females only please. :]

okay so my last monthly was august 8th and i went into the hospital on the 10th of september. and i weighed like 101 lbs. well i dont know why i skipped that month but im assuming from stress or being sick? well now its the 9th almost 10th of october and still none! i dont know whats wrong with me. anyone else have this happen?
:/ call me crazy but the docs did a pregnancy test and it was negative to my knowledge
okay so my last monthly was august 8th and i went into the hospital on the 10th of september. and i weighed like 101 lbs. well i dont know why i skipped that month but im assuming from stress or being sick? well now its the 9th almost 10th of october and still none! i dont know whats wrong with me. anyone else have this happen?
:/ call me crazy but the docs did a pregnancy test and it was negative to my knowledge
okay so my last monthly was august 8th and i went into the hospital on the 10th of september. and i weighed like 101 lbs. well i dont know why i skipped that month but im assuming from stress or being sick? well now its the 9th almost 10th of october and still none! i dont know whats wrong with me. anyone else have this happen?
:/ call me crazy but the docs did a pregnancy test and it was negative to my knowledge
okay so my last monthly was august 8th and i went into the hospital on the 10th of september. and i weighed like 101 lbs. well i dont know why i skipped that month but im assuming from stress or being sick? well now its the 9th almost 10th of october and still none! i dont know whats wrong with me. anyone else have this happen?
:/ call me crazy but the docs did a pregnancy test and it was negative to my knowledge
okay so my last monthly was august 8th and i went into the hospital on the 10th of september. and i weighed like 101 lbs. well i dont know why i skipped that month but im assuming from stress or being sick? well now its the 9th almost 10th of october and still none! i dont know whats wrong with me. anyone else have this happen?
<br />:/ call me crazy but the docs did a pregnancy test and it was negative to my knowledge
<br />


New member
Happens all the time with me Tamara. Between weight loss & iv meds I have skipped months & many times didnt realize it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Once your are back to your self you should return to a normal cycle, but if in doubt check with a GYN.


New member
Happens all the time with me Tamara. Between weight loss & iv meds I have skipped months & many times didnt realize it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Once your are back to your self you should return to a normal cycle, but if in doubt check with a GYN.


New member
Happens all the time with me Tamara. Between weight loss & iv meds I have skipped months & many times didnt realize it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Once your are back to your self you should return to a normal cycle, but if in doubt check with a GYN.


New member
Happens all the time with me Tamara. Between weight loss & iv meds I have skipped months & many times didnt realize it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Once your are back to your self you should return to a normal cycle, but if in doubt check with a GYN.


New member
Happens all the time with me Tamara. Between weight loss & iv meds I have skipped months & many times didnt realize it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Once your are back to your self you should return to a normal cycle, but if in doubt check with a GYN.