first symptoms of CFRD?


New member

I have not yet been diagnosed with CFRD; however, I got a little freaked out yesterday morning when I was urinating A LOT. I had never peed that much in my life!! I was going every hour, it was extremely diluted (clear), and my bladder was full each time. It was almost as if I had taken a diuretic! I did not drink any more than usual either. Other than that, I have no other symptoms (no weight loss, no thirst, etc).

I did call my CF clinic, just because I was sort of freaking out about how much urine I was making, and my doctor said he does not think that I have CFRD based on my last random glucose and HgA1C (a month ago). They ordered blood work and a UA on me just in case it's something though.

So anyhow, what were your first signs of CFRD? I guess developing CFRD is always on the back of my mind and I'm always very alert to symptoms of it, because it's almost one of the inevitable things that will likely happen to me at some point.



New member
I am a strong believer that the ONLY accurate way to diagnose CFRD is doing a blood sugar diary, testing 4-5x/day, 2 hours after your 1st bite of a meal.

A1C's can be artificially low if you are having low's as well as your high's (A1C's are an average of your blood sugars).

Ask your doc to give you a kit to test your sugars.

In terms of my 1st symptoms, I was losing lung function slowly, got 2 cavities in a year when I had only had 1 in my 1st 28 years of life, I was pretty sleepy (I figured I had CF and I was working full time).

It's AMAZING how much better I feel with just a little insulin. CFRD was the big boogie man for me and CF - almost as scary as coughing blood. I HATE needs, I love to eat lots of yummy foods, etc. Looking back, even after my failed OGTT's, it was clear I was in need of some insulin.

Get that meter and get a spreadsheet and start testing your sugars. HUGS!


New member
Also, HgA1C can be artificially low in patients with CF as our RBCs don't live as long as the normal population. It's really a useless test for CFRD.


New member
My daughter is having the OGTT test tomorrow. We've been monitoring blood sugar levels at home. We did fasting levels and two hrs post prandial. My guess is they will want you to monitor at home first? I'm new to all this! Saveferris,Havoc and others have been very helpful.


Active member

You will love Dr. Alex. If you look at the recent newsletter (the one with the bealtiful kids) there is a half page article on Screening and diagnosis of CFRD.



Thanks for posting this Leah! I have been having all kinds of problems, and am thinking that i may have CFRD <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I have been losing weight, thirsty, and soooo tired! I had a baby 3 months ago but he is now sleeping through the night so i know its not lack of sleep. I will start testing my sugars to see what is going on.


New member
Thanks for the responses everyone - my labs/UA came back normal. It hasn't happened again, so must have been a weird fluke thing. My kidney stones starting giving me some pain today, so I'm assuming that's what was causing my frequency/urgency. Guess I gotta get back to the urologist...