Fighting with Medicaid


New member
ARRRGGGGG! I am so frustrated!!!! Maybe I just need to vent but if anyone has any advice for me, please feel free. I'd love to have some suggestions as to what to do. It's a long story but I'll try to make it as short as possible:

My family and I moved to TX in December. We applied for Medicaid for the children before we got jobs. They were accepted and the Medicaid was good through July 31. My husband and I are both working now so we no longer qualify but we do qualify for CHIP (the program for children who do not qualify for Medicaid but who do not have private insurance). So, to try to jump ahead here, in May I called my caseworker verifying exactly what would occur when Medicaid ran out. I wanted to make sure to do everything ahead of time so there would be no lapse in coverage. My caseworker assured me that everything would be fine. She would automatically send our info over to CHIP and they would pick up the children effective August 1. So, the first week of July I called CHIP to verify all was going according to plan. The first thing the lady asked me was to verify my address. I gave her my address but she said it was incorrect. I tried to explain to her that I have only lived in TX for a short time, I have never had another TX address. This is my address and I didn't know what else to say to her. I offered my social security #, date of birth, etc....and those of my children and husband. The lady said that wasn't good enough and until I could verify the address they have on file she would not speak to me. I had to call back three times and speak to three different people before I could finally convince someone that I know where I live and this is my address. Whatever they have in their computer is wrong and I have no way of just guessing what it might be. Finally that was taken care of and the address was changed.... Now, the problem.... They had sent my enrollment packet to the address they had on file so I never received it. The lady offered to send me a new one but it would take two weeks to receive. (Heaven knows that she can't just get one, put a stamp on it and mail it to me...they have a certain "process" to follow). The rule is that you have to have mailed the enrollment packet back to them with the premium by July 19th in order to have coverage for August 1. Well, due to the address problem, I didn't even get the enrollment packet until July 21. So now they will be effective with CHIP on September 1 but have no insurance for August.

Okay, for normal, healthy people, a month without insurance wouldn't be a huge deal... I have 5 children...2 of whom have CF. And this is the month that school starts, when they have to have all those physicals, shots, etc.... not to mention the CF meds and stuff, so this is a HUGE deal for us.

Now, the even bigger problem. Kacie, my 6 year old with CF, has been having major sinus problems since January. She has been to the ENT several times. We've tried nasal washes, antibiotics, several nasal sprays, etc but she just keeps getting infections. We were at the CF Center a couple of weeks ago and the CF doc says that the next time she has so much as a hint of a sinus infection she is having surgery, no questions asked. Her polyps were huge and the doc says we just can't wait any longer. It was only a few days after the appt that she got an infection. We were back to the ENT and he scheduled surgery for August 5. Well, guess what....we can't do it with no insurance. The docs are not very sympathic with my situation. They say she has to have the surgery and we can't wait any longer. Yet the surgery center won't even let me reschedule it without insurance or a huge downpayment. I certainly can't pay for it. Hell, I can't afford Creon for a month for both of them, let alone a surgery.

I have called Medicaid multiple times. I have spent every waking minute that I wasn't working for the past two weeks trying to get this fixed. I have gotten nowhere. The supervisor will not return my calls. I have spoken to damn near every worker they have at that office but to no avail. The assistant to the supervisor I spoke to on Friday had the nerve to tell me (very rudely) that if this were HER daughter, SHE would make sure that she got the care she needed no matter what she had to do. HER daughter would get her surgery regardless of whether she had insurance or not. She had me sobbing on the phone. I was so upset I could barely breathe. How dare she even pretend to know what kind of situation they have put me in. She has no clue what it's like. I feel like my daughter is suffering and I am completely powerless to help her. Because of a mistake that Medicaid made by sending the wrong addess to CHIP, my children can't get the medical care they need.

I am very upset that my situation is just being ignored by Medicaid. I spoke to my original caseworker late Friday before they closed. She told me privately that the only way to fix this problem right now is if I tell them that my husband has moved out of the house. Then our income will be within the limits and they will pick the kids back up for August. I don't see any other way out of this. It's either that or we wait until September, against drs orders, to have Kacie's surgery. And we will just have to hope and pray that nothing else goes wrong or that noone gets sick. It's just crazy to me that they can do this. People should be held accountable for the mistakes they make, but no one is in this case.

Sorry, I know this was very long.... I had to get it off my chest. No one in my life really understands what it is like to have to worry about your kids like we do. I feel like choking someone. I just don't know what to do other than to call them tomorrow and tell them that my husband moved out. I am sure they will not believe me as they are all familiar with my situation. They all know my name as soon as I call. But what can they do? They can't prove that he didn't move out...right? I'm stuck. I just need to hear what someone else would do in my situation....

