Ugh, Jane, I really feel your pain here.
We do live close to the hospital, about 15 minutes. And my husband's job is very flexible, so usually we do a lot of shuffling. We have a bunch of different friends and sitters that the boys wind up shuffling between while we are in-patient.
You might want to contact the hospital to see if they have a Ronald McDonald House there. YOu could get a room there, as I don't know if they will let you bring Brooke for overnights into the hospital -- but I'm really not sure.
Does your CF center have a social worker? Ours is fabulous and she has helped a great deal. You may be able to track down some services that can help.
My suggestion would be either to bring a sitter/friend/family member who can help entertain Brooke -- or see if your family near the hospital would be willing to rotate taking a day off of work so that Brooke can be with them. I know its a sacrifice for them to do -- but really what are you supposed to do?? Possibly there is a day care program that might allow some drop in days for Brooke?
Alyssa does pretty well. We've had three hospitalizations in her three years. One was for surgery, the other two were for CF stuff. WE had a rocky beginning, but it stabalized. I hope it stabalizes for you soon. Its VERY stressful, I know!!!