First Hospital Visit...Help


New member
I usually stay 5-6 days and then I go home with my picc line and have a home healthcare nurse come to change the dressing and to show me what to do. I found it very east and much more comfortable at home. I usually try and bring my favorite movies and catch up on magazines and soduka puzzles while I am staying the hospital. I also joke around with the nurses alot and become freindly with them to also make the time fly. I remember my first time and I was 15 and very nervous about what the picc line and what they would do, but I found it to be not bad at all. It is alot easier and better to handle then I thought it would be. Good luck and I hope everything is fine


New member
Wow i'd probably go nuts if i had 2 stay in the hospital that long! I have a port and I get IVs thru it. It's very easy and pain free. and it's nice for people like me becuz I have to get IVs all the time! And I also try 2 get along with the nurses to try and make the time pass. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow i'd probably go nuts if i had 2 stay in the hospital that long! I have a port and I get IVs thru it. It's very easy and pain free. and it's nice for people like me becuz I have to get IVs all the time! And I also try 2 get along with the nurses to try and make the time pass. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow i'd probably go nuts if i had 2 stay in the hospital that long! I have a port and I get IVs thru it. It's very easy and pain free. and it's nice for people like me becuz I have to get IVs all the time! And I also try 2 get along with the nurses to try and make the time pass. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
My daughter (9 months) was in the hospital in October for the same thing. She was put to sleep to have her PICC line put in. They talked about letting us go home and homehealth coming to do it after they got the PICC line put in, but because she's so young they made us stay =( 10 days, but it wasn't that bad. They even had trick or treat so she didnt miss out on anything. Bring a good book and PUZZLES lol. I usually stay busy playing with her, but when shes asleep I do puzzles and eat. lol
My daughter (9 months) was in the hospital in October for the same thing. She was put to sleep to have her PICC line put in. They talked about letting us go home and homehealth coming to do it after they got the PICC line put in, but because she's so young they made us stay =( 10 days, but it wasn't that bad. They even had trick or treat so she didnt miss out on anything. Bring a good book and PUZZLES lol. I usually stay busy playing with her, but when shes asleep I do puzzles and eat. lol
My daughter (9 months) was in the hospital in October for the same thing. She was put to sleep to have her PICC line put in. They talked about letting us go home and homehealth coming to do it after they got the PICC line put in, but because she's so young they made us stay =( 10 days, but it wasn't that bad. They even had trick or treat so she didnt miss out on anything. Bring a good book and PUZZLES lol. I usually stay busy playing with her, but when shes asleep I do puzzles and eat. lol