first hemoptysis


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Josh had an episode of hemoptysis tonight. I know I've read a ton of posts on this, but when it happens...OMG!!

Josh had gone to bed, but was having a tickly, irritating cough. All of a sudden, he coughed hard and threw up, and then threw up blood! It didn't stop for several minutes, he kept coughing and spitting. AT one point he couldn't breathe. All together, it seemed like about 2-3 Tablespoons of blood. AFter hearing about the quantities some of you describe, I know its probably not much, but WOW does it look awful! When it was over, he said he felt much better.

The doctor asked a bunch of questions and said its not something to worry about (easy for him to say). He said take Vit K everyday for a while.

Now my question for you guys... what can someone watching this do to help? How do you avoid this happening? I'm sure he was trying to cough away the tickle and made it worse, but could the tickle he felt be the cause of the blood? Its all new to us.

Thanks guys


New member
Hi Jane

I am not certain but it could be a sign of an infection or then again he could have coughed so hard that he broke a blood vessel. I am sure you will get many more responses. Vitamin K is important. This is in theory what I am about to say. If he was on a lot of antibiotics and he washed out his vitamin k supply in his intestines this can be another reason. When taking antibiotics not only can you build up bad flora *yeast* but you deplete the vitamin k and also B12 the intrinsic factor. here is a page to read <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Perhaps this could be a contributing factor. Years ago when I coughed up some blood it stoped when I went onto a healthy vitamin enriched diet. I still eat very healthy today. I took selenium, vitamin E and Vit C all together and ate beef liver. I never saw blood again and when I got really sick with cf I still so no blood as I kept on this diet.

I hope all works out well.


New member
How scary! I had this once and there was about 1 cup full and it freaked me out. I don't know what happened and it has never happened again. knock on wood. Hopefully this was something simple like he burst a blood vessel. You guys really don't need this on your plate. I hope it stays at bay.


New member
I myself have only coughed up blood 3 times. The first time was about 3 years ago and it was maybe a tablespoon. I just coughed and tasted something funny. The 2nd time was the night of my cousins bachlorette party. We went out to a bar where it was sort of smoky. When we came home I slept on her couch and as soon as I layed down I couldnt stop coughing, and coughing untill finnally I felt that taste again, I went to the bathroom and coughed up at least 5 tablespoons if not 7 of blood it just never stopped I was so scared but after talking with my other cousin who was sleeping in the chair who is also a respitory therapist, she also has asthma like me too, she said that the smoke could of caused this. I had been in the hosptial about 2 months earlier, and this possibly could of been a plug that finally moved and all the blood was what was stuck behind the plug. Did what he coughed up first have any mucus in it at all or was it straight blood? My first couple of coughs were muscs and blood then just straight blood. He could have just moved a plug out (which is great) but that plug could of caused irrataion and thats why bllod was stuck behind it. Im 24 and I was scared outta my mind that night of the 2nd time. The tickle he felt could of been the plug working its self out,and alot of times my doc told me that you cant feel the plug move or even tell if you coughed it up sometimes they are really small but just annoy the lungs. I know its scary!!!! It scares me when it happens. But this isnt something out of the normal for CF and thats the thing to remember!!! As your doctor said, he isnt worried so that should relax you a little bit on the health issue of Josh, im sure your still a little rattled about the whole thing but the most important is if your doctor isnt worried and he sounds like he thinks everything is ok!!!


New member

Read this
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
scroll down and read drug interactions.


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Risa</b></i>

Hi Jane

I am not certain but it could be a sign of an infection or then again he could have coughed so hard that he broke a blood vessel. I am sure you will get many more responses. Vitamin K is important. This is in theory what I am about to say. If he was on a lot of antibiotics and he washed out his vitamin k supply in his intestines this can be another reason. When taking antibiotics not only can you build up bad flora *yeast* but you deplete the vitamin k and also B12 the intrinsic factor. here is a page to read <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

I hope all works out well.</end quote></div>

Thanks Risa,

It seems to me (by listening) that Josh coughed so hard he broke a vessel, but the B12 is a good idea. His nutrition has been poor recently due to the antibiotics. I'll look into it.


