My daughter is two years old and is scheducled for her first Bronchcoscipy (this can't be spelled right) this month. I think it is also called a tune up? I am a little scared about what this is going to be like. I know it is what is best for her, but I am still worried. Any of you who have children who have undertaken these tune ups, what was it like for you and your child? Do you have any advice for me? My daughter so far has had almost perfect health, so I am hoping they will find nothing and she will get to come home that day. Please share your experiences with me and I will let you know how it goes.
Thank you,
Lynsey -mom to Avery 2yrs. w/CF and Rhett 7 mos. no CF
My daughter is two years old and is scheducled for her first Bronchcoscipy (this can't be spelled right) this month. I think it is also called a tune up? I am a little scared about what this is going to be like. I know it is what is best for her, but I am still worried. Any of you who have children who have undertaken these tune ups, what was it like for you and your child? Do you have any advice for me? My daughter so far has had almost perfect health, so I am hoping they will find nothing and she will get to come home that day. Please share your experiences with me and I will let you know how it goes.
Thank you,
Lynsey -mom to Avery 2yrs. w/CF and Rhett 7 mos. no CF