Thanks much!


New member
I completely understand where you are coming from. I also live in Texas and my son goes to the CF clinic at Children's in Dallas. When my son was diagnosed my husband had just lost his job and I was only working part-time--so we had no insurance. We enrolled in the CHIP program but even after we had filled out his application it still took about three months to finalize things. Once we finally got coverage for him they paid for all his claims including the previous three uninsured months. The social worker at the clinic was wonderful and gave us lots of tips. Children's is a public hospital and so they had to treat my son regardless. We were able to file as "indigent" and so the hospital let us pay for what we could at the time (which wasn't much). Once we got CHIP, it was wonderful! However, we experienced the same thing when we had to renew his membership. You only had renew CHIP once a year and then it changed to once every six months. We had no idea because they sent his renewal to our old apartment (despite my calling them with our new address). We were shocked when he lost coverage! We had to refile as indigant and then were accepted back into CHIP three months later. It was a big stressful mess, but thankfully he has coverage through my husband current employer.

Where in Texas do you live? What clinic do they go to? Public hospitals have to treat your kids, it may mean driving way out of the way, but if can get you through this "hurdle" things will get better. I don't know what I would do in your situation. I'd more than likely "kick my husband out" (or say that I did) to get better coverage. I seriously doubt anyone would actually try to verify that your husband left, it's pretty hard to prove. You have to do what is best for your kids.

And that lady who tried to make you guilty ought to be dragged out and beaten, probably not a good idea though. If you need anymore help or advice about CHIP or different clinics here in Texas, you can email me;


New member
Get the headquarters for Texas' Department of health and welfare (or health and social services) involved ASAP. You already have a great letter put together from what you posted on this site. That is the only way you are going to get anything resolved.


New member

I cannot believe the situation you are in<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I cleaned out my medicine cabinet and found 5-6 bottles of Creon 10 and 4-5 boxes of Tobramycin(e). Some expired in 2004 but if you would be willing to use them we would ship them to you and pay the shipping. I would ask your Doctor if expired meds are OK to use...but if you want them they are yours.

Let us know<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Hang in there.


New member
Thanks for your responses. I e-mailed the Office of the Ombudsman yesterday morning about this situation. My e-mail was three times longer than my post here. I gave all the names and phone numbers of all the workers I had talked to. I wasn't sure what to expect but at least felt better that I was trying. Well, today I got a call from the supervisor (ironically the same one who would never return my calls before). Aparantly the Office of the Ombudsman forwarded my e-mail to her as she knew everything I had expressed in my letter. She profusely apologized and said she is working on my case. She assured me that I would get a response tomorrow. If CHIP will not pick up the kids for August she will see what she can do about getting Medicaid reinstated for the month. She also told me that the worker who told me that if this were HER daugher SHE would make sure she got taken care of is now on a two week leave of absence. She didn't say that it was directly related to my situation, but she gave me the strong impression that it was a result of that conversation. She apologized for what that lady had said to me. That made me feel better too. I'm sure she only did it because she got her a** chewed but, hey, whatever it takes...

By the way, Sheli, to answer your question, I live in McAllen. We go to clinic in San Antonio. Christus Santa Rosa.

As far as the enzymes go, DietRootBeer, I very much appreciate that offer. Let me see what happens here with Medicaid and I'll let you know.

Thanks again for letting my vent here. It helps just to know there are people out there who understand what I am feeling.


New member
I just want to say keep fighting with medicaid and chip. Also you should be able to get back on chip since you can prove you never got that letter to renew with a simple letter or something from the post office of when addresses changed, that you have this new address. I was able to get on children with special health care needs right before the waiting list. They almost screwed up because they sent everything to an adress I had 10 years before (because i had it when i was younger but lost it). Anyway I was able to talk to the supervisor of CSHCN and she personally got everything straightened out so I squeaked in right there. But it was their fault and the post office fault for not forwarding (but they dont forward after a certain time lapse i believe).

Also I go to Christus Santa Rosa too. Live in a small town out side of san antonio about an hour away. I never had the pedidocs there but my friends have and love them. Also the adult doctors are great too. Oh and if Trish Mendoza is your social worker, I believe she would be, she knows her stuff and will help you out anyway she can. She even takes care of the 6 month renewals when you need them, such as making sure the doctor forms are completed and signed, then she sends on the whole package (as long as you filed out everything first) on to where it needs to be. Shes very good and personal. I know the hospital looks small at first, the hospital rooms are small and kinda outdated. But the staff is wonderful, from what i hear you will be lucky on pedi if your kids need to be hospitalized. My friends and their cf friends all trained the nurses on the pedi floor for cfers so they get spoiled up there. lol am i right candice? We even are getting the adult floor trained in cf (there mostly there lol). Anyway dont let looks decieve they are a great bunch.

