just sayin' if you are "healthy" & your drs are ok w/ it , it is possible. The great thing is there are so many options these days, as the posts above have stated. Whatever your decision is I hope it is the right one for YOU ! Take care :)


Wow, all, that is fantastic! Thanks for sharing :) And also giving me plenty of positive insight. It's always nice to hear "it's possible" rather than "it's not possible or advised" :) I guess the real question is (like many things in life) whether this particular thing is right for me. Thanks again.


New member
A few really great resources come to mind:
(1) www.cfmothers.com (this website is based on a "secret" Facebook group that you can be asked to be added to by just contacting one of the two website creators. It has been a tremendous support for me this last while. I have been trying to conceive for 2.5 years now. The group is composed of women who have either had children, are trying to have children, or who are just contemplating it and looking at options).
(2) on the American CFF website under the educational video section, there is a webinar on fertility and pregnancy with CF and things to consider.
(3) on the Canadian CF website, the adult CF committee just put together a webinar on fertility/pregnancy in CF. Just go to http://www.cysticfibrosis.ca/en/index.php and the link is on the main page.
All are really good sources of information. And of course, making sure to talk about it with your clinic.