? for the women


New member
If you and your husband have had a baby or plan to, have they been tested to see if they have the CF genes? I was just wanting to know? My X-Husband was a carrier and we had a healthy baby girl 2 1/2 yrs ago. And now my new husband was tested and we found out that he's not a carrier. We were so happy to find that out. My X husband was tested after we got pregnant.

Sarah 23 w/cf
and daughter Gabrielle 2 1/2yrs old


New member
I had my fiance tested, he's not a carrier!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm so happy. I am not sure that I could have knowingly taken the 50% chance.


New member
My husband got tested to see if he was a CF carrier. Thank goodness he is not a carrier. We were not even going to dream of having children until we knew. We have been married for about 4 years. We just got him tested this past year. Now, we are going to try for children in a few months.


New member
My husband was NOT tested. When they drew blood fro our daughter at the 48-hour check up for standard tests we asked them to draw enough to be sent for the gene screen. She is negative. Thank you Jesus!One reason we chose not to do the screen (for ourselves) was that  we knew it would only show him negative for the 70 most common mutations. That left him untested for over 900 other mutations. Besides that, we knew that there was nothing to be done before her birth and that we would have her no matter whether she had CF or not, so we just chose to test her after birth.


New member
My husband was tested after I came back positive. We chose to test during both pregnancies whether the babies would have CF so that we would be better prepared. We would continue each pregnancy regardless of the test results, but we both wanted to know what to expect in advance. If it was negative, we felt we could relax the remainder of the pregnancy, and if it came back positive, we would be able to prepare ourselves with knowledge and get ready for it emotionally and financially. Our daughter is a carrier, and the baby we're expecting now has CF.

It's a very personal decision though, and I can certainly see both sides.


I just split with my partner of 2 1/2 years, but he was tested - But it's not a foolproof test, and i don't want to get pregnant and sick for the sick of breeding more kids when there are plenty of them in the world who need looking after - eg;:fostering
Anyone with Cf foster parents?