New member
I found the best B complex out there. It is by enzymatic therapy and you can search online for it. I bought mine at whole foods market.

When taking B vitamins like folic acid and the whole list it is best to take a B complex because you do not want to take one B vitamin separately. Like taking excessive amino acids you can deplete your other aminos. It is a fine balancing act.

Here is the link to the one I take
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

Once I started taking these pills twice daily, I slept like a baby. B complex is important for good nerve function.

I am going to look into their other mineral lines as this company is great.


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Risa</b></i>

I found the best B complex out there.

Once I started taking these pills twice daily, I slept like a baby. B complex is important for good nerve function.

.</end quote></div>

It sounds great Risa (I think I'll try it too).


New member
Risa, that last web link you put up isnt working for me. I wanted to look at it. I started taking a Super B Complex vitamin in 2004 when I started having wrist and hand pain due to using the computer so much (I was in college for a computer degree.) A teacher told me that is what he did and it really help out my pain. I take mine once a day.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Scarlett81</b></i>

talk to Melissa aka Jazzysmom about Hemoptysis-she's the queen of dealing with it.</end quote></div>

Hardly the QUeen, but getting to be an expert LOL!.....Jane I know its hard. After all these years of dealing with it I still get anxiety when I see red come out of my mouth....

The BIGGEST thing YOU can do for him is remain calm. The more nervous you get, the more nervous he gets which makes his heart race which of course just causes a vicious cycle. Always have ice water on hand & if possible some type of ice pack as well as the Vitamin K. He has been thru a lot lately so it could easily be nothing "serious". Do you know if he felt any type of "gurgling" sensation in his chest beforehand? I have found that if I have that sensation before the blood that its usually linked to an infection & doesnt stop quite as easily. If I have overexerted or "irritated" something then I dont have the gurgling sensation, but just out of the blue cough red.......very ! HA! Love to ya!


New member
Jane I'm so sorry this is happening! I pray that your vacation will be good. I starting having hemoptysis at Josh's age, on of my doc's said it was because our blood don't grow as big as they should so we can irritate/bust them more easily by our heavy coughing. I would worry if it continues to happen or it increases.


New member
Hi Danyell

Try this link
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I hope it works but if not whole foods sells this in a large bottle. The name is Enzymatic therapy (brand name) and the title is Daily energy B complex. It is all B vitamins nothing added.

Since I am taking this brand, I no longer have fibro cystic breasts. They feel smooth and no longer do they ache before my period. My hair never falls out which for me is wild because i have so much hair to begin with. I do feel less inflamation and my back feels so much better less stiffness. The first notice was I slept amazing the first night I took these pills. Most B vitamins make you feel hyper this brand relaxes me.


