Flu after getting the vaccine


New member
In early September I got the flu shot. This year's vaccine covered four different strains. I was doing ok, then this past weekend I came down with a very high fever, almost 105F, that came on quickly. In short, I was hospitalized for two days. In the hospital they told me that I had gotten the flu and that the strain I got was one of the strains that the vaccine was supposed to have provided protection against. They gave me tamiflu and I am recovering now. My question is this: how many of you have gotten the flu after getting a shot that covered the particular strain you came down with?


Staff member
Unfortunately it can still happen. A few years ago the vaccine was woefully deficient in protecting against a strain of influenza A, despite being included in the mix. And of course a colleague decided to sit next to me and spread germs and happiness. So round of Tamiflu for the family. Another time a cousin went to the clinic for her shot and caught h1n1 from a sick patient in the waiting room. All things considered, I'd rather get a shot and get some level of protection rather than foregoing it at all. Not worth the risk. Hope you're feeling better.


I had to stop getting the flu shot four years in a row i was put in the hospital 12 to 20 hours after getting the shot I have not had a flu shot in the last 2 years and have not gotten the flu I know for me it is not a good idea the results are so sick I can not even stand and high fevers I have no allergys to eggs so i am not sure why I react so.I am going to see if others have the same affect as me.I was told never get a another flu shot.iI relize the importance of the flu shot this is just my reaction to it.


New member
NEWSFLASH!!!...Flu Shots are Junk Science

Okay I'm very passionate about this subject. The whole point of a flu shot is to introduce a virus into your system so your body can build a tolerance to it?! The human body is designed to build up its own immunities against viruses whether or not they are injected cause that is what our bodies can do. Now I'm sure someone had a good intention to somehow protect themselves ahead of time by trying to pump up the immune system but the method is highly questionable and suspect.

This video just about sums up the common sense factor for me ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWfCnjnShnM

It's insane how many inoculations we get, something like 22 before even 1st grade. Fortunately for me my mom was hip to understand how rediculous this is, not to mention unnatural, plus the immune system is everything especially to a person with CF, why compromise it?! My mom had our family doctor lie and just sign all the papers for our schools because of the dangers of these cocktails, here is a more obvious case... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ztiAN9k584

The problem with the science is that THEY SAY there is only a little bit of this toxin and that toxin but nothing over portioned enough to really hurt you, but what they don't tell you is that little by little this is a cocktail that has a all encompassing driving force to due damage and in some cases to break the blood/brain barrier and even causing autism in some cases.

Now the makers of these vaccines don't tell the doctors to tell us what is in these shots?! Nor are they held liable for damages?! Nor are there any long range studies or even short range studies to even tell if people getting viruses are actually truly protected from a bug or what not and also they are only injecting 1 strand of the many into you hoping only that one strand will be attacking you out of like lets say a potential 4 which is common. Plus once again is there any protection better than your own immune system.

Another fact is that after so many of these cocktail injections your body begins not to know what truly is foreign from being tricked so to speak with the horrible mercury or aluminum adjuvants.

Also here is an interesting point, schools get funds for how many percents of there children get vaccinated but why should the ones who actually are foolish enough to believe in them care if other students parents make there children get them cause obviously if there children are protected why should they worry because they are so scientifically proven and efficient. The protective theory just doesn't hold water.

My guess is that Vaccines are just another way to wreck havoc on the body just like fluoride & chlorine in our drinking water, Genetically engineered foods, Chem-trails in our skies instead of normal contrails and Big Pharma taking advantage of our poor agriculture techniques with there so called wonder pills. There is a business built around sickness in the west and it is what it is.

Bottom Line is you really really roll the dice when you put your trust entirely in Sciences hands. I am fortunate to have a mother whom just couldn't live with death and after the so called Doctors saying "I had only 2 weeks to live & to give up" after being diagnosed with CF 4 months after birth(40yrs ago), I was under my birth-weight & my mom still pulled me out of ALL medical attention. She went with nature instead of intravenous feeding and being hyped up on antibiotics which tears up the immune system and either way you go kids with CF become skin and bone. Incidently my mom found Adelle Davis "The supplement guru" and modified a version of her pep-up drink or also known as "the sorcerers potion."

