For Win Ace & Co.



The boys blood test came back that they had no adrenal function to speak of. Neither one of the boys have Addisons disease. How it was explained to me was that because they had been on so many steroids all of their lives that the gland just stop producing its own. It wasnt caused directly by the cf but by all the steroids.
They are on 10mg of Cortef daily at the moment, triple when they are not feeling well.


New member
Oh I see, from my understanding that is called secondary adrenal dysfunction... I was never really on steroids before my adrenals failed so they call it primary... I also can not regulate my own electrolytes because Aldosterone which makes you retain salt is also from your adrenals...I guess because they are so little they are only on 10mgs... Have they had problems with their blood sugar? The problem for me is I am sick all the time so I am always on triple or more of the dose, which has led to me having osteoporosis, diabetes, and high blood pressure...

But what the boys have is somewhat similair but a little different. Thanks for being so willing to answer my questions.. I really appreciate it.

Best of luck with your boys,



New member
Just visited your web page. I am so sorry that you have fallen so ill. The pictures are beautiful. I am glad that you are living in such a beautiful part of the country right now with someone you love. I don't know anything about you other than what I just read from your page. I haven't read any back forums so I have no idea what type of person you are spiritually but I can tell you have been blessed with the power of the pen. You are so young to be so clear in your writing. I have a friend whose daughter has CF and I try to NEVER think about her dying but I know from reading stories like yours of young people who are dying and have died that it is a possibility. I am not even her mother and I don't know how I could handle it (and be there for my friend). I do find comfort in knowing that little Renee believes in God and believes God has prepared another home for her once her body dies. She knows that this life here on this earth is not the end of her life. She will have an eternal life without the pain of CF. My girls play with Renee and they sing "Heaven is a wonderful place, full of glory and grace... I'm gonna see my Savior's face, Heaven is a wonderful place" Of course they don't know what heaven will be like because they are still here but they know from the Bible that there is a heaven and they are going because they have accepted Jesus as their savior. I know that sounds outrageous for people who don't know anything about the Bible or Jesus but it is so comforting to Renee and all of us who believe. If you are a skeptical person and just can't find it in you to trust something you can't put your hands on then know that if all the Christians are wrong (about Heaven, Jesus, Hell) then there is nothing lost from having faith in Christ and trying to live a loving and caring life style. But if Christians are right and there is a heaven and hell then the price for not trusting in God and his plan, is our soul. Our soul is so much of us. I tell my kids your soul is everything you see and feel wrapped up in one. If you already have faith and are just having a hard time because you are so sick I understand that too. I am really sorry your CF has come to this point. It is heart breaking to know that you are looking forward to loving this young woman and know it could be cut very short. You may find comfort in the words of Jesus found in the book of Matthew in the New Testiment of the Bible. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all accounts of the life of Christ told by four different disciples. I will visit your site again (pledge money), pass it on and share it with many others but just in case (like you mentioned that is a lot of money in a short time), I hope you will try to know our Savior through His word in the Bible. Sometimes when you make your own opinions from your own readings (and don't pay attention to bad press of crazy "christians") you will learn things you never knew. Maybe you aleady know Christ and I wrote way too much. In any case, Know that I feel for you and will pray for you. Please keep me posted on how you are feeling and doing by posting here. If you have any questions or want to scream, I have an ear (monitor).



New member
"if all the Christians are wrong (about Heaven, Jesus, Hell) then there is nothing lost from having faith in Christ and trying to live a loving and caring life style."

I don't have the attention span to read all of that last response right now... I just wanted to say, in case it was unclear, because I couldn't quite tell from that sentence... You can be an athiest, and still live a loving and caring lifestyle.


New member
"...know that if all the Christians are wrong (about Heaven, Jesus, Hell) then there is nothing lost from having faith in Christ and trying to live a loving and caring life style. But if Christians are right and there is a heaven and hell then the price for not trusting in God and his plan, is our soul."

Um, actually, if the Christians are wrong, they also stand to lose their souls, since one of the many non-Christian religions could be right instead. I'm with Emily. If your religion sustains you, you are fortunate, indeed. But, please, couldn't we concentrate more on the part about trying to live a loving and caring life stye, rather than on the labels attached to people's individual belief systems?



