Fog machines in October


New member
Hello Friends !
I have a question about the safety of fog machines. Are they a threat to our CFers? Every Fall season it seems they are in haunted houses, outdoor festivals, concerts, skating rinks, etc.
I am anxious about what my daughter is breathing in when we are trying to enjoy this season. I have avoided them, but I wonder if I am being overprotective. She has recently cultured mycobacterium for the first time. Maybe that is fueling my paranoia.

Thanks so much,
ToriMom (mom to CF female 15 years old and non-CF Autistic 19 year old)


New member
Hi there!
Thanks for the support! So far I was told that the new triple drug would be in clinical testing for patients over 18 first. That means that for now we have to wait a bit longer. In the meantime my daughter got a port, and she is healing well from that. We are still hopeful that something will be developed to help her!
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