My mom was right on with the supplements as our farming is for crap now a days and I've since just this year run into Dr. Wallah's studies in which he further elaborates that the cause of Cystic Fibrosis is a nutrient deficiency that codes for the gene, specifically the trace mineral selenium. Dr. Wallah is right on when he says "Cystic Fibrosis is a Syndrom based on a nutrient deficiency" and not a genetic disease based on the mystery of an unknown science. Boy I wish my mom would have know this cause I would have been able to add Selenium and flax seed oil to the formula and I dare say CURE my so called disease which is proven that when these levels of selenium are lowered cause CF and raised cure it when caught early enough. Check this out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsNi1hUo0hA ... it's what lead me to Dr. Wallach.


Staff member
Wow.... Not a genetic disease.... Back to the original post... As someone who has gotten the flu in the past and has had no adverse reactions to the flu vaccine, I'm all for vaccinating. Wouldn't wish that horrible cough, fever, exhaustion and lung burning on anyone. And if one is unable to get vaccinated due to an allergic reaction or other reactions, hopefully they have access to tamiflu and have friends, family and relatives who are able to be vaccinated to prevent the spread of flu.


New member
WOW CFjeff73 could not be more wrong. This kind of BS really makes my blood boil. I could go on and on explaining how dangerous it is for uninformed individuals to spout this type of completely inaccurate and blatently false rhetoric about vaccines but I'll do my very best to ignore it.

Anyways, to the OP- I used to work for a company that manufactures flu vaccine. (In fact, kgfrompa- this might be a good alternative for you because it's a recombinant vaccine, PM me if you're interested in the company). The reason it's not 100% effective is that the strains of flu vaccine are announced annually in February, and all the companies then have from Feb-Flu Season to figure out how to manufacture the new strains, make it all, package it, and distribute. So between Feb and when flu season hits sometimes the strains have mutated (even slightly) and it's too late to re-do everything, therefore it can be only partially ineffective. Also there are so many different variants per strains- for example, different companies might use slightly different H3 strains which can affect everyone's immunity differently. Lastly, no vaccine gives 100% coverage no matter what, although some come very close. Because the flu rapidly mutates and it's hard to predict the individual strains 9 months in advance the flu shot might not be as effective as some other vaccines, however it is still widely effective for many people.

Keep in mind, however, that currently most flu vaccines are trivalent (meaning 3 strains: one H1, one H3, and one B-- the exact strains dependent upon the year) so if you got the flu from one strain you can also assume that it did actually work for the other 2 strains includeded in the vaccine :)


New member

I never intended for your blood to boil! You say I blatantly spew false rhetoric and that you have to do your best to ignore me?! Look I'm not arguing that vaccines do or do not work, that is impossible cause there is no double blind studies nor could we possibly know what bugs entered the human body!!!! They have a possibility to work considering that the body naturally builds immunities when infected, and part of the cocktail has the live virus in it. I really want you to calm down and relax here... The company you worked for is irrelevant to what knowledge and common sense dictates and I don't mean to say that in a negative way as it just is what it is. Step out of the love for your "Brand Name" if you will and also listen to the rhetoric that they sold you, because you only know what you are told because someone told you so.

Neither one of us are scientists and the question is The Scientific method itself and wheather or not it is effective or are they messing around with mother nature. This is no different then Genetically Engineered Foods and for the life of me I still can't comprehend that the people over the corporations are actually choosing not to label these foods, nor are there any long range studies.

