For Win Ace & Co.


New member
Here, go crazy. I'll even get you started.

<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i>
I submit that NO ONE would buy this "mysterious reasons" argument if it was used to defend anyone except God from self-evidently irrational behavior. That's what this claimed intervention in people's medical care, the way God allegedly does it, comes down to -- divine irrationality. It obeys no discernible pattern, works towards no identifiable goals, benefits no consistent group, and omits helping those who, arguably, deserve it the most.

WITHOUT the <i>a priori</i> assumption that God is good and infallible, what does the seemingly arbitrary nature of how illness affects people suggest? I would argue it's <i>undeniably</i> "No god exists," "A god exists who doesn't care about humanity," or "God is crazy." For every person you can point to who fervently believes God helped, 10 others believed equally well that God <i>would</i> help--and died in agony anyway. For every person allegedly made stronger by crippling illness, not only is there another who received such insight <i>without</i> having to suffer, but there are 5 whose illness had no major positive effect on their lives, and served only to detract from it. CF and other illnesses have <i>no</i> redeeming qualities that would make even a <i>human</i> consider intentionally creating them, much less an omnipotence that could implement those hypothetical "greater goods" in a wide variety of other, comparatively painless ways.

That grown adults can seriously entertain the thought an omnipotent God would need to resort to striking down someone's siblings with horrifying illness, in order to teach them a lesson about life or some such bizarre nonsense, is downright intellectually insulting. That's the problem, in a nutshell. People are <i>taught</i> that "God has a plan," merely because their ancestors believed it, and then prefer accepting ad hoc non-explanations like the above to salvage that belief and shield it from questioning, rather than acknowledging that the ancients could have been mistaken.

God doesn't choose one person over another for a transplant. Assuming a benevolent God, such beliefs--the equivalent of him being racist, sexist, or otherwise capriciously arbitrary--are nonsense of the highest order. And assuming an evil, capricious one, why call such an entity "God" in the first place?


I don't believe anything you say, and I refer you to the book of Job.


New member
Hello Boys<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Mokingbird...You are one of my favorites on this site, I mean that. But did you take a peek at Win Aces web site lately...cuz he is obviously fighting for his life right now. So if he does not accept God is his life then let it go Hun...we cannot change that. And it dissapoints me that obviously you both have so much in common and instead of drawing strengh from each other you are bickering. Try to play nice<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I am Canadian...and I visited and I am disgusted with your country. Something has to are one on the wealthiest countries in the world and your government does not support the very people that has made it what it is today. Is there no non-profit organizations in your country to help CFers get financial help and if not why the hell not!!! We should all get together and start one then ...I tried to donate $$ on your site. Americans have to stand up and DEMAND better. The survival of the fittest attitude is gross in my opinion. You all deserve better treatment. Instead of fighting with each other take that energy and fight towards a better life for all CFers. Win Ace spend your days on the phone...get some media attention . For god sake call OPRAH !!! Hell I will call her for you if you want. ...hehe. Atleast she would cover your story and people would donate to your transplant.

Spread Love not Hate.


New member
Hey diet root beer. =-) I don't mind if Win Ace bashes God, I really don't. I'm just asking him to leave the thank you thread alone.

It does suck, not having a universal health care system here, but to tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure it would work here in the US. Mostly because all our money is tied up with every international incident that occurs. I guess that can be both good and bad. i think it is important to help others since we have the power to do so, but I also think that we often go too far or have alterior... (alterior? ulterior? ... one of the two) ummm, hidden selfish motives. The State of Oregon actually tried to do a program like that while I was living there, but since Oregon didn't have the money to back it up, everyone pretty much knew it was gonna fail. =-)


New member
Working on it behind the scenes, DietRootBeer.
(Thanks for checking out <a href=>my website</a>, by the way.) But at the same time, I have no intention of letting statements stand unchallenged which are incredibly presumptuous, ridiculously insensitive to those who have loved ones that died, and questionable logically, to boot (like that one about "God making sure I got a transplant to have many, many more years").

