First Time Inhaler


New member
First Time Inahler...
As you know, Erin is on Albuteral and Tobi for her pseudomonas. She was taking both by nebulizer. They just switched her Albuteral and are having me give it to her through an inhaler. (2 puffs) i am SOOOO Nervous about doing them because unlike the nebulizer they want me to put the mask right onto her face and watch her breath 5-6 times in between. Anybody had any experience giving a tiny baby inhaler treatment??


New member
I dont understand why they put her on an inhaler instead of neb especially at her age. I think the neb is best especially if you dont have the ability to breath in quickly to reep the benefits of the inhaler. For many that are young or are unable to breath deep or fast.....the neb is much better. I had to stop using my Advair inhaler because I couldnt do it good enough & I kept getting thrush in my mouth since it was landing on my tongue & not being inhaled. Do you truly know why they switched her? It doesnt make sense to me, but maybe someone else might have more insight!


New member
caleb is on both.. inhaler and neb for albuterol. he is 4 now but he has been on them since he was a baby. i personally think the neb works alot better but if your out and cant plug in the inhaler works good.. if you ever want to talk just hollar.. we go to the same clinic, maybe we can trade <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Melissa mom to caleb 4 wcf and dylan 6 no cf


New member
haha ya i do.. i live about an hr and 20 mins from portland. if you want to email me my addy is, i also have yahoo messenger but im not sure if you use that or not. i added you once and nothing happened. hope to talk to you soon

btw we usually see dr mellow or anne marie cairns....

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member
we tried it with our baby (then about 5 mos old) and found that he got much stuffier. The nebulizer mist helps moisten the nasal pasages and keeps the mucus moving. The areochamber does not provide the same effect. I was then told that some kids don't respond as well to the areo champer as the neb. Since my baby can't blow his nose, we found that the good old fashion neb was best! Good luck!