


I used it with not good results. Well I did get pregnant but it was not thanks to the monitor. I bought a used one BUT even though I cleared it, it wasn't accurate for me. I had a much better result by charting and using cheapie ovulation prediction strips I got on ebay. And that is much cheaper than the monitor.


New member
If you don't mind me asking, how long had you ttc? I am 25 and have been trying for almost a year with nothing. I have been looking at different things to boost fertility but I'm just about convinced I should talk to my doctor before committing to anything. I am also DDF508 so I'm not sure if that complicates things..



First, being DDF508 should not matter in regards to getting pregnant.

It took 5 (or maybe 4) months to conceive my son. To conceive my daughter it took 3 but I got pregnant right away, had a miscarriage, did not get pregnant the next cycle, and then got pregnant. If you have been TTC a year it won't hurt to visit your gyn. But you can be proactive too. Do you chart? If not, the best thing you can do right now is read the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by toni Weschler. Get a basal body thermometer and start charting asap. It will take a few cycles to see how your cycle works. Also get some cheap ovulation prediction sticks from ebay. I had a cycle that was about 32 days long but I didn't ovulate till at least day 22 so if I had been going by the 14 day rule I would have missed my fertile window every time. I also used preseed during my fertile window. google it and get some! Several CF women have said they use(d) preseed.

good luck :)


New member
I've been hearing a lot of good things about that book. I'm definiately going to look into it. I was also looking at Fertility monitors on ebay so I wouldnt be spending $189. Thanks so much for the feedback!! I helps to hear something positive. I keep track of my fertility with this need application on my phone and I do experience ovulation pains every month. But then again, I could be way off the mark.

: )