Floating Stools--need your experiences


Super Moderator
I may have asked this before but I loss track of things as I figure out one and then another arises again. I understand floating stools mean there is high fat content/unaborbed fat and is typically a hallmark for the need for more enzymes. Here is what I'm trying to find out. As backdrop: We are at maximum dosing on enzymes and doctor said no for increasing above current level when expressly asked. DS is only having 1 - 3 stools a day (usually 2) and is gaining weight well.

1) If you have floating stools, do you also have tummy aches along with them? When do you get tummy aches compared to stool?

2) Could you have floating stools merely because you have sooooo much fat in your diet? DS eats mostly high fat foods. . . I offer/serve a mixture but he eats nearly all high fat stuff. I'm just wondering if given how much fat he has, it might just be that the enzymes can't keep up and those the stools float?


Staff member
DS' stools for the most part are normal -- brown, sinkers, not stinkers. Don't usually float.

When ds doesn't get enough enzymes his stools are lighter in color -- usually more orange and tend to break once they hit the water. Also tend to float. If it's really bad, there's sometimes an oily sheen on the water or a ring of residue at the water line. DS doesn't usually have tummy aches unless he over does it on nuts, which we've learned to give him in moderation. He can only have two helpings a day maximum.

DS gets carnation instant breakfast made with whole milk and cream with every meal.


New member
Abby's team always told us that it was ok if they floated... as most peoples do float, but we needed to pay attention to color and texture....they said as long as they were darker and solid that everything was fine.



When you say "most people's float", do you mean most CF people??? The only reason I ask is as you might be aware through my previous blogs I am still in diagnosis limbo with my 12 mth old son. Well I now have my 5 old son booked in as his general Doc is concerned as his poos have been floating for what I have noticed the past 6mths. He turns six in May and has been in the same size clothes for the past two years. He was diagnosed asthmatic at 3 due to excessive coughing. He now goes through stages of coughing (not excersise related) and when he isn't coughing he is constantly clearing his throat. This clearing his throat is now noticed in class as his class friends that sit next to him are complaining. He has only had one bout of pneamonia when he was 2.5 old and was bordering on aneamic at 3 (even though he ate the same amount of red meat as my other three kids.) His stools have always been formed and still are formed. They are always very pale in colour and most of the time they float. He never complains of tummy pains. He has randomly siad lately to me, "It feels like I can't breath properly". and I have asked him why he keeps clearing his throat and he says, "To get rid of the junk in my throat." We had always put the throat clearing down as a habbit and until I looked at his growth chart I didn't really think there was any problems. He was always between 50-75% and now between 25-50% even with a huge appetite. His local Doc tested his stool and said there was a parasite Blastocystic hominus in it although he does not have any symptoms. He has had a course of Flagyl and I have had him on natural drops to kill all parasites. He is due to see the specialist early next month. As I said until i put everything together I wasn't too concerned as he passed his newborn screen but now that we that we are going through everything with my 1 old, it makes me wonder??? What are your thoughts??? When I lick him he does seem a little salty even after having a bath. One strange thing is that he and his brother seem to shrival like prunes within five minutes of getting into the bath where my two daughters don't. I'm a little lost and may be worrying about nothing.



Super Moderator
oh Bec. I am so sorry and hate to say this, but I'd be very concerned re CF. Everything you say is classic CF stuff and the wrinkling is a very tell-tell sign. Where is your son going and when? I'd get him to a CF Center ASAP to see what is going on. Have Sweat Test, gene sequencing, and have them do a throat culture. I am sorry, and hope it isn't but definitely enough red flags to more quick.


New member
Oh I totally agree with Aboveallislove! I meant non CF people...but with everything you just said I would for sure get him checked. I am so sorry that you are in limbo and now are having to worry about both kiddos :( Abby's were very pale in color also.


Thanks for your reply's, my husband is not supportive of my worries. He seems to think because he looks fine, nothing is wrong and that I worry too much. He is due to see the same peadiatrician as my youngest boy on 5th April. I will be pushing for a sweat test and another stool sample test. I am really hoping I am worrying for nothing but will keep you posted.


New member
I hope that you are worrying for nothing also. But I totally understand about your hubby. While mine is supportive of whatever I do with Abby he doesn't take the initiative and often feels like I worry too much when she gets sick....or get too excited about all the new meds but I honestly think it's just the difference between our roles. He thought I was insane for pushing for Kalydeco, but now is glad that I did. I have always done all the worrying about the kids and finance and many other things so maybe he just doesn't see everything the way I do because he doesn't come in contact with it every day like I do. :) You have our support that's for sure!! And please do keep us posted. God Bless!


Thank you so much for your support. This is such a great site with so many lovely people happy to give advise. Yes my hubby definately supports anything that has to be done but I think sometimes he likes to put his head in the sand, where as I think us mum's realise these issues won't just go away. I have stopped talking to him about every little thing. His response is "well as he gets older his lungs will get stronger, or when I was a kid I got sticky mucus and thats why he keeps clearing his throat." These coments just make me wild, so It's better not to say anything and just speak to their docs instead. It is so helpful to have someone listen, and i'm sure there are others in a similar situation. I hope I am just worrying for nothing but there are so many little things going on and the sooner I get results the better. I will definately keep you posted. Thanks again.