Hey Jen,
Keep taking your basal temp. It will not go back down until you start your period. However, if you are preg, it stays up (that's why 16 days of high temp is good) and even goes higher for many women. If yours starts going higher than 98.0, that's probably a very good sign! Mine went a little higher just before I expected my period and I had period like cramps, which are normal for me, but not the higher temp. By the way, those cramps didn't go away until I was about 13 weeks.
If you've charted for a while (which I know you didn't), the book says high temps for 3 or more days longer than your usual is an indication of pregnancy. Like Christian says, everyone's bodies are different. The 16 days is an average for wome they figure to have an average leutal phase (from ovulation to menstration) of 12-14 days. I hope this helps explain and not confuse!
And the boobs! With my first pregnancy, this was my main indication. They were soooo sore. Like someone else said, I could not sleep on my stomach because they were so sensitive. I was a 34 A/B before, too and they got big fast the first time. Not so much this time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> (They're bigger, just not like last time). Oh well, maybe when the milk comes in!
I'm sending baby dust and thinking about you lots! Keep us posted.