first ct scan


New member
Thank you all for your input. You have given me some peace of mind and some great ideas. Kaylee does tend to panic easily, so we will be practicing the "statue" game.

The scan was pushed out until Friday...I will let you know how it goes.


New member
Thank you all for your input. You have given me some peace of mind and some great ideas. Kaylee does tend to panic easily, so we will be practicing the "statue" game.

The scan was pushed out until Friday...I will let you know how it goes.


New member
Thank you all for your input. You have given me some peace of mind and some great ideas. Kaylee does tend to panic easily, so we will be practicing the "statue" game.

The scan was pushed out until Friday...I will let you know how it goes.


New member
Thank you all for your input. You have given me some peace of mind and some great ideas. Kaylee does tend to panic easily, so we will be practicing the "statue" game.

The scan was pushed out until Friday...I will let you know how it goes.


New member
Thank you all for your input. You have given me some peace of mind and some great ideas. Kaylee does tend to panic easily, so we will be practicing the "statue" game.
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<br />The scan was pushed out until Friday...I will let you know how it goes.


My son has Autism, so sedating was an absolute necessity. I was totally freaked out at the thought of my son being given drugs, a)that I was not in control of giving and had not thouroghly researched, and b) not being in the room in case he woke up or, heaven forbid, something went wrong. It came down to the fact that I had faith in the nurses and techs in our hospital. So if it comes down to it, have faith. That's my advice.


My son has Autism, so sedating was an absolute necessity. I was totally freaked out at the thought of my son being given drugs, a)that I was not in control of giving and had not thouroghly researched, and b) not being in the room in case he woke up or, heaven forbid, something went wrong. It came down to the fact that I had faith in the nurses and techs in our hospital. So if it comes down to it, have faith. That's my advice.


My son has Autism, so sedating was an absolute necessity. I was totally freaked out at the thought of my son being given drugs, a)that I was not in control of giving and had not thouroghly researched, and b) not being in the room in case he woke up or, heaven forbid, something went wrong. It came down to the fact that I had faith in the nurses and techs in our hospital. So if it comes down to it, have faith. That's my advice.


My son has Autism, so sedating was an absolute necessity. I was totally freaked out at the thought of my son being given drugs, a)that I was not in control of giving and had not thouroghly researched, and b) not being in the room in case he woke up or, heaven forbid, something went wrong. It came down to the fact that I had faith in the nurses and techs in our hospital. So if it comes down to it, have faith. That's my advice.


My son has Autism, so sedating was an absolute necessity. I was totally freaked out at the thought of my son being given drugs, a)that I was not in control of giving and had not thouroghly researched, and b) not being in the room in case he woke up or, heaven forbid, something went wrong. It came down to the fact that I had faith in the nurses and techs in our hospital. So if it comes down to it, have faith. That's my advice.


New member Kaylee did great. The tech put her stuffed duck "George" on the table first and then George was on her tummy while she went into the big "donut". The noise started her a little, but we had practiced being a statue so she didn't flinch.

Thank you for all your input...I love this forum!


New member Kaylee did great. The tech put her stuffed duck "George" on the table first and then George was on her tummy while she went into the big "donut". The noise started her a little, but we had practiced being a statue so she didn't flinch.

Thank you for all your input...I love this forum!


New member Kaylee did great. The tech put her stuffed duck "George" on the table first and then George was on her tummy while she went into the big "donut". The noise started her a little, but we had practiced being a statue so she didn't flinch.

Thank you for all your input...I love this forum!


New member Kaylee did great. The tech put her stuffed duck "George" on the table first and then George was on her tummy while she went into the big "donut". The noise started her a little, but we had practiced being a statue so she didn't flinch.

Thank you for all your input...I love this forum!


New member Kaylee did great. The tech put her stuffed duck "George" on the table first and then George was on her tummy while she went into the big "donut". The noise started her a little, but we had practiced being a statue so she didn't flinch.
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<br />Thank you for all your input...I love this forum!