
New member
Well last pm i took ashton into the ER his fever was 104.2 under his arm and he had a rash all over his upper body.. well they didnt find anything wrong and told me to watch him and now we are going on the 3rd day of a high fever unless he is on tylenol and motrin around the clock.. he just woke up this am with a 104.1 under his arm and he had tylenol at 2 am so i gave him more motrin.. how long should i let a fever go on like this he is on bactrim for an ear infection but there is also community aquired staff going around so the batrim should cover that lso but everywhere i look they say not to exceede 3 days of high fevers.. he is drinking some bottles and not dehydrated so thats a good thing i just know fevers this high arent good.. thank you for your input


New member
Well last pm i took ashton into the ER his fever was 104.2 under his arm and he had a rash all over his upper body.. well they didnt find anything wrong and told me to watch him and now we are going on the 3rd day of a high fever unless he is on tylenol and motrin around the clock.. he just woke up this am with a 104.1 under his arm and he had tylenol at 2 am so i gave him more motrin.. how long should i let a fever go on like this he is on bactrim for an ear infection but there is also community aquired staff going around so the batrim should cover that lso but everywhere i look they say not to exceede 3 days of high fevers.. he is drinking some bottles and not dehydrated so thats a good thing i just know fevers this high arent good.. thank you for your input


New member
Well last pm i took ashton into the ER his fever was 104.2 under his arm and he had a rash all over his upper body.. well they didnt find anything wrong and told me to watch him and now we are going on the 3rd day of a high fever unless he is on tylenol and motrin around the clock.. he just woke up this am with a 104.1 under his arm and he had tylenol at 2 am so i gave him more motrin.. how long should i let a fever go on like this he is on bactrim for an ear infection but there is also community aquired staff going around so the batrim should cover that lso but everywhere i look they say not to exceede 3 days of high fevers.. he is drinking some bottles and not dehydrated so thats a good thing i just know fevers this high arent good.. thank you for your input


New member
Is the tylenol & motrin controlling it at all? I would double check with the doctor. Its good that he is taking liquids. TONS & tons is good. I am sure he feels like a dried up prune from the fevers. Has he been on Bactrim before? Any other changes that maybe he is reacting to? If not & it could "just" be a virus. Be so careful tho I am sure I dont have to tell you that. Good LUck!


New member
Is the tylenol & motrin controlling it at all? I would double check with the doctor. Its good that he is taking liquids. TONS & tons is good. I am sure he feels like a dried up prune from the fevers. Has he been on Bactrim before? Any other changes that maybe he is reacting to? If not & it could "just" be a virus. Be so careful tho I am sure I dont have to tell you that. Good LUck!


New member
Is the tylenol & motrin controlling it at all? I would double check with the doctor. Its good that he is taking liquids. TONS & tons is good. I am sure he feels like a dried up prune from the fevers. Has he been on Bactrim before? Any other changes that maybe he is reacting to? If not & it could "just" be a virus. Be so careful tho I am sure I dont have to tell you that. Good LUck!


New member
I agree you should call. Have the history written down - what day the fever started, how you've been dosing it and if it has/has not responded. I'm sure you probably do that already, but its hard to remember when your sleep-deprived and worried crazy. Those pesky medical professionals seem to respond better to "just the facts" and I tend to be chatty with them.

I'm really sorry that Ashton is having to fight this. Hope you get it figured out.

Edited to add: My dad is a "pesky medical professional"; I meant it more as a slam to me, not them!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


New member
I agree you should call. Have the history written down - what day the fever started, how you've been dosing it and if it has/has not responded. I'm sure you probably do that already, but its hard to remember when your sleep-deprived and worried crazy. Those pesky medical professionals seem to respond better to "just the facts" and I tend to be chatty with them.

I'm really sorry that Ashton is having to fight this. Hope you get it figured out.

Edited to add: My dad is a "pesky medical professional"; I meant it more as a slam to me, not them!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


New member
I agree you should call. Have the history written down - what day the fever started, how you've been dosing it and if it has/has not responded. I'm sure you probably do that already, but its hard to remember when your sleep-deprived and worried crazy. Those pesky medical professionals seem to respond better to "just the facts" and I tend to be chatty with them.

I'm really sorry that Ashton is having to fight this. Hope you get it figured out.

Edited to add: My dad is a "pesky medical professional"; I meant it more as a slam to me, not them!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


New member
The tylenol and motrin bring it down then after a while it spikes back up.. like i said we were in the ER last night and they got it down to normal then this AM its back up there again. i would think that after 3 full doses of bactrim it would be going away!!


New member
The tylenol and motrin bring it down then after a while it spikes back up.. like i said we were in the ER last night and they got it down to normal then this AM its back up there again. i would think that after 3 full doses of bactrim it would be going away!!


New member
The tylenol and motrin bring it down then after a while it spikes back up.. like i said we were in the ER last night and they got it down to normal then this AM its back up there again. i would think that after 3 full doses of bactrim it would be going away!!


Christi- My two year old Aidan just had a similar illness. He was already on Keflex for his sinuses, then caught a nasty "virus" as the Pediatrician called it. His fever was 104 but they said just to use Tylenol and Motrin. On Day 4 of the fevers, I insisted the CF doc see him. Aidan's throat was a horrible mess. They diagnosed him with a microplasmic bacteria- the one that causes walking pneumonia and put him on Zithromax. Within two days, he was better. Maybe Ashton has a simliar thing? Is his throat a mess?



Christi- My two year old Aidan just had a similar illness. He was already on Keflex for his sinuses, then caught a nasty "virus" as the Pediatrician called it. His fever was 104 but they said just to use Tylenol and Motrin. On Day 4 of the fevers, I insisted the CF doc see him. Aidan's throat was a horrible mess. They diagnosed him with a microplasmic bacteria- the one that causes walking pneumonia and put him on Zithromax. Within two days, he was better. Maybe Ashton has a simliar thing? Is his throat a mess?



Christi- My two year old Aidan just had a similar illness. He was already on Keflex for his sinuses, then caught a nasty "virus" as the Pediatrician called it. His fever was 104 but they said just to use Tylenol and Motrin. On Day 4 of the fevers, I insisted the CF doc see him. Aidan's throat was a horrible mess. They diagnosed him with a microplasmic bacteria- the one that causes walking pneumonia and put him on Zithromax. Within two days, he was better. Maybe Ashton has a simliar thing? Is his throat a mess?



New member
When he swalllows and coughs he acts like it hurts him.. but they never looked in there at the ER.. his sister had strep throat last week also but they told me babies cant get strep... but of course now its the weekend and the only thing to do is tylenol and motrin and his antibiotic.. unless it goes up again then i may call pulmonary we jsut went to our local hospital ER last night not Riley where our CF docs are


New member
When he swalllows and coughs he acts like it hurts him.. but they never looked in there at the ER.. his sister had strep throat last week also but they told me babies cant get strep... but of course now its the weekend and the only thing to do is tylenol and motrin and his antibiotic.. unless it goes up again then i may call pulmonary we jsut went to our local hospital ER last night not Riley where our CF docs are