Female Question**gross


New member
I wish I could post this anonymous, but I can't so here it goes. Right now I'm on Tobi and Zithromax. I just finished Cipro yesterday and I was on Bactrium and Zithromax a few weeks ago. Anyways, I think I have a yeast infection, which is common for me. There's the cottage-cheese looking discharge and buring when I urinate. But I also have little fissures all down there. They are extremely painful and makes it really painful to go to the bathroom at all. I also had this happen last year and my Gyno diagnosed me with a yeast infection and she thought the fissures were Herpes. I knew that they couldn't be, but she did a swab and tested me. She had me worried to death the entire week, but of course, it came back negative. I was just wondering if anyone else gets these "fissures" when they have a yeast infection.


New member
I wish I could post this anonymous, but I can't so here it goes. Right now I'm on Tobi and Zithromax. I just finished Cipro yesterday and I was on Bactrium and Zithromax a few weeks ago. Anyways, I think I have a yeast infection, which is common for me. There's the cottage-cheese looking discharge and buring when I urinate. But I also have little fissures all down there. They are extremely painful and makes it really painful to go to the bathroom at all. I also had this happen last year and my Gyno diagnosed me with a yeast infection and she thought the fissures were Herpes. I knew that they couldn't be, but she did a swab and tested me. She had me worried to death the entire week, but of course, it came back negative. I was just wondering if anyone else gets these "fissures" when they have a yeast infection.


New member
I wish I could post this anonymous, but I can't so here it goes. Right now I'm on Tobi and Zithromax. I just finished Cipro yesterday and I was on Bactrium and Zithromax a few weeks ago. Anyways, I think I have a yeast infection, which is common for me. There's the cottage-cheese looking discharge and buring when I urinate. But I also have little fissures all down there. They are extremely painful and makes it really painful to go to the bathroom at all. I also had this happen last year and my Gyno diagnosed me with a yeast infection and she thought the fissures were Herpes. I knew that they couldn't be, but she did a swab and tested me. She had me worried to death the entire week, but of course, it came back negative. I was just wondering if anyone else gets these "fissures" when they have a yeast infection.


New member
I do get these....I dont want to get gross, but it seems when the moisture gets to be too much or spreads it gets worse. I have to change my undies &/or pad frequenty. wash up frequently & when its bad I put desitin on me to ease things. I never used presciptions meds. I figure what I do works so.....why bother. Hope you get relief!


New member
I do get these....I dont want to get gross, but it seems when the moisture gets to be too much or spreads it gets worse. I have to change my undies &/or pad frequenty. wash up frequently & when its bad I put desitin on me to ease things. I never used presciptions meds. I figure what I do works so.....why bother. Hope you get relief!


New member
I do get these....I dont want to get gross, but it seems when the moisture gets to be too much or spreads it gets worse. I have to change my undies &/or pad frequenty. wash up frequently & when its bad I put desitin on me to ease things. I never used presciptions meds. I figure what I do works so.....why bother. Hope you get relief!


New member
I have had fissures also, with or without any yeast infection ,and i use Neosporin to help heal them. Usually heals them up real fast and keeps the burn away.


New member
I have had fissures also, with or without any yeast infection ,and i use Neosporin to help heal them. Usually heals them up real fast and keeps the burn away.


New member
I have had fissures also, with or without any yeast infection ,and i use Neosporin to help heal them. Usually heals them up real fast and keeps the burn away.


New member
I am only a carrier (son has CF) but have been having chronic yeast issues on and off for most of my 20-30's. I got so sick of it (as no over the counter stuff works and I am not a fan of drugs), I read up on what I could do naturally. Apparently it grows elsewhere and can be systemic, causing issues and damage to other organs. I thought the book "Conquering Yeast Infections: A non-drug approach for men and women" by Colet Lahoz was great. www.wholeapproach.com has book, supplies, recipes and lots of information on yeast iinfections.