New member
Oh, Jane, I feel so bad for Josh and you.  The first Time I
coughed up blood I was 19.  There I was having a conversation
with my boyfriend, my husband now, and I had to excuse myself
because I felt something coming up in my mouth.  When I
started to spit in a sink bright red blood came up, a few
tablespoons.  And here I am 27 years later and I still never
get used to seeing red.  YUCK!  The last 12 months
I thankfully have only had 3 very small episodes of 1/4 to1/2
tsp.  In the past though I have so very serious episodes where
I just didn't know if it was ever going to stop bleeding.  But
it always does.<br>
For me bleeding happens when I least expect it.  I could just
be getting into bed (most common for me) and sitting pretty upright
too and bam!  Blood just comes.  I remember once I was
getting everyone ready to go to my daughter 5 grade play (8 years
ago) where she was playing the lead, Dolly, in "Hello
Dolly."  Bam!  Blood came up and it was a least a
cup of it.  Well, by that time I considered myself a
professional bleeder and I decided I was not going to miss my
daughter's play so off we went (I didn't tell anyone before we
left , my mom or husband or kids that I had bleed) and I had no
problems the rest of the evening.  The next day I went into
the hospital for IV's and an embolization to try and seal off the
offending bleeder.<br>
I agree with Melissa where the most important thing for Josh and
you to do is to remain calm when this will stop and
being as calm as possible will help that to happen sooner.......of
course, that is easier said than done. And Vitamin K is important.
 For me, though, being pancreatic sufficient, Vit k is not an
And yes, that famous gurgling sensation, the slight warning
beforehand that a more aggressive bleeding is about to take place,
is a sign for me that an infection is brewing even if I do not feel
the symptoms of one coming on.  <br>
But why do we bleed?  It seems a mystery to me at times,as
there are many moments when I feel terrific but bam...blood comes.
But one question I would have for you is what is Josh doing for
airway clearance?  I know he has gone through so much lately
and those antibiotics he is on can make on feel extremely tired but
it is important to do not only the vest but some cardio activity to
help keep the lungs clear.  A treadmill works best for me.<br>
I hope for Josh that this doesn't happen again.   But if
it does just let him know that you know an old cf lady who has been
bleeding on and off 28 years and she is still kicking and
she's kicking pretty darn good.  Yes, it eventually cost
me a lung but you would never know I had only one lung with all
that I am involved in and do.  People are pretty shocked when
they find out.  In fact, just this past Thursday I bought my
son for a medical consult and the doctor halfway through the exam
asked about the family medical history so my son say, "my mom
has cystic fibrosis."  Well, the doctor looked at me and
was totally shocked.  It is nice to shock a doctor for a<br>
I will be keeping Josh and your whole family in my
prayers.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><br>


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jem</b></i>

But one question I would have for you is what is Josh doing for
airway clearance?  I know he has gone through so much lately
and those antibiotics he is on can make on feel extremely tired but
it is important to do not only the vest but some cardio activity to
help keep the lungs clear.  A treadmill works best for me.
;</end quote></div>

Thanks everyone!

To answer your questions:

We all tried to stay calm and sit with him while it happened except for calling the hospital for advice. We got ice water too. Good advice about the ice packs.

Josh has a PT who comes for chest PT 5 times a week. Next week we have someone coming to the beach house 3 times since the kids usually get a lot of exercise there. We are starting a PT workout at our local hospital gym for strength training and stamina building when we get back.

Yes, he described a "bubbly" feeling just after he coughed hard. This happened once before (just a streak) in the hospital after starting HS and he said he felt it then too. I can't imagine he's got an infection brewing since he's on three different and stong antibiotics, but we'll keep our eyes open for any other signs.

He just got up and seems no worse for the wear. (can't say the same for his parents!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) We really DO need a vaction, two hours to go.

Thanks again everyone!


New member
Have a GREAT vacation and lots of wonderful memories <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey there. I hope your son is ok now. There have been a few times
that I have coughed up about at tablespoon or two of pur blood and
it was always when I was conjested/sick. I would be coughing so
much/hard that I broke blood vessels. There was one time in
particular that I had a real nasty infection and coughed up a lot
of blood. Mouthfuls of pure blood. I was afraid to sleep because I
could actually hear the gurguling of blood in my lungs. Turns out I
my vitamin K levels were EXTEREMELY low, if I had any at all. My
doc had told me not to eat fruits and veggies to stop my bowel
obstructions and I did not know about ADEKs. So for a year I was
pretty much getting no Vit K. I noticed every time during that year
that I got a cut I would bleed for a very long time. So apparently
when I coughed and broke a blood vessel, I could not clot very
well. I went on ADEKs and once in a while I might cough up a tiny
bit when I am really sick. I would talk to your son's docs about
vitamin K .  Take care!


Digital opinion leader
Here's an update:

Josh coughed up a small amount of blood the next night but not since. His PT guy and the visiting nurse said he's been very clear, so it seems all is well. We've increased his Vit K to every day and added B complex. He's really felt great the past two weeks. (but he is still having problems with nausea from the imipenem)

Thanks again for the advice!!!!


New member
Jane, how scarery. I read this stuff and it sure helps me to know what to expect for Kaylee down the line. I'm so sorry you all had to go through this. It's so bad to think that I was up and at work, while you were up and worried about Josh. I'm glad we all can at least link here. Hope you're having fun by now on your vacation. You deserve it.