<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>icefisherman</b></i>
I know that there are other things to qualify you, and that's where not seeing a doc hurts me. But they have a chart that goes by your hieght and there is a FEV1 # not a %. if you are at that number or below you qualify. I'm not familiar with the actual number, and was wondering what that is.</end quote></div>
I think that number is in liters, but I'm not sure. On the records that I get from the clinic, they have the % listed and under that they have the liter # listed. If you have had a breathing test done at the clinic, I would think they would have a record of that. I just found out last month that I was approved for disability. My last breathing score before I applied was 1.36 liters (49%). I was really expecting a denial, but I was approved. Of course, that # fell within their guidelines for approval.
Hope things work out for you.