First Time Post



Hi! I have a 14 year old daughter who just was recently diagnosed with CF...well CRMS a few months ago and now after a hospitalization 3 weeks ago with a mucus plug and partially collapsed lung they have changed the diagnosis to CF. Her genome is M470V and r75q with a 7t/5t variance. She has a borderline sweat test. We are told this is a mild CF. Her lung functions is 75% and she is pancreatic insufficient. This is the first time I have done a forum. I woke up this morning angry, scared, and feeling very alone. My mom suggested I should join a group, so here I am. I am confused by all this genome stuff and just need some support and someone to talk to that can have empathy instead of sympathy. Someone who can say I know how you feel and really mean it.


Super Moderator
Have you discussed using kalydeco off label with doctor? Are you in us? Find out from doctor if either mutation is a residual function one which I'd think it must be for mild cf statement from doctor and if so push for kalydeco now!


Active member
Welcome to the world of CF. I have CF. I am 73 years of age. In September we celebrated our 51st Wedding Anniversary.

There is a thread going on here now, asking those over 55 to sign on.

Now to your daughter, she needs to be seeing a CF Specialist at an Approved CF Center. Your local Doctor is just not qualified to treat CF.


I am in the US. What is residual function? What is kalydeco?


We have been going to a CF clinic at Dallas Children's hospital since she was 2 because they have always suspected CF. Just really crazy right now with all the changing treatments and drugs and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed!


Active member
Excellent. Feeling overwhelmed is very understandable. Your CF Team will educate you and you will be up to speed at no time.

Trust me, you are not alone. We are all here to support and educate you.

Hi Pootersmom14, I've been on the forum for a couple of years myself. From Canada - diagnosed at age 37 when I was pregnant. I'll be 49 in February. Like Printer says there are lots of us "older" CFers. Welcome to the community.



Thank you all so much. I am having a rough day dealing today. I thought these dark days were past me, but I guess we are all allowed a bad day every once in a while. I still can not find much on these mutations which is very frustrating!!! Thank you for the warm welcome. I am looking to communicate with others so I do not feel so alone.


New member
Hello! Welcome aboard.
I think you'll find this forum a good place to pick up information & advice. I was diagnosed with CF at birth.
When I started participating in this forum, it was the first time in my life I had ever interacted with anyone with CF.
I always just made it my policy to 'go it alone' I guess. I'm real glad I finally decided to chat with others bearing the same problems I do.
It doesn't cure the disease, but it does seem to help. I hope you & your daughter will get as much from this forum as I have.
BTW- there are plenty of young people who participate in this site. You should encourage your daughter to check in too.
She can chat with other young people that have the same problems. It may be good for her.
Best of luck to you both. If I can help, just get in touch with me via this website. 'Pat'.


Super Moderator
So sorry mom for the delay in getting back to you and for the abrupt first note. I was typing on an Ipad and only had a minutes. Anyway, I am so sorry for what you are going through. CF sucks. But your duaghter is such a blessing and the former will never take away the later! Anyway, residual function means that some of the CFTR still functions. A "normal" person has 100% function. YOu and me have about 90% function because we are carriers. Our son has ddf508 so he has 2 copies of a more serious mutation and likely only 1-3% function. Depending on the mutation the CFTR function works or doesn't work right in different ways. With a residual function mutation the problem happens later and there is some function. Well Kalydeco is a drug that just got approved by the FDA for g551 mutation which is a gating mutation. The label will be expanded shortly to other gating mutations. But it is believed (almost certainly) to work for those with residual function. If your doctors said her mutations are "mild forms of cf" she I'd think have a residual function (or possibly gating) mutation and would thus benefit from Kalydeco. It would be off-label meaning that it isn't approved yet for her mutation, but meds are given off label all the time. the problem is this one cost $300,000 per year (yes, not a typo), so you need to have all your ducks in a row before trying to get it covered by insurance. So you'll want to talk to your doctor and find out if her mutation is a gating or residual function. Have him call Vertex (the manufacturer) and ask for any research showing the drug works on her mutations. The doctor can give her a prescription for the meds, but then you might need to fight the insurance company which will mean the doctor will have to justify why he is prescribing. Which is where that research comes in. I know this is a lot but this med works wonders for folks. Those with g551 get cftr function to 50% and recently Vertex announced 2 drugs together get them to 80% function which is close to what you and I have. In other words, we are very close to getting a real good treatment. If it were I, after I got my witts together, I'd follow-up with the doctors on this and push to get it for your daughter. Also, one final point: This is a shock. This is a "loss" of normal. Grieve. And take your own time. When ds was diagnosed at 2 weeks another cf mom told me it was 2 years before she ever thought life would be good again. I never felt like that but hearing it made me feel my horrible agony was "normal." And so is yours. Hugs. (oh, and go to She posts here too but not as often and has posted on the blog lots of info that is amazing to explain everything!!) You might try emailing her with mutations and she might be able to tell you re residual function.


Thank you so much for all your information and your understanding of my feelings.


New member
I understand feeling overwhelmed. I was diagnosed at 35 because my daughters were tested and each carry a separate gene mutation known to cause CF. Then I was tested and have both mutations.

At first I was scared and sad about my diagnosis, but now I feel so much better after the new medicine and treatments vest etc.

Also my daughter now 14 is treated for but not diagnosed with CF. In 2 years of mucus clearance vest, hypertonic saline and antibiotics based on sputum culture her FEV1 went from 50% to holding in the 90s. Her height and weight were in the zero percentile highest ever 3rd for height and often well below the growth chart for weight to height 10th percentile, weight 15 th percentile. She went from so sick so often and on home bound instruction to a happy, thriving freshman in high school. She even wants to try the track team. She may not win a single race, but the fact that she feels she can even try means the world to me.

I hope the new treatment plan makes such a big, positive difference for your daughter too.

Thank you so much for all your information and your understanding of my feelings.


So after our hospitalization last month and a change to our treatment plan (started pulmozyme, vest treatments, increase of xopenex treatments, and more calories with meds to make her hungry) I am proud to say at her visit on Thursday with the CF clinic, her lung function is 91% and she weighs 110lbs. This is the best she has looked in years!!!! Can't help but be excited!!


Talked to the doctor at her visit on Thursday and she said they are not really sure about the residual function, obviously there is some because her sweat chloride is borderline, but she is not a candidate for Kalideco because her issue is not a gating issue but more of a folding issue. Not sure if this makes sense.


Hi Pootersmom14,

I just wanted to say hi and let you know you are not alone. My husband has CF and is 56 years old. He doesn't have a mild case but a classic case. We are in Texas, also, and we drive up to Dallas for his clinic appointments at Baylor. The Hubs is very diligent in his treatments and meds. I know how scary it all is. We've only been together seven years and I'm still learning new things. If you ever want to chat, just send me a PM and I'll be happy to answer anything I can. My husband can pretty much tell you everything about CF. He was diagnosed at age two. His mutation is DDF508, the most common one. So glad your daughter is doing better.:)


Thank you so much!!! I can use all the talking and support I can get.