New member
Emily, of course you can be unsaved and still be a loving and caring person, I have lots of friends that fit into this catagory, however the point that i am trying to make is; if i am wrong about Christ being my Savior and believing in him and having everlasting life than i have lost nothing,my life has not been deprived of anything but if i am right and i choose not to believe in The Word of God than i will spend eternity in hell. Jesus said in Matthew13:37-43 " He that soweth a good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world;the good seed are the children of the Kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that soweth them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.The Son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear let him hear."

Romans 10:9-13
" That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

I am not trying to judge people, my own father does not believe and this makes me very sad I can only pray that he will accept Jesus Christ as his Savior before he dies.

" For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

I do not want anyone to mistake good works for salvation, Anyone can do good works only those who accept Christ will receive salvation and eternal life and this should be the most important point to those who have any terminal illness because this life is not all that there is, there is much more without an ailing body.



New member
that is fine and that is why i am not judging you, God gave us all free will, and God also tells me in Matthew to go unto all the nations and spread the gospel.



New member
I don't wish to get into this whole arguement again... but don't call me unsaved, or a poor lost soul. That's extremely condescending and totally uncalled for.


New member
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see 'poor lost soul' in there anyplace & you shouldn't be offended by being called unsaved. Christians say they are 'saved' when they accept Christ, so one way to identify non-believers is to say they are unsaved, non believers, etc and if you truly believe there is no God, etc you shouldn't be offended by being called unsaved, because you aren't unsaved from anything.
Bambi, however did say that Christians stand to lose their souls and I'm strong enough in my faith to just let it roll off my back & chalk it up to her "opinion", which I respect, we all have our right after all.
I'm not trying to start this same argument thats been done a bagillion times either but wanted to say that I didn't see that she called you a poor lost soul, but I could have missed it.


New member
Ha ha! How ironic! I started this thread so Win ace would leave the thank you thread and have a place to throw his views around, then the subject got changed, and now it's back to religion and win Ace is nowhere to be seen! Not only that, but the thank you thread got locked right after I set this up in the first place. he he, ironic from the start. =-)


New member
Okay, whoever you are. That's enough.

I'm really, really sick of people being so condesending to atheists.

And yes, calling us "unsaved" is condesending and quite frankly, it's disgusting.

I'm not telling you that you're wasting your life believing in some fantasy. Why? Because that would be rude. You have your beliefs, and I respect that. If it makes you happy, that's wonderful.

However, you aren't affording we atheists the same respect. You are belittling our beliefs as if we were uneducated children. It's not the Christian thing to do. As I remember from Sunday school, Christians are supposed to be tolerant and accepting. You are neither.


New member
I have to say that I have never quite understood the whole idea of atheism anyway, for the sheer fact that when you say I don't believe in God you are actually acknowledging that there is such thing as a God to not believe in.


New member
As someone who is a Christian, who believes in God with all her heart, and who has studied the bible and was very active in chruch leadership for years...I feel like the ppl who post on here as Christians are making such A** out of themselves and God, I don't want to be rude but you are making God out to be an idiot, even though I know that is not your intention, and you are also keeping in line with how the world rightly veiws Christians, and that is hypocritical nuts..

Not you, are anyone else that believes in God knows how GOd works, and I have to say, It is quite sad that ppl who are not Christians are the ones being more loving and more tolerant while "we" christians are being rude, and JUDGEMENTAL.. when we are the ones who believe in a higher power and a higher level of accountablity..If you are a Christian, and believe in the bible, then you know the bible says the greatest commandment is to love one another.

I know that I am not responsible for what other ppl say or do, but I do want to apologize to all you " heathen, unsaved ppl"... JUST KIDDING....but seriously, I am sorry for the way you are being treated and judged. I can say for sure that the God I believe in would not like you to be treated any other way but with love. I can see why it would offend you to be called unsaved.. One last thing, sorry to bring Emily up, but she has made it clear that she does not believe in God, however, every single one of her posts that I have read have always been respectful and never have I seen her put someone down..and she has always tried to be helpful.. sounds like loving one another to me... How is it that someone who doesn't believe in God act more like him then chirstians do.... Lets go back and look at the Christian ones.. how many of them judge and tell other ppl what to do, or make the person try to look like a jerk. I don't think that ppl who don't believe in God should be forced to accept anything from ppl who do.

I am not judging anyone on here just simply stating what I see..This is one of my most favorite sayings ever...Preach Christ use WORDS only if you have to .....