Now lets break down your side of THE STORY, as I've made mine pretty clear in a previous post... Now YOU WERE TOLD rather then using common sense that the flu vaccines or whatever vaccines there are, aren't accurate because of the fast mutating strains of virus they add to the cocktails change far too fast and rapidly but that we can somehow assume that if you got one strain you will be protected from other strains because it is a yearly thing and somehow science knows mother nature so well that it can second guess it to some kind of unproven percentage?? Plus lets also make it note worthy that you go on to defend that everyone's immune system is different, which is true so effectiveness also can be forgiven due to this, but you say no worries cause it still covers "the many"(whatever this means). Very paradoxical and hypocritical line of thinking here and you believe this and it boils your blood if someone tells you otherwise? WHY???? Mostly if not only you are IN FEAR to what will happen if nature takes over which is no argument to be messing around with one's immune system.

Okay now let's go into MY SIDE of the bigger picture. Now I know what you are going through as I've had pneumonia and I know what it's like to only be able to breathe if you are supplied oxygen because you haven't the lung capacity to fight an infection... however this is no excuse to get a vaccine as I am now that much stronger for it plus I don't agree with being injected with a cocktail that includes Mercury, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, chicken embryos, and a risky live virus plus a list more of other crap, all centrifugally spun together... It just doesn't make sense, More than likely your body has to deal with the greater toxins while the virus is slowly introduced... very unnatural plus you ought to just realize what an adjuvant really is as it seeks to trick the immune system very unnaturally by using mercury or aluminum HELLO THAT IS ENOUGH FOR ME RIGHT THERE. Then once again doctors aren't giving out a list of what's in these shots! Oh hello another red flag as even our food & beauty products for personal hygiene has to be labeled, it's going into our body isn't it? Once again and I can't stress this enough, it is Fear that motivates theses vaccines and then the doctors immediately tell you stories of measles and polio to scare you, it just doesn't come from a place of the heart, nor is the science known and I mean TRULY KNOWN.

Anyhow my friend, The debate on weather or not vaccines truly work will always rage on because neither side is a given however I believe my side is... healthy immune system or not I want to preserve it at all costs. To go one step further, Sciences idea of killing infections is through intravenous antibiotics which I agree burns down the built up solidified mucus but on the downside it bends the airways out of shape, never to return, my biggest beef is they don't talk about probiotics or about juicing which has the ability to naturally break up scar tissue in the lungs and if you are active daily you can move it out, like jumping on a rebounder/mini trampoline. Also the adverse effects of antibiotics rip up the immune system killing all the good and bad bacteria and science never talks about what to do after the antibiotics.

Love, Light, and Peace CCyr


New member
Oh boy. I stopped reading after you declared that neither one of us are scientists. I should have mentioned I am a scientist, I went to Brown, and I've worked in research and quality control for companies that make vaccines and life saving injectables for over 12 years. I can unequivocally state that the majority of what you've stated is false. Based on my own "common sense" learned from years of schooling and working in the research industry. Your "knowledge" is not the same without any scientific understanding of the biological principles, it looks to me like you're spewing out stuff you read from other anti vaccine websites (that is false, your views are majorly outdated). At any rate, my point was to help the original poster, so hopefully I did.


New member
Good I'm glad you are a Scientist, I've often wondered if the people producing these vaccines would take yearly injections of it or not, do you?

I'm wondering what biological principles you know that require [FONT=&quot]foreign Adjuvants that are clearly [/FONT][FONT=&quot]neurotoxins such as [/FONT][FONT=&quot]aluminum salt called alum derived from aluminum hydroxide, or aluminum phosphate[/FONT] in which act to hyperactivate the immune system but are known to cause adverse reactions? Can you tell me what The science you say is so unequivocally sound in principle by doing this... weren't these neurotoxins recognized as such 100years ago?!
Also the Vaccines companies are increasing the doses of these to save on antigen! And we still get no literature to make informed decisions.

