For help with legal issues etc.


New member
I don't know why I didn't think of this before. There is a radio show I like to listen to here in denver. Website <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> He has a huge network and likes helping people with legal issues and questions all over the country (and sometimes outside of the country). His site has a lot of info, and he also has a toll-free hotline that works whether the show is on or not (if you call during the show, then you might get on, otherwise, you just go to someone else. 1 (866) 966-HELP (or 1 (866) 966-4357).

Anyway, I know questions pop up on this board a lot for things like health insurance or problems with social serices and things like that. Just thought I'd put this out there.

By the way, does anyone know if Skyleen is still on this site? She is the mother who has a son (josh) in prison and wasn't getting health care. The show is able to help with stuff like that as well. If she's not still here, if anyone knows her email, please pass it along.


New member
Jarod, I do remember her and I know you took a break for a while, but I haven't seen her on here since the last time she posted, which was months ago. I'll keep my eyes out though.


New member
this is skyleen my son is in prison in illinois. I have just now got back on the site. Hard times no money for internet. Seen where you were looking for me.Have some very good news about Josh.


New member
this is skyleen my son is in prison in illinois. I have just now got back on the site. Hard times no money for internet. Seen where you were looking for me.Have some very good news about Josh.


New member
this is skyleen my son is in prison in illinois. I have just now got back on the site. Hard times no money for internet. Seen where you were looking for me.Have some very good news about Josh.


New member
this is skyleen my son is in prison in illinois. I have just now got back on the site. Hard times no money for internet. Seen where you were looking for me.Have some very good news about Josh.


New member
this is skyleen my son is in prison in illinois. I have just now got back on the site. Hard times no money for internet. Seen where you were looking for me.Have some very good news about Josh.


New member
Eileen, how is he doing? There are a lot of us "old timers" on here who talk about you two from time to time and wonder how you are.... I'd love to hear an update!


New member
Eileen, how is he doing? There are a lot of us "old timers" on here who talk about you two from time to time and wonder how you are.... I'd love to hear an update!


New member
Eileen, how is he doing? There are a lot of us "old timers" on here who talk about you two from time to time and wonder how you are.... I'd love to hear an update!


New member
Eileen, how is he doing? There are a lot of us "old timers" on here who talk about you two from time to time and wonder how you are.... I'd love to hear an update!


New member
Eileen, how is he doing? There are a lot of us "old timers" on here who talk about you two from time to time and wonder how you are.... I'd love to hear an update!