Jennifer 32 wCF
Thank you Jennifer. I applaud you. I too very much believe in Heavenly FAther and His son. I do not however think that it is even remotely okay to tell someone that they are going to hell. There is still so much to be learned from our Savior. Thanks again for your words. I also enjoy the saying that you put on here.



New member
Jennifer, you rock! You are right, Emily is one of the most caring and understanding people on this site, and yet she is acting more Christian than some of the Christians on here. Sorry If Im just repeating what you said, but its in my own words now!!! I really dislike the pressure you are put under when you have a conversation with a Christian and they make you feel so damned guilty about not believing in God, or in my case believing in God but deciding not to go to church. It sounds like a pretty terrible and un-Christian life to spend the whole of it basking in your own excellence whilst silently (or even worse) openly and actively belittling and mocking those who arent believers. A bunch of hypocrits indeed... and can I add ignorant too?!
However, I hope I dont have to say that I am not talking about all Christians of course... just a few of the ones who have previously posted here.
And can I also add the athiests can be just as ignorant and disrespectful to believers. At the end of the day, religion and spirituality is a personal thing. Its about a personal relationship, so why bring other people who don't believe into it? Makes no sense, unless you understand other people's insecurities.

Rob 24 wcf


New member
Thanks guys. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I don't need to say too much for myself (as it was kindly said for me), but I wanted to respond to these:

"Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see 'poor lost soul' in there anyplace"
There wasn't "poor lost soul" in that specific response anywhere. I'm just used to the terms "unsaved" and other such rubbish like "poor lost soul" being used in the same string of words, so I added it.

"I have to say that I have never quite understood the whole idea of atheism anyway, for the sheer fact that when you say I don't believe in God you are actually acknowledging that there is such thing as a God to not believe in."
I am simply acknowledging that the idea exists, that some people believe, etc. I do not think there is a god, no. But I am still aware of the idea of one because so many people here and everywhere else believe in one, and talk about one. You'd be pretty dense, even if you don't believe, to not comprehend the theory of one existing. I have heard the theory, I understand it, I just don't agree.


New member
Personally, I didn't see anything offensive about the post from CFFriend. And, if you don't believe in salvation, I guess I don't understand how the term "unsaved" or not saved is offensive. I will say though, that I very much agree that there have been many, many posts from people professing to be christians that are offensive and/or judgemental. And, I do agree that it's offensive to tell an atheist that they are "going to hell" (even if that's what you personally believe) or call them a "lost soul". Unfortunately, I think posts like CFFriend's would not have received quite so strong of a reaction if it hadn't been for all those past "bad" posts. Like anything else, I guess all the bad has colored how we all read posts now, even when we try hard NOT to let it. Just my thoughts.


New member
About Pascal's Wager (the "if I'm wrong, I lose nothing" argument): What if Islam--under which, Christians are idolaters for worshipping a mere prophet as God--was true? What if another sect of Christianity, labeling others as unsaved heretics, was true? What if God <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">liked only those intellectually honest enough to become atheists</a>? What if, by reading this post, you've agreed to let me have ownership of your soul unless you pay me $5?

The answer, of course, is that "what ifs" and pie-in-the-sky promises, as well as vain threats of unsubstantiated faith-based doom, count for zilch. Just because I <i>might</i> find a million dollars out on the street is not a valid reason to stay there, 24/7. Doing that, one could miss out on another street where they could get rich, instead; more likely, since such riches don't just fall out of the sky, they'd wind up wasting time on a fool's errand. And just because you <i>might</i> be screwed if that wacky UFO cult turns out to be right, and actually <i>does</i> have a spaceship hiding behind a comet, is not sufficient reason to bet on it as likely. And what would it say about God, anyway, that he'd effectively prefer worship based on fear--letting into Heaven those Christians who went through the motions "just in case"--to people who thought about it for a while, and just sincerely didn't buy it?

I would also question the rather patronizing assumption that those who don't buy Christianity "don't know anything about the Bible or Jesus." From my experience, it's been the exact opposite. Those who <i>do</i> claim to be Christians seem more likely to make a mockery of everything the New Testament Jesus figure argued for, routinely ignoring his commands not to pray in public like the self-righteous hypocrites (Matthew 6:5-6), not to remarry after a divorce (Matthew 19:9), and the like.

For every bit of wishful thinking to the tune of "it helps to know my dead loved ones are in Heaven," an atheist could point out that, according to the exact same theology, were those dead loved ones non-Christians, they'd be worse off now than at any time during life. As bad as CF is, it could never compare to some of the highly creative tortures people have imagined God forever inflicting on those they disliked.