So, Mockingbird, what about the book of Job would you like to use as a rebuttal? Do you believe God makes bar bets with Satan which require wanton, gratuitous abuse of his followers to settle, for instance? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hello again,

If Canada,The UK,and The Nordic countries can make it work then the US could as well. I am not blind to the fact that there are problems with our social systems but still...I have no medicals bill hanging around and my son has CF. Even the meds are covered 100% by the Government. Anyway...this topic has been hashed in the past right...

Take care ( mushrooms have feelings too<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">)



New member
There's something to be said for the idea of a new Constitutional Convention every few years. A "Bill of Rights 2.0" could include a right to healthcare, among other things. It could clarify some issues that the current administration doesn't seem to understand, and unambiguously extend due process protections to those foreign Mooslim fellows. It could ensure a "Right to freedom from having your land seized by hotel magnates bribing local city officials to hijack Eminent Domain." A right to freedom from government entanglement with religion. Perhaps codify the right to an embryo-free womb, for those who still don't get it. And so on.

Speaking of which, seems like a good site. Which one should I try cooking first?


Diet Root Beer,

Your son's meds are 100% covered? No co-pay? That's fantastic!. If I'm not being too nosy, can you tell me how? (I'm someone with private insurance who pays hundreds of dollars per month out of pocket for Coll's meds).



New member

Ask away<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> At Every doctors visit the doctor gives us a slip on all the meds we will need for the next 3 months ( including scandishakes) and we stop by the pharmacy in the hospital and leave with bags of meds/vitamins/Tobra /shakes. We hand the slip to the pharmacist and walk away with EVERYTHING our son needs fo the next 3 months. NO CHARGE!!!! They also supply 1 compressor every 2 yrs and repair the one we have if it breaks down FREE of charge. We actually have private insurance and have NEVER passed a single medication on it cuz the Gov supplies evrything. Also Doc visits + hospital stays are free as well.



New member
Actually I should add something to this.... Canadians give 50% of their gross salary to the Government. Obviously not all at once but around 30% of income tax + 15% sales tax + property tax+ school tax+ect.... So we say FREE but every penny I earn .50$ I give back to the Country. I love our is expensive but we are socialists and believe the rich must support the poor.


New member
It's not so much the <i>poor per se</i> that have a problem obtaining healthcare here--below the poverty level, programs like Medicaid often kick in to cover at least some of the costs--it's that healthcare itself is so exorbitantly priced, anyone except a millionaire can't afford it out-of-pocket.

So, in effect, those in the middle class and those in poverty, all other things being equal, are equally "poor" when it comes to healthcare. Those in the middle class can sometimes often afford private insurance the poor don't get, but at the same time, they can't qualify for government help based on income. (And when your medical bills come to tens of thousands of dollars, it's rather ridiculous that the government sees you as "more capable of paying," if you earn $1000 more a month than someone who'd qualify.)

I wonder if anyone's ever sued the government on an "Unequal treatment" grounds, when their situation was like the above, because they were no more capable of paying their medical bills than a poor person who'd have their bills covered?


Where in Canada are you from? We live here in Ottawa. Good thing the meds and admissions are free cos I have twin boys who are normally admitted together and are always on a ton of meds. Tomorrow one is being admitted to the hospital, yet again, but it is the first time without his brother. Anyway, I wouldnt dream of moving any where else as the boys get such good treatment here.


New member
Hello<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

When I married my husband he had a little boy with CF. He is from Ottawa actually!!! His son is treated at CHEO believe it or not!! How old are your boys....

It is so nice to meet someone from Ottawa. I am from NB but we live in Montreal. My step-son visits us often...he just went back to Ottawa but he will be back soon to finish the summer with us.

How old are your twin boys...



Michael and Branden are identicle twins and have just turned 11. They spend so much time in CHEO but as I said this is the first time Branden will be in without Michael. They were diagnosed when they were 3 months old and have had a hell of a time ever since.
I too am originally from NB! Fredericton to be more specific. My hubby is from England, where I also lived for a long time, and where our first child was born, David 15 w/o cf.