New member
"Wow" alot is happening right now with Josh. We could never get any help from anyone till now.Josh is still in IDOC.Still to this day, he hasn't recieved any chest therapy what so ever.Josh says his lungs are so tight he can't even cough.Not being able to be in air conditioning is almost to much stress on his lungs and heart.He has gained weight which Im so happy about,I tease him its old age creaping up on him!Not only has he not had any ct, they are stopping his pulmozine after 5 or 10 minutes they say youve had enough they have gone as far as accuse him of spitting in the neb. cup to have more time.They have been impossible for almost 6 years!I was surfing the web trying to find the lady lawyer that has cf herself so Josh could write to her and beg for help.I never did find her.I did find this lawyer Richard J Gray a partner of "Jenner and Block" out of the Chicago office.I read very good stuff about him and he also did pro bono cases.I copied down his name and address and gave it to Josh and he wrote to him and God must of been watching over him cause Mr. Gray accepted Joshs case!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">!Josh now has a law suit with an excellent lawyer.Josh is being taken to St.Louis to see a doctor Daniel B.Rosenbluth.To see how much damage has been done to him.The prison even put inmates in Joshs cell that were smokers and the last man Josh said chain smoked,he had to go to seg to get out of the smokey cell.They just kept messing with him.Josh has never had long hair ever,and he decided to grow his hair until he got out and then donate it to the locks of love.Well he decided to go ahead and cut it for court and the prison denied him of donating his hair! I was about to contact the locks of love and tell them what Josh was told when they changed their mind about it and they are now going to let him.They are all trying to be nice now!If you have a minute look up this lawyer and doctor and let me know what you think about them.I will be on here and updating you all with the case,and his health.Its so nice that poeple remember us and have thought about us! Thank you all and god bless Eileen Jones<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Wow" alot is happening right now with Josh. We could never get any help from anyone till now.Josh is still in IDOC.Still to this day, he hasn't recieved any chest therapy what so ever.Josh says his lungs are so tight he can't even cough.Not being able to be in air conditioning is almost to much stress on his lungs and heart.He has gained weight which Im so happy about,I tease him its old age creaping up on him!Not only has he not had any ct, they are stopping his pulmozine after 5 or 10 minutes they say youve had enough they have gone as far as accuse him of spitting in the neb. cup to have more time.They have been impossible for almost 6 years!I was surfing the web trying to find the lady lawyer that has cf herself so Josh could write to her and beg for help.I never did find her.I did find this lawyer Richard J Gray a partner of "Jenner and Block" out of the Chicago office.I read very good stuff about him and he also did pro bono cases.I copied down his name and address and gave it to Josh and he wrote to him and God must of been watching over him cause Mr. Gray accepted Joshs case!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">!Josh now has a law suit with an excellent lawyer.Josh is being taken to St.Louis to see a doctor Daniel B.Rosenbluth.To see how much damage has been done to him.The prison even put inmates in Joshs cell that were smokers and the last man Josh said chain smoked,he had to go to seg to get out of the smokey cell.They just kept messing with him.Josh has never had long hair ever,and he decided to grow his hair until he got out and then donate it to the locks of love.Well he decided to go ahead and cut it for court and the prison denied him of donating his hair! I was about to contact the locks of love and tell them what Josh was told when they changed their mind about it and they are now going to let him.They are all trying to be nice now!If you have a minute look up this lawyer and doctor and let me know what you think about them.I will be on here and updating you all with the case,and his health.Its so nice that poeple remember us and have thought about us! Thank you all and god bless Eileen Jones<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Wow" alot is happening right now with Josh. We could never get any help from anyone till now.Josh is still in IDOC.Still to this day, he hasn't recieved any chest therapy what so ever.Josh says his lungs are so tight he can't even cough.Not being able to be in air conditioning is almost to much stress on his lungs and heart.He has gained weight which Im so happy about,I tease him its old age creaping up on him!Not only has he not had any ct, they are stopping his pulmozine after 5 or 10 minutes they say youve had enough they have gone as far as accuse him of spitting in the neb. cup to have more time.They have been impossible for almost 6 years!I was surfing the web trying to find the lady lawyer that has cf herself so Josh could write to her and beg for help.I never did find her.I did find this lawyer Richard J Gray a partner of "Jenner and Block" out of the Chicago office.I read very good stuff about him and he also did pro bono cases.I copied down his name and address and gave it to Josh and he wrote to him and God must of been watching over him cause Mr. Gray accepted Joshs case!