I've needed to change user names because my girls don't believe I
have any need to ask questions. I joined up on friday with a
question to ask - my daughter has staph in her throat.<br>
I am frustrated because I do have questions about cf (and why they
believe we should have her tested for cf because they found staph
in her throat) - but when I do ask questions all my girls (except
Mel) thinks I'm worrying for nothing and that I am wasting
everybody's time. They (my girls) saw me
looking/questioning on the forum and recognized my username so I
felt the need to change - for the sake of privacy, and also so Mel
doesn't worry needlessly. <br>
Obviously I will be using the forum when they won't be around.
But I also noticed that other people also think I am
wasting my time asking questions about cf because there
"isn't" any chance she will have it. Even if she
doesn't - what is the harm in being informed.<br>
Sorry for letting out my frustrations - and thanks for listening.
- KAME<br>
have any need to ask questions. I joined up on friday with a
question to ask - my daughter has staph in her throat.<br>
I am frustrated because I do have questions about cf (and why they
believe we should have her tested for cf because they found staph
in her throat) - but when I do ask questions all my girls (except
Mel) thinks I'm worrying for nothing and that I am wasting
everybody's time. They (my girls) saw me
looking/questioning on the forum and recognized my username so I
felt the need to change - for the sake of privacy, and also so Mel
doesn't worry needlessly. <br>
Obviously I will be using the forum when they won't be around.
But I also noticed that other people also think I am
wasting my time asking questions about cf because there
"isn't" any chance she will have it. Even if she
doesn't - what is the harm in being informed.<br>
Sorry for letting out my frustrations - and thanks for listening.
- KAME<br>