**??? for those with severe sinus problems


New member
The last few days I have had a terrible pain where my jaw bone connects. During this time I got a great big glob of dark, hard green junk out of my throat which I am assuming is a sinus infection. I have never had any real sinus problems in the past so this is a new thing to me. Is it possible that the sinuses are infected & causing the pain in my jaw? Makes sense, but it could also be from me biting down on my back teeth to relieve the tension. I have a call into the doctor, but not as an emergency so I thought I would check with you guys/gals!


New member
Although I am not a CFer (mom to a cfer), I have had sinus problems. It is quite possible the pain you are feeling is from infected sinuses. Once, I was having a crown put on a back upper molar, and I was having pain while the temp. crown was on. I thought it was from the crown atleast. Finally after having the perm. crown put on the pain did not go away. Eventually found out that it was a sinus infection. They can mask themselves as a toothache sometimes.


New member
Hi Jazzy...hmmm, sounds like it could be a sinus problem. I also have TMJ, so it gets interesting trying to figure out if it is sinus or my jaw causing the pain. Usually though, I have pain under my eyes and above them and if I press on those areas, they hurt. I did talk to my ENT not too long ago about the pain, I do saline washes and pain relievers. I am glad that you have a call out to your doc though, I hope this all clears up for you! Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My ENT doc told me that the next time I get sick with CF, that she wanted to perform surgery on my sinuses, because they were in horrible shape. I've been on my oregano oil for a while now and my previous symptoms are gone. My sister had a bad sinus infection that 3 different antibiotics wouldnt touch, after like 4 days of the oregano oil, she was fine. I still take my anti alergy tablet at night and my two sprays a day of rhinocort just to make sure though.


New member
*gasp* alien eggs! youve got alien eggs! lol sorry that is what i call the dark green hard things. that definately indicates sinus problems and without treatment you can expect more of those nasal passage ripping throat gagging whoppers.


New member
haha kybert, I have taken to calling them that too now, since you said you called them that months ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

They are definitely from the sinuses. Not sure if that could be causing the jaw pain, but those chunks make my throat intensely sore and make it hard to swallow.


New member
So I will advise the doctor that I have alien eggs coming out of me. Hope she doesnt send the swat team or something. Thanks!


New member
swat team is necessary. eggs might hatch *nods head* <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

but on a serious note, do you have a saline wash/spray [wash is much better] to flush your nose out? if you can feel those things in your nose you need to get them out with a whole lot of saline asap otherwise they might get stuck and start rotting in a way. and i can tell you now that aint a good thing. you will be saying to everyone 'did someone step in poo?' and everyone will think you are mad.


New member
The gook that I had come out was from my throat like post nasal drip. I never get any hard, green stuff from blowing my nose. I am assuming its to clogged up to be easily blown out. I dont have nasal wash of any kid, but if I was to start it would that loosen it enough to blow out or would it still come out in a post nasal drip via my taste buds (yuck!)?


New member
it might come out of the nose or it wouod just help it come to the throat easier. either way, its getting rid of it faster. mine someones go to the back of the throat if i put off blowing them out.


New member
The thing with sinus problems is that the infection can drain down to your lungs, and infecting them... then making you sicker, which obviously is not a good thing. I had sinus surgery back in 1993 (4 years before my transplant) and I have not had one sinus infaction since... That's 12 years ago <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

Sure my sinuses are still there, and the weather changes effect it, but nowhere near what use to happen.

I would recommend the surgery, plus it's a requirement for a CF patient to have done before transplant. The idea is to stop sinus infections so it doesn't drain down into your new lungs.


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Superman fan

My 4 year old is having the sinus/nose polyps surgery on 12/19/05, they just scheduled it this morning. Your post made me feel better about getting it done, I have felt sick the last hour with being nervous about the whole thing. He has had two 3 week clean-outs this year and maybe this will help keep him out of the hospital for awhile......... I just hate putting him thru another surgery.


Step-mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady, 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor, 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q 21.2 q 22.1 deletion


New member
I just had my screening for tx, in fact it was my second screening, had the first 9 years ago and had to have another cause i'm going active again after being inactive for a few years and my screening was to long ago. But noone ever talked to my about the surgery, that is was required for cfers. Yes i had to go to an ENT but there was noting serious happening so everything was ok for tx. Does every cfer in the US have this surgery done before tx?

Sorry Melissa, this is offtopic but i was just wondering.