Female only question


New member
I've always had vaginal dryness, so I was just curious if that would mean I have the thickened cervical mucus problem. At first I thought that if you had thick cervical mucus, then you wouldn't have the dryness, but then I started thinking that if it's too thick, it wouldn't come out like it's suppose to and cause the dryness. Just wondering........


New member
I've always had vaginal dryness, so I was just curious if that would mean I have the thickened cervical mucus problem. At first I thought that if you had thick cervical mucus, then you wouldn't have the dryness, but then I started thinking that if it's too thick, it wouldn't come out like it's suppose to and cause the dryness. Just wondering........


New member
I've always had vaginal dryness, so I was just curious if that would mean I have the thickened cervical mucus problem. At first I thought that if you had thick cervical mucus, then you wouldn't have the dryness, but then I started thinking that if it's too thick, it wouldn't come out like it's suppose to and cause the dryness. Just wondering........


New member
Yeah. That can also cause reproductive problems. You can drink things like robitussum, or use meds like pulmozyme and they do help thin it enough to come out. I would make an appoinment with you OB to have them check out your system and check to make sure you don't ahve any reproductive issues. (vaginal dryness can mean your not ovulating)


New member
Yeah. That can also cause reproductive problems. You can drink things like robitussum, or use meds like pulmozyme and they do help thin it enough to come out. I would make an appoinment with you OB to have them check out your system and check to make sure you don't ahve any reproductive issues. (vaginal dryness can mean your not ovulating)


New member
Yeah. That can also cause reproductive problems. You can drink things like robitussum, or use meds like pulmozyme and they do help thin it enough to come out. I would make an appoinment with you OB to have them check out your system and check to make sure you don't ahve any reproductive issues. (vaginal dryness can mean your not ovulating)