New member
Yeah, here in England we have free health-care as well. We pay for prescriptions but they are a fixed rate of a few pounds each time. Being a student (still!!) mine are covered.
But yeah, this is similar to the Canadian system it seems, where we pay more tax on everything, but then I think its more fair and less hassle for people who need healthcare. Im not complaining.

Its a shame the 'Thank you' post had to be locked, as I was enjoying the responses (especially the banter between Mockingbird and WinAce). You guys are entertaining!!

Love to you all,

Rob 24 wcf


New member
Hi Mel,

I am from Saint John NB. My mum is acadian and grew up in Moncton NB but she now lives on Grand Lake ( about 45 mins from Fredericton). We summered there most of my life. I used to go to Fredericton to party...I had friends at UNB. I went to UNB myself in SJ. My son has yet to be hospitalized at CHEO...what is it like? And why have they been hospitalized in the past ( if you do not mind sharing). We are scared for that first visit.

So nice to meet a Maritimer<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">)) How old are you? ( Hope I am not being too nosy, I have yet to meet someone in Ottawa and on top of that a New Brunswicker<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) I am 30 yrs old.

Take Care


Im 36 years young, lol. I moved from New Brunswick when I was 7 to North East England, moved back in 1992 when I was 24.

Cheo is fantastic! The CF Clinic is really supportive and friendly, some are almost like extended parts of the family, lol. As well as the cf clinic, during admittances the nurses, child life workers and the rest of the staff are great, as well as some volunteers. We hate that the boys are in so often, but are sure glad that we have Cheo so near by, I wouldnt dream of moving anywhere else, just because of that.

The boys have had a hard time since their diagnosis, once they were finally diagnosed they were in for over four months. They had so many problems once diagnosed that they didnt respond to medication until a hickman was implanted. They were really scarey days back then.
They were also on kidney dyalasis for two months ( a reaction to meds caused total renal failure). Last years were admitted for five weeks for intially a clean up but got an infection, then again for 2 months as they were diagnosed with asperagillus, and allergies towards it. Also their pft shad dropped to 24 and 29. They have never been high, averaging between 44 and 50.
They have also been diagnosed as hydrocortisone dependent as their bodies do not produce cortisol. And are also borderline with their growth hormones, so have to be re tested for that.
Well, thats a bit of their medical history, lol. Theyare little fighters and stubborn which is a good thing, lol. They dont let c f get them down. They love sports especially ice hockey, ones a Leafs fan, the other a Sens fan! They get tired pretty quick compared to their friends when playing but will just take a bit of a break and start all over again. They are my pride and joy and also my inspiration.


New member
Hi Mel,

Sorry to butt into this conversation, I was just wondering you said your boys are hydrocortisone dependent, do they have Addison's disease? both of them? I am steroid dependent with Addison's disease.. I have no adrenal function at all, and from what I understand according to my doctors their is not any connection between that and CF. but I am beginning to wonder...Do they have any adrenal function at all? I am thinking that since they are borderline in their growth hormones that it is probably a pituatary problem... I was also wondering what dose of hydrocortosone they were put on.?

I take 30 mgs a day but have to go up much higher when I am sick...

Thanks for any information,



New member
I don't know where you would find this type of information, but I wonder how the CF mortality rate or median age in Canada compares to the U.S.?
I wonder if the quality of care is basically the same in both countries?
Anyone have any input on this?


New member
Hi Mel,

My step-son has only been hospitalized twice many yrs ago. He was born with MI and at the age of two he had a surgery ( I was not with my husband then) I forget the medical term but basically fluid kept pooling from his abdomen to his testicles. But since he has been in my life ( 4 yrs) his health has been good. He is a bit skinny and a picky eater but other than that we really cannot complain. It was so nice running into you on this board. I hope we can chat another time<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">à

I am off to work.