I've been doing the program for about 2 weeks and feel much better. Felt like crap from the die-off the first week, but my symptoms "down there" ;-) are subsiding for the first time in 6 months. I am also doing acupuncture to help and watching diet big time (no sugar, bread, alcohol) until I feel I am stable. So far so good.

You can also insert a moistened acidophilus capsule into the vagina for acute situations. Some people find a douche with just distilled water and a drop of tree tree oil (very little) helpful as well. It has antifungal properties but some find it irritating to the tissues.

Hope this helps. It is a bummer though...doesn't make you feel "fresh and confident" like the Summer's Eve commercial that's for sure!


New member
I am only a carrier (son has CF) but have been having chronic yeast issues on and off for most of my 20-30's. I got so sick of it (as no over the counter stuff works and I am not a fan of drugs), I read up on what I could do naturally. Apparently it grows elsewhere and can be systemic, causing issues and damage to other organs. I thought the book "Conquering Yeast Infections: A non-drug approach for men and women" by Colet Lahoz was great. www.wholeapproach.com has book, supplies, recipes and lots of information on yeast iinfections.

I've been doing the program for about 2 weeks and feel much better. Felt like crap from the die-off the first week, but my symptoms "down there" ;-) are subsiding for the first time in 6 months. I am also doing acupuncture to help and watching diet big time (no sugar, bread, alcohol) until I feel I am stable. So far so good.

You can also insert a moistened acidophilus capsule into the vagina for acute situations. Some people find a douche with just distilled water and a drop of tree tree oil (very little) helpful as well. It has antifungal properties but some find it irritating to the tissues.

Hope this helps. It is a bummer though...doesn't make you feel "fresh and confident" like the Summer's Eve commercial that's for sure!


New member
I am only a carrier (son has CF) but have been having chronic yeast issues on and off for most of my 20-30's. I got so sick of it (as no over the counter stuff works and I am not a fan of drugs), I read up on what I could do naturally. Apparently it grows elsewhere and can be systemic, causing issues and damage to other organs. I thought the book "Conquering Yeast Infections: A non-drug approach for men and women" by Colet Lahoz was great. www.wholeapproach.com has book, supplies, recipes and lots of information on yeast iinfections.

I've been doing the program for about 2 weeks and feel much better. Felt like crap from the die-off the first week, but my symptoms "down there" ;-) are subsiding for the first time in 6 months. I am also doing acupuncture to help and watching diet big time (no sugar, bread, alcohol) until I feel I am stable. So far so good.

You can also insert a moistened acidophilus capsule into the vagina for acute situations. Some people find a douche with just distilled water and a drop of tree tree oil (very little) helpful as well. It has antifungal properties but some find it irritating to the tissues.

Hope this helps. It is a bummer though...doesn't make you feel "fresh and confident" like the Summer's Eve commercial that's for sure!


New member
Jody, I am yeasty from years of antibiotic use - I have cultivated a big sugar problem. I "de-yeasted" 7 years ago and it made a really big difference - I lost weight, felt better, and my chemical sensitivity lessened. Since my CF diagnosis 3 yr ago I have slipped on my yeast prevention - so now am getting back on track. Visit www.yeastconnection.com for good information and support - you can sign up for their email program which often comes just when I need a reminder or boost.


New member
Jody, I am yeasty from years of antibiotic use - I have cultivated a big sugar problem. I "de-yeasted" 7 years ago and it made a really big difference - I lost weight, felt better, and my chemical sensitivity lessened. Since my CF diagnosis 3 yr ago I have slipped on my yeast prevention - so now am getting back on track. Visit www.yeastconnection.com for good information and support - you can sign up for their email program which often comes just when I need a reminder or boost.


New member
Jody, I am yeasty from years of antibiotic use - I have cultivated a big sugar problem. I "de-yeasted" 7 years ago and it made a really big difference - I lost weight, felt better, and my chemical sensitivity lessened. Since my CF diagnosis 3 yr ago I have slipped on my yeast prevention - so now am getting back on track. Visit www.yeastconnection.com for good information and support - you can sign up for their email program which often comes just when I need a reminder or boost.