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">!Josh now has a law suit with an excellent lawyer.Josh is being taken to St.Louis to see a doctor Daniel B.Rosenbluth.To see how much damage has been done to him.The prison even put inmates in Joshs cell that were smokers and the last man Josh said chain smoked,he had to go to seg to get out of the smokey cell.They just kept messing with him.Josh has never had long hair ever,and he decided to grow his hair until he got out and then donate it to the locks of love.Well he decided to go ahead and cut it for court and the prison denied him of donating his hair! I was about to contact the locks of love and tell them what Josh was told when they changed their mind about it and they are now going to let him.They are all trying to be nice now!If you have a minute look up this lawyer and doctor and let me know what you think about them.I will be on here and updating you all with the case,and his health.Its so nice that poeple remember us and have thought about us! Thank you all and god bless Eileen Jones<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Wow" alot is happening right now with Josh. We could never get any help from anyone till now.Josh is still in IDOC.Still to this day, he hasn't recieved any chest therapy what so ever.Josh says his lungs are so tight he can't even cough.Not being able to be in air conditioning is almost to much stress on his lungs and heart.He has gained weight which Im so happy about,I tease him its old age creaping up on him!Not only has he not had any ct, they are stopping his pulmozine after 5 or 10 minutes they say youve had enough they have gone as far as accuse him of spitting in the neb. cup to have more time.They have been impossible for almost 6 years!I was surfing the web trying to find the lady lawyer that has cf herself so Josh could write to her and beg for help.I never did find her.I did find this lawyer Richard J Gray a partner of "Jenner and Block" out of the Chicago office.I read very good stuff about him and he also did pro bono cases.I copied down his name and address and gave it to Josh and he wrote to him and God must of been watching over him cause Mr. Gray accepted Joshs case!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">!Josh now has a law suit with an excellent lawyer.Josh is being taken to St.Louis to see a doctor Daniel B.Rosenbluth.To see how much damage has been done to him.The prison even put inmates in Joshs cell that were smokers and the last man Josh said chain smoked,he had to go to seg to get out of the smokey cell.They just kept messing with him.Josh has never had long hair ever,and he decided to grow his hair until he got out and then donate it to the locks of love.Well he decided to go ahead and cut it for court and the prison denied him of donating his hair! I was about to contact the locks of love and tell them what Josh was told when they changed their mind about it and they are now going to let him.They are all trying to be nice now!If you have a minute look up this lawyer and doctor and let me know what you think about them.I will be on here and updating you all with the case,and his health.Its so nice that poeple remember us and have thought about us! Thank you all and god bless Eileen Jones<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
"Wow" alot is happening right now with Josh. We could never get any help from anyone till now.Josh is still in IDOC.Still to this day, he hasn't recieved any chest therapy what so ever.Josh says his lungs are so tight he can't even cough.Not being able to be in air conditioning is almost to much stress on his lungs and heart.He has gained weight which Im so happy about,I tease him its old age creaping up on him!Not only has he not had any ct, they are stopping his pulmozine after 5 or 10 minutes they say youve had enough they have gone as far as accuse him of spitting in the neb. cup to have more time.They have been impossible for almost 6 years!I was surfing the web trying to find the lady lawyer that has cf herself so Josh could write to her and beg for help.I never did find her.I did find this lawyer Richard J Gray a partner of "Jenner and Block" out of the Chicago office.I read very good stuff about him and he also did pro bono cases.I copied down his name and address and gave it to Josh and he wrote to him and God must of been watching over him cause Mr. Gray accepted Joshs case!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">!Josh now has a law suit with an excellent lawyer.Josh is being taken to St.Louis to see a doctor Daniel B.Rosenbluth.To see how much damage has been done to him.The prison even put inmates in Joshs cell that were smokers and the last man Josh said chain smoked,he had to go to seg to get out of the smokey cell.They just kept messing with him.Josh has never had long hair ever,and he decided to grow his hair until he got out and then donate it to the locks of love.Well he decided to go ahead and cut it for court and the prison denied him of donating his hair! I was about to contact the locks of love and tell them what Josh was told when they changed their mind about it and they are now going to let him.They are all trying to be nice now!If you have a minute look up this lawyer and doctor and let me know what you think about them.I will be on here and updating you all with the case,and his health.Its so nice that poeple remember us and have thought about us! Thank you all and god bless Eileen Jones<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Eileen, Good to hear that the lawyer is taking his case. I hope they get in trouble for the way that they've treated him. Please keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you!


New member
Eileen, Good to hear that the lawyer is taking his case. I hope they get in trouble for the way that they've treated him. Please keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you!


New member
Eileen, Good to hear that the lawyer is taking his case. I hope they get in trouble for the way that they've treated him. Please keep us updated, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you!