I hope you get everything all straightened out.


The pedi floor at Santa Rose [9th] is amazing. The nurses there are very knowledgable about CF and just plain nice people who will go out of their way to see that you're comfortable. [Like Manda said the nurses up there come pre-trained via me and a few other CFers so you're all set :p] The doctors [pedi] are quite simply amazing. I had Dr. Willey-Courand and that group. If you have them you're very lucky. They are very knowledgable, friendly, and know what needs to be done. Their all the kind of people that will sit you down say here's your problem, these are the options of what we can do to resolve it, and this is what I suggest.
When I had to move from pedi to adults I absolutely hated it because these doctors there are just some of the greatest I've come across. Even now that I've been out of pedi for a year + I still talk to them quite frequently. Also like Manda said Trish Mendoza knows her stuff, and she's very very nice. Now I know not everybody has the same hospital experience but I've been there several times [if you count all my hospital visits about 1 1/2 to 2 years I've actually spent in the hospital] so they are pretty nice and it's not a one time thing. Anyway I hope it works out for you.


New member
:<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">utifully::
the adult side is great too. But I just [personal preference] prefer the pedi side since I've know those doctors forever. Plus they know all of my quirks. And embarassing stories. :p


New member
Yeah you better stay loyal to the pedis side or we will be hearing about you and your stories. man that mouth of yours ...whew....just kidding. i know you like the peds cus of that its hard to start loving/liking others so fast when they (peds) have taken care of you for soooo long and been there with you through so much...its like a feeling of being a traitor or something...i dunno sounded better in my head.


New member
I finally got the situation solved. It's amazing how much better I've been treated since I filed a complaint. We now have Medicaid reinstated for August and CHIP will become effective in September. Kacie's surgery is scheduled for August 26. We really wanted to have it in early August so she would be better before school starts but it didn't happen. School starts on August 22 so she'll get to go for the first 4 days than she'll be out for a week. Thanks again for all your kind words and suggestions. It's nice to have people on your side when you feel that the world is against you.

Oh, and as for the clinic at Christus Santa Rosa, yes, I agree they are great. I am very impressed. I really like Dr. Willey-Courand and the rest of the staff. I have talked to Trish a couple of times and she is very nice. I doubt that we'll still be in this area by the time the girls are adults so I won't have to worry about that transition. But then again you never know...

Thanks again!!!


New member
Can I ask who is doing her surgery? And is it at the santa rosa hospital or somewhere else? I am having sinus surgery done on the 23rd (unless it gets changed) and will be in the hospital starting tomorrow for two weeks. If you want to swing by my hospital room I'll be happy to chat with ya..only if your comfortable of course and all the whatnots


New member
She is having her surgery here in McAllen so we won't be in San Antonio; however, I will be there on Thursday the 18th. I have to pick up my step-sons from the airport. I would love to visit with you. Will you have internet access while you are there? If so, I'll follow up with you and let you know for sure that I'll be there and when. I am leaving now for work and don't get off till midnight so I won't be on for the rest of the night. Just let me know if you'll have internet access and I'll be in touch before then...otherwise, I'll just do my best to drop in while I'm in town. Why don't you e-mail me some info to locate you while you're there...either room # or last name. .... Thanks!!!


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">Hi. This is my first time doing anything like this. My boyfriend got custody of his 15 year old daughterthis summer. She had SSI and medicade while living with her mother. Kevin, her father. makes too much moneyfor her to receive either one of these things. He is self employed,with no health insurance.We do not know where to turn,and really need some advice.Could someone please help? Confused in Indiana.


New member
God Bless you and your kids. I 'm just reading your blog and it makes me mad. Yes, I have a son Coleman you has CF. We live in Georgia and yes Medicaid is a pain to get on and stay on. I'm currently working on Coleman's second round with medicaid. The laws here in Georgia are constantly changing. But we did get him on it.

It sounds like things may be working out for you, it not I would SUE "the breaks" off the state of Texas. If they want to drag you an your children through the mud I would go public and sue. Just my opnion. Hopefully you want have to do this


New member
Oh, by the way my name is Rodney, I'm a member of this fourm. I just summited a question about SSI and College savings.

If you need any creon let me know I can send you some, if you still need it.