We received our copy in Saturday's Mail, Leah. THANK YOU!!! Both girls wanted it as their bed time story that night. The little one (2 w/cf) didnt get it yet, but loved the pictures. She'll understand in time. Big sister's eyes lit up when she heard the words Cystic Fibrosis. "Wow! Just like Emily!" When the book said that sometimes Ashley Elizabeth's poop smelled real bad, she laughed and laughed and laughed until she fell out of bed, then said "Oh! THAT's WHY!" LOL. Like she knew all along there must be a reason and couldn't put her finger on it...
She loved the book. It did make her ask if Emily will sometimes have to go in the hospital...which is a good thing. I'm so glad to have child-friendly ways to bring these things up with her.
I'll send a thank you to your donor real soon. Thanks for writing this book.