<i>"I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all of my friends, will be everlasting punished. And this is a damnable doctrine."</i>
--Charles Darwin, in the unedited, 1958 edition of his autobiography

In all fairness, this isn't a problem with generic afterlife beliefs that don't involve sociopathic elements like Hell. Notice how very few atheists really take issue with those, except on an abstract level. But when it comes down to it, even something really appealing, like universalism (the belief that everyone will be saved in the end) is, to an atheist, just that: wishful thinking. Assuming it was wrong, would you prefer to know that? If you were in the Matrix, which colored pill would you swallow? While no one can decide that for you, there's something to be said for intellectual honesty in lieu of wishful thinking, even when you lose out on the comfort of a false belief.

"Saved" <i>is</i> pretty condescending in its implicit assumptions of the accuracy of Christian theology. The most perfect analogy I can think of is when some misguided atheists coined the term "Bright" for someone who rejected supernaturalism, instantly labelling anyone who was unconvinced of naturalism a "dim" by implication.

Thanks for the comments on those photos and the well-wishes.

Did I miss anything? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>As someone who is a Christian, who believes in God with all her heart, and who has studied the bible and was very active in chruch leadership for years...I feel like the ppl who post on here as Christians are making such A** out of themselves and God, I don't want to be rude but you are making God out to be an idiot, even though I know that is not your intention, and you are also keeping in line with how the world rightly veiws Christians, and that is hypocritical nuts..

Not you, are anyone else that believes in God knows how GOd works, and I have to say, It is quite sad that ppl who are not Christians are the ones being more loving and more tolerant while "we" christians are being rude, and JUDGEMENTAL.. when we are the ones who believe in a higher power and a higher level of accountablity..If you are a Christian, and believe in the bible, then you know the bible says the greatest commandment is to love one another.

I know that I am not responsible for what other ppl say or do, but I do want to apologize to all you " heathen, unsaved ppl"... JUST KIDDING....but seriously, I am sorry for the way you are being treated and judged. I can say for sure that the God I believe in would not like you to be treated any other way but with love. I can see why it would offend you to be called unsaved.. One last thing, sorry to bring Emily up, but she has made it clear that she does not believe in God, however, every single one of her posts that I have read have always been respectful and never have I seen her put someone down..and she has always tried to be helpful.. sounds like loving one another to me... How is it that someone who doesn't believe in God act more like him then chirstians do.... Lets go back and look at the Christian ones.. how many of them judge and tell other ppl what to do, or make the person try to look like a jerk. I don't think that ppl who don't believe in God should be forced to accept anything from ppl who do.

I am not judging anyone on here just simply stating what I see..This is one of my most favorite sayings ever...Preach Christ use WORDS only if you have to .....

Jennifer 32 wCF<hr></blockquote>]

Ha ha! More irony. =-) you're right Jennifer I myself was atheist for a while because of things like that. Well, also because I thought I knew everything. I was just like Voltaire. =-) (I fell from the air because of Voltaire, To the gutter I go because of Rousseau. he he=-) Anyway, the best little analogy i've heard is someone said, "When you let your light shine, is it better to leave it at home and tell people about it, or bring it with you and let people see it? =-)


New member
OK....I need clarification. I was baptized Methodist, but I am not an active Methodist. "If" I go to church it would be during Christmas time & what church depends on the times etc. I have a real problem with what I call "mans" religion which basically I guess is everything in writing (Bible, Torah, Koran etc) because in my mind.....if I wasnt there how do I know this actually happened etc. I dont consider myself an "Atheist" because I do believe in a higher power/being......I use the word "God" often because that is what is familiar & I have known. I dont feel I need to go to church to pray nor do I worry about not being "saved". I actually rememeber telling a friend of mine that I dont worry about what happens when I die because it is what it is.. If there is a heaven/hell then I go where I go. If there is reincarnation than I come back as a beautiful butterfly or a mean spirited wasp. Either way it doesnt bother me. I dont worry about what will happen then. What I do try to do which is what I consider "being a good christian" is not necessarily going to church & giving myself to Jesus, but being the best person I can be each day. Treating people with respect etc, but yet speaking my mind if need be. I use to think keeping my thoughts to myelf (because they might offend someone) was the christient thing to do until I realized that its not to myself. My whole point is......What is the actual definition of Atheist & Christian?