I should have been a little bit more clear on my response, I'm
on my second year of treatment at 16 months, I'm sorry for the confusion. What makes M.Abscessus so unique, or in that matter any kind of mycobacteria, is that it can encapsulate itself and make antibiotic penetration difficult at times. This also enables it to lay dormant at times and noninvasive. Everyone varies with treatment with M.Abscessus, and the CF doctors are right at saying treatment usually last a year. This usually eludes to getting rid of the bacterium not the antibiotic duration, which depending on what level of severity of disease one is currently at with CF, can last another 6-12 months to make sure the M.Abscessus is wiped out (at least temporarily). Treatment ranges from about 1-3 years and some people will actually never cease to culture for it, this however, does not mean it is necessarily invasive and cause problems,but it may lead to prophylactics to make sure the infection stays at bay. M. Abscessus is in the same family of bacteria as TB (as TB is a mycobacterium as well) and once one is subject to TB one can never fully get ride of it-it just lies dormant (until something triggers it to flare up again).
To answer your question about my experience with M.abscessus, I have not had any cultures that have
not grown it (I know awkward way to say that) since it first showed up. It's an acid fast organism, which contrary to the name, is very slow growing organism. This makes it a double edged sword if you will: Since it's slow growing, it mutates slower, that means that antibiotics it is susceptible to or even drugs that show intermediate susceptibility will do the quite a bit of damage to it (resistance is not a real big concern once a drug is found that kills it) since It can't mutate fast enough to build resistance. Unfortunately on the other hand, slow growing also means lasts longer. Either way, everyone's experience with M.Abscessus is a little bit different, I didn't know I was culturing for it until it made me very sick (a lot of it built up in my lungs;I'm in college and I tried at the time to tough it out for way-way too long). And of course I get frustrated with my antibiotic regiment, It eats up such a big part of the day! But in the end, these antibiotics are what are going to make me better (and compliance of course to all the other therapies we have to do

) and in all honesty, even though the treatment is tedious, I can't remember the last time I ever felt this good or healthy.
So please, if you have any other questions
Please Ask! I am so sorry your daughter and you have to go through this. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to be of assistance.