Just because you went to school and were formally taught by people and their oobie doobie lingo or medical vocabulary doesn't mean these cocktails or magic injections are somehow the silver bullet to preventing sickness or the spread of it. If you have a license to mix ingredients in a petry dish and know how some human organs function it still doesn't explain WHY things are the way they are. If your model of science follows allopathic medicine then your so called western science is total junk science and goes after funding's 9 times out of 10!! If you base your science on naturopathy you are more likely to know WHY the human organs function the way they do instead of ignoring it and treating the bodies mechanics as separate.

Anyhow you seem to think that spewing stuff I read from some anti vaccine websites holds no water but I STILL don't see you contesting the entire nature of these so call wonder vaccines. I used complete common sense and reasoning to attack what your doctors of science tell you as a defense and all you say is I'm just not valid enough cause somehow you feel 12 years allopathic science beats naturopathic understanding.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just saying your school of thought and science cannot act as a holistic product when it's very nature is poisonous and toxic. I am not the only person on the planet that thinks Allopathic Science has there heads up there butts and comes up with a lot of symptom masks w/o going to the root cause or nature of biological of problems. I'm glad you have an opinion and I'm happy that you went to school and speak the allopathic lingo of science but your compass insn't pointed in true north. People need information on why vaccines are the way they are and why poisons are added to the injections and you can start by educating me about why there is a need for toxic adjuvants w/o taking your scientific word for it??????????????????????? You can also educate me in understanding why these companies making them aren't held liable, oh wait that is a loaded question considering THERE IS NO PROOF THAT VACCINES ARE LEGIT!!!!

Peace, Love, Light and Understanding Always


New member
Jeff, you are dangerously delusional and possibly mentally ill. You are typing word salad which is a symptom of severe mental illness. Please seek help now, if not for yourself, then the people you are potentially hurting with your quackery.


New member
Proof that vaccines are legit: before vaccines were developed for them, smallpox and poliomyelitis would kill or maim countless thousands. After vaccines were developed, smallpox has been eradicated and polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% and 2 of the 3 strains of polio are no longer observed in the wild.

Checkmate, quack.


New member
Jeff, you are dangerously delusional and possibly mentally ill. You are typing word salad which is a symptom of severe mental illness. Please seek help now, if not for yourself, then the people you are potentially hurting with your quackery.

Too funny, my words are just some kinda salad mix? What makes what I'm saying severe mental illness as opposed to just plain mental illness... and I'm the extremist here? Everyone has an opinion Occupyjapan and I guess you'll be buying into being vaccinated as well. I wonder what is so delusional about being against junk science? If anything my so called delusional mental illness stands for freedom against the tyranny of being injected and in some cases people loosing there jobs if they don't.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a word salad pop? The world may never know because there are apparently so many lemmings following a bunch of scientific hogwash or I mean brain wash.

Love and Light


New member
Proof that vaccines are legit: before vaccines were developed for them, smallpox and poliomyelitis would kill or maim countless thousands. After vaccines were developed, smallpox has been eradicated and polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% and 2 of the 3 strains of polio are no longer observed in the wild.

Checkmate, quack.

Were you or I around then? How do we know that it just wasn't contained with government strict orders to quarantine the situation with some sort of radical means. Also we don't know what the adverse effects of the injections were? We are also talking about the poor people, were there immune systems compromised by the foods they ate or a water source? I mean really what factors played a roll in the event to the multitudes not getting better? What were the stats on the hospitals saving the infected people, did some make it and by what means? You act as though you have studied the event and even worse you act like vaccines were the solution... it could be just people built tolerances to it naturally and the injections just furthered the progress quicker... but at what expense to the individual.

And most importantly do we just start taking yearly injections or h1n1 or whooping cough stuff just because it is spreading or... do we let the body do what it is meant to do so our immune systems don't get jeopardized and begin to not know what is foreign leading to new super-bugs that just become resilient and other lower organism type bugs that wouldn't have a chance in hell at harming us if our immune systems where the way our creator intended them to be.

