Feeling Tired!


New member
Does anyone have any suggestions for helping with fatigue. I get about 7 hours of sleep a night. I work full time but while i am at work i just feel so drained. Any suggestions would be appreciated!



New member
The best I can do is catch up on the weekends. I usually sleep a good 12 hours at least on weekend days. And maybe a nap in the afternoon, but I'm not a wife or mother, so I don't know how impossible that would be if you were.


New member
Try sleeping with the window open a bit so that theres fresh air in the room<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
i feel the same as you. i'm exhausted all during the day, but by the weekend the last thing i want to do is sleep. i feel like if i do then cf is running my life. i'd appreciate any suggestions too! and dave i'm not on tobra at the moment...

amelia 20 wcf oz


New member
Are you on O2 at all? If you saturation is chronically low, it can really zap your energy. Maybe try using it at night to see if it improves your quality of sleep. I've heard that about the TOBI, too. I think there are all sorts of factors that make us sooooo tired.
23 w/ CF


New member
Hi dave,

I am not on TOBI at the moment but i think that i came down with some sort of virus or something as this morning i woke up with a 102 fever and i was just sweating big time.....i had to call in sick to work! Felling a little better now thank god. My doctor put me on Prednisone and Cipro for a week to see if things improve. i checked my O2 and its 95% which is good for me. I am not on oxygen. So i am just going to rest up this weekend and be ready for work again on Monday..... But i want to thank you all for your responses and Shamrock i will take your advice on leaving the window open a little at night!

Hope everyone is feeling well!

Dee :)


New member
Shamrock here. I for a while was waking up very sluggish in the mornings. My o2 sats were 96% but while in hospital they did a sllep study where i wore the o2 sats thing all night. It turns out my sats were dropping to 88% when I was in a deep sleep. I was on oxygen for a while at night but don't need it anymore.
I also repeated the study at home a few weeks ago, ( they lent me the thing to test sats) but all seems fine!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">