feeling really alone in this


New member
I remember feeling that way when my son was diagnosed. I used to be a new parent of CF children advocate and resource. How can I help?


New member
I remember feeling that way when my son was diagnosed. I used to be a new parent of CF children advocate and resource. How can I help?


New member
I remember feeling that way when my son was diagnosed. I used to be a new parent of CF children advocate and resource. How can I help?


New member
I remember feeling that way when my son was diagnosed. I used to be a new parent of CF children advocate and resource. How can I help?


New member
I remember feeling that way when my son was diagnosed. I used to be a new parent of CF children advocate and resource. How can I help?


New member
My son got off to a rough start. I was so depressed in the beginning. He got on prevacid and enzymes and slowly he gained weight. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. He is now 35 lbs and is 95th% for height and 80th% for weight and not longer needs the prevacid.

I promise, it will get easier, it just takes time. In the mean time, ask lots of questions.

A big factor to helping my son get over his reflux and getting him off the prevacid was putting in Central A/C. He was loosing so much salt sweating in the hot New England summer, that is was making acid reflux worse. By installing the Central A/C, he was sweating far less and we were able to ween him off of the prevacid.

Good Luck,


New member
My son got off to a rough start. I was so depressed in the beginning. He got on prevacid and enzymes and slowly he gained weight. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. He is now 35 lbs and is 95th% for height and 80th% for weight and not longer needs the prevacid.

I promise, it will get easier, it just takes time. In the mean time, ask lots of questions.

A big factor to helping my son get over his reflux and getting him off the prevacid was putting in Central A/C. He was loosing so much salt sweating in the hot New England summer, that is was making acid reflux worse. By installing the Central A/C, he was sweating far less and we were able to ween him off of the prevacid.

Good Luck,


New member
My son got off to a rough start. I was so depressed in the beginning. He got on prevacid and enzymes and slowly he gained weight. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. He is now 35 lbs and is 95th% for height and 80th% for weight and not longer needs the prevacid.

I promise, it will get easier, it just takes time. In the mean time, ask lots of questions.

A big factor to helping my son get over his reflux and getting him off the prevacid was putting in Central A/C. He was loosing so much salt sweating in the hot New England summer, that is was making acid reflux worse. By installing the Central A/C, he was sweating far less and we were able to ween him off of the prevacid.

Good Luck,


New member
My son got off to a rough start. I was so depressed in the beginning. He got on prevacid and enzymes and slowly he gained weight. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. He is now 35 lbs and is 95th% for height and 80th% for weight and not longer needs the prevacid.

I promise, it will get easier, it just takes time. In the mean time, ask lots of questions.

A big factor to helping my son get over his reflux and getting him off the prevacid was putting in Central A/C. He was loosing so much salt sweating in the hot New England summer, that is was making acid reflux worse. By installing the Central A/C, he was sweating far less and we were able to ween him off of the prevacid.

Good Luck,


New member
My son got off to a rough start. I was so depressed in the beginning. He got on prevacid and enzymes and slowly he gained weight. He just turned 3 two weeks ago. He is now 35 lbs and is 95th% for height and 80th% for weight and not longer needs the prevacid.
<br />
<br />I promise, it will get easier, it just takes time. In the mean time, ask lots of questions.
<br />
<br />A big factor to helping my son get over his reflux and getting him off the prevacid was putting in Central A/C. He was loosing so much salt sweating in the hot New England summer, that is was making acid reflux worse. By installing the Central A/C, he was sweating far less and we were able to ween him off of the prevacid.
<br />
<br />Good Luck,
<br />Andrea