Well, I'm not a parent, but I have CF. I was diagnosed at about the age of 3. I know when I was a baby, my mom said I would cry because I was hungry all the time. I ended up having a prolapsed rectum and my mom called the dr. I don't know all the in's and out's, but for some reason, the dr. suspected cf. All of us (me, my sister, and my brother) were all tested. I and my sister tested positive for CF. My brother was in the clear. I don't really know if I had any other symptoms (other than the prolapsed rectum and no weight gain). I don't think my sister had any symptoms (I think she was 7). Unfortunately, my mom passed away in 1997, so I can't ask her. I do remember the prolapsed rectum incident, but all the other stuff (getting tested, etc) I don't remember very well. Hope this helps a little bit.