Feeling Fat


New member
I was on 60mg every day (I was taking it for Crohn's not CF) and within the first two weeks I was beginning to get stretch marks. By the 4th week I was at my highest "steroid weight", not to mention all of the other nasty side-effects. What is the typical dose given to CF patients?


New member
What do you mean taking enzymes not religiously? Is it possible to do that? To make a shrine out of your food, put the pills in it, and worship it? lol just kidding. But seriously, what do you mean?


New member
By not "religiously" I mean I don't take my enzymes EVERY time I eat something. I'm supposed to take 1-2 with snacks and 3-4 with meals, but I probably take two with lunch and maybe if I think about it 1 with dinner...never with snacks.

As far as a "normal" dose of prednisone for CF'ers, I am not sure. I know I was on it once as a kid when I had pneumonia, but this is the 1st time I have been on it as an adult. They put me on it to try to clear my wheezy lungs...only for a 15 day course: 40mg for 3 days, 30mg for days, etc. The weight gain started on day 3 of the treatment.

I've lost 5 lbs. so far that I'm not on it anymore. I can't be on steriods for long due to my osteopenia. It helped my breathing, but not my figure. And I sure was moody while I was on it too!