Occupyjapan... That Polio/smallpox or even measles SCARE TACTIC just doesn't hold ANY KNOWN TRUTHS or double blind studies or any known research other than taking the media and what the doctors words have to say BASED ON FEAR & JUNK SCIENCE. Please Understand the nature of these vaccines or even the nature of antibiotics as it is the same difference, that is why Doctors are constantly changing the cocktails for CFers because of resilience but also every time we go in for a tuneup it takes a chunk out of us as well. Vaccines are aroused by foreign toxins and take there toll on our bodies ability to respond naturally to build it's own antibodies. This is the simple TRUTH and I'm posting it to let those whom would like to see the opposition to so called authority or Allopathic medicine whom clam to have badges and guns to play God.

I'm not out to hurt anyone but I think Big Pharma with there "pill for every ill" methods are, as it's just giving us more symptoms and not addressing the causes.

Love, Light and Peace

PS. Unfortunately for you your pregnant pawn that you thought you'd checkmate me with is about to get sacked by my queen in which I will then have the passing paw completely out of your Kings reach to then mate you with. Don't get any ideas cause there is only 2 kings, 2pawns and a queen on the board!?!


New member
You seem pretty sure of yourself, Jeff. Funny, then, that you post a disclaimer on this batshit crazy Youtube video of yours (feel free to take it down, now that I've exposed you; I've already saved a backup copy and will repost it on my own account and cite Fair Use to further expose your quackery if you do so) that says your advice is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice.


One of the first google results for Joel Wallach is from quackwatch.com, which is a site that focuses on exposing medical quackery. Wallach likes to recommend that people nebulize things ranging from colloidal silver to hydrogen peroxide. But wait, you say, he's a REAL DOCTOR! Yes. A veterinarian with absolutely no training in most of what he rambles on about. Sorry, Charlie. I go to vets for my dogs and PEOPLE doctors for my CF. I wonder what Wallach's response would be if he suggested a CF patient nebulize collodial silver and they just so happened to do so from that batch that was found to be contaminated with Burkholderia Cepacia a while back.

I also see you're a "Sovereign Citizen". That, alone, is the final nail in the coffin of how sane you are (or, more fittingly, AREN'T).

This is going to be my last response to you. All further responses will be in the form of the word "quack" repeated over and over and youtube videos of ducks. You have been warned.


New member
You seem pretty sure of yourself, Jeff. Funny, then, that you post a disclaimer on this batshit crazy Youtube video of yours (feel free to take it down, now that I've exposed you; I've already saved a backup copy and will repost it on my own account and cite Fair Use to further expose your quackery if you do so) that says your advice is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice.


One of the first google results for Joel Wallach is from quackwatch.com, which is a site that focuses on exposing medical quackery. Wallach likes to recommend that people nebulize things ranging from colloidal silver to hydrogen peroxide. But wait, you say, he's a REAL DOCTOR! Yes. A veterinarian with absolutely no training in most of what he rambles on about. Sorry, Charlie. I go to vets for my dogs and PEOPLE doctors for my CF. I wonder what Wallach's response would be if he suggested a CF patient nebulize collodial silver and they just so happened to do so from that batch that was found to be contaminated with Burkholderia Cepacia a while back.

I also see you're a "Sovereign Citizen". That, alone, is the final nail in the coffin of how sane you are (or, more fittingly, AREN'T).

This is going to be my last response to you. All further responses will be in the form of the word "quack" repeated over and over and youtube videos of ducks. You have been warned.

Good I'm glad you found my Youtube, I'm not hiding anything! I've got a YouTube down-loader my self no big deal there, I'm not taking anything down. Of course I don't advocate medical advice, I'm not an allopathic medical doctor nor would I want to be. I don't advise anyone to do anything, I merely offer suggestions. If you want to know about disease or medical advice go see an allopathic doctor as they have a monopoly on the word disease cause that is what advice is built around... Pill for every ill & cut & remove medicine and there is a place for that as well, not saying it's wrong.

