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So, lately (the past couple days) I've been having this cramping in my lower ab.... Just little cramping. I usually cramp a little bit about a week before my period, but today I was almost doubling over in pain. I can't even sit up straight! I took some ibuprofren, so I'm hoping that will help. I'm due to get period in about 1 1/2 weeks.

Anyone have this happen? Should I be worried? Otherwise, I feel fine.

Thanks in advance.


New member
That poses a problem. I don't have a doctor here other than a military doc that I MUST have an appt with. So, I'd have to go to the ER.... I don't think its that bad. I always weigh out sitting in the ER waiting with a bunch of coughing/flu-racked patients with exactly how bad I need care. I think I'll wait and if its still bad later tonight, I'll go in with DH. I'd hate to go in and have them say, "yep, its just cramps, lady" lol


New member
When I had cramps, they tended to be back cramps. So when I began experiencing mild cramping I didn't worry too much until I was doubled over practically crying like a little wusy girl. Turned out to be a rather nasty kidney infection. Why mess around with it...It will make for a long weekend if you're in pain.

littledebbie not logged in

I hope you feel better soon!


Staff member
Years ago I had a urinary tract infection -- it started with frequent peeing, and after I would pee, I'd get a horrible cramp in my bladder region where it progressed to the only time I felt relief was while I was peeing. Got some meds and felt better within a few hours. L


New member
i've had this happen to me 2 times and it turned out to be an ovarian cyst. the first time i ended up going to the ER bcuz it hurt so bad i thought i was dying. the 2nd time, i knew what it was, so i didn't go bcuz they just give u pain killers and put on the pill (the hormones are suppose to dissolve it or something)


New member
i used to have something similar. i called it ovary ache, i think it was occuring when i was ovulating. too much information i know!!!!!


New member
that's a good one.... i'll have to use that term!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

i'm feeling much better this afternoon after resting and taking the advil.... thanks for all the ideas... this is usually why i don't rush to the ER, cause most of my ailments turn out to be fleeting and "nothing".


New member

maybe this is obvious, but i have heard that some women cramp during ovulation, like one poster said. and i don't think it has to be something that happens every month--it can come and go. i have had it happen a couple of times. it was usually uncomfortable but minor pain. i assume it could be worse for some women, just like there is a lot of variation in cramps. i don't know for sure though.



New member

That's kinda what I'm feeling it was cause today I'm spotting a bit. The weird thing is that I plan my ovulation (or approximately) based on when my periods are, and I thought I was supposed to be ovulating a week ago. urgh.....

Thanks again!

Feeling much better now!!!


New member
Sonia, I can't remember have you had your gallbladder out yet? From what I understand it's an inevitable thing for us CF women. You can cut to the chase by having a doctor order you an ultrasound. Then you'll know if it's your gallbladder and if it's not you'll know that state of your gallbladder.


New member
My understanding is that the ovaries take turns releasing the eggs. So if this is indeed true than my pain conincides with it. When its my left ovaries turn I get a stabbing pain for a few days before my period starts. Not continues. Literally a stabbing pain. Nothing with my right ovary. I also had cyst on my left ovary years back so that might be the reason I have pain on the left & not the right.....oh to be a woman!