Feeling tight?


Super Moderator
Suggestions for this feeling my daughter complained of. Not wheezy(yet). Cough is not bad. Just feels tight in her upper chest. Some sort of virus going around school. I gave her extra albuterol and vest. Usually this turns into a prednisone need; but any ideas to nip this so it settles down? She already takes pulmicort, Albuterol, pulmozyme and hypersal. She's also going to school. Ideas?


New member
First early onset of a virus, have her eat a LOT. 500-1000 KCal surplus for a day (or 2..or 3) and sometimes the body can overcome it.
Stuck sputum, a good workout session to get everything moving, opened up and cleaned out.

If a virus is in full swing that needs it's time but still the workout applies whenever possible. Only thing that should stop one from working out is a significant fever.

Same with an infection and to know if something is brewing this is a good time to send the hospital a sputum sample to test.


Staff member
I usually push liquids, too. And I'll encourage ds to take a long shower or bath to steam things up before bedtime vest & nebs. And we'll do mini-beatments while he's sitting still watching tv to target areas of concern.