Dr. Wallach was the first veterinarian doctor to discover Cystic Fibrosis in a non human or to be specific an infant monkey named Rhesus. They had all the research on this monkey because it was meant for space so the history on this primate went back and fortunately was documented and studied by him. Dr. Wallach stumbled on THE FACT that when the trace mineral selenium was lowered it coded and activated the genome that codes for cystic fibrosis and when raised it turned off the gene. Dr. Wallach's findings were confirmed by the experts from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Emory University and the University of Chicago!! Exerts from NIH and the CF Foundation were overjoyed... until they learned that Wallach could reproduce the CF changes with congenital selenium deficiency in almost any animal species... and with this revelation Dr. Wallach was fired. RESEARCH WOULD DRY UP IF YOU FOUND THE CURE! Anyhow shoot me an email address and I can send you a PDF of what he says strait from his books.

I am not a Sovereign Citizen. I follow Guru Frank O'Collins on how Roman Ecclesiastical Law truly derived from and why it is deceitful and is a form of slavery. I go with Frank because he knows the current system has to be consumed rather than the madness of seeing some sort of justice in playing petty games within the current model. I also follow Winston Shrout, not for application purposes but I enjoy knowing how things work and more importantly why and specifically the reasons why. I think the Sovereign movement is a joke but I like Dean Clifford as at least he raises some bad ass questions about the law and there tactics in the court room. Incidentally that was Frank O'collins on my YouTube talking about where Sovereignty came from, it's true origin cause those movement type people are quacks due to misinformation.

You really have to talk to people whom have been through the mud of society to TRULY learn anything instead of denouncing there experience and chalking it up to quackery. Sometimes good people have to be taught what is stupid... and stupid people have to be taught what is good. -let's raise ourselves out of ordinary finger pointing.

PS. I hope your ducks don't get too hungry cause they will be nipping at your fingers looking for morsels of truth.


In early September I got the flu shot. This year's vaccine covered four different strains. I was doing ok, then this past weekend I came down with a very high fever, almost 105F, that came on quickly. In short, I was hospitalized for two days. In the hospital they told me that I had gotten the flu and that the strain I got was one of the strains that the vaccine was supposed to have provided protection against. They gave me tamiflu and I am recovering now. My question is this: how many of you have gotten the flu after getting a shot that covered the particular strain you came down with?
every year i get sick from the flu shot. my MD tells me it is "mandatory" to get but i don't think i want it anymore. the shot makes me sick 8-10days and makes me lose work time. 50/50 chance of getting actual flu. thinking i'll take that route.


Thank you CCyr and occupyjapan for your comments - I agree with both of you.
Love, Steve


Active member
Uh ok...
anyway, for anyone else interested, last year I too received the vax and got confirmed flu twice, with pneumonia complications twice. I've since seen a specialized immunologist at Mt. Sinai NYC to determine how well I make antibodies to vaccines and turns out, I do not make them well at all! So for anyone interested it may be worth checking into that in some cases.
Sorry you went through this 4hats....(NEB) Cough spit rest repeat...;)


I've gotten the flu vaccine every year and I got the flu one time, last year. It knocked me out for about a week, but I would still say it was quite mild - I only ran low-grade fevers and didn't really have body aches, I just literally couldn't get out of bed and slept for like 16 hours a day. I know some people get the flu shot twice - September is a little early to get it, my doctor told me to wait until October so that might have made a difference, it may have just not been as effective because it's been 3 months?
Last year the flu vaccine was not effective though, so I probably had the strain that wasn't covered very well. They are moving towards a 4-strain vaccine for everyone though - this year there were some 3-strain and some 4-strain. Are you sure you had the 4-strain vaccine? My doctor told me that it wasn't available until mid-October but that may have only been in our area, or something.
Also it's relatively normal to have some mild symptoms for a few days after the vaccine - it does elicit an immune response to "teach" your body what the flu strains are that year so that if you encounter actual flu the immune response will be much faster. Better that than a full-blown flu.
As for you, cfjeff, I sincerely hope that you haven't ditched all of your actual medications for fake science.