

New member
My son is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed with CF since he was 2 weeks old. I have been through alot with him, and have managed to stay strong throughout it all. But He has hit a stage in the last year where, we are constantly catching him throw away his meds. I have done everything I can think of to make him understand how important they are, and to try and make his treatment times more enjoyable for him. I feel like no matter what my husband and I do, it just doesn't work. If I could sit with him the whole time, every time I would, but we also have two very young daughters and our attention is spread between all three of them.I have taken him to a therapist who specializes in children with CF but it hardly helped. I just want him to be happy with who he is and understand just how important those medications are to him, and how important he is to us. Anyway,.. anyone with some suggestions or supportive words would be appreciated.


New member
My son is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed with CF since he was 2 weeks old. I have been through alot with him, and have managed to stay strong throughout it all. But He has hit a stage in the last year where, we are constantly catching him throw away his meds. I have done everything I can think of to make him understand how important they are, and to try and make his treatment times more enjoyable for him. I feel like no matter what my husband and I do, it just doesn't work. If I could sit with him the whole time, every time I would, but we also have two very young daughters and our attention is spread between all three of them.I have taken him to a therapist who specializes in children with CF but it hardly helped. I just want him to be happy with who he is and understand just how important those medications are to him, and how important he is to us. Anyway,.. anyone with some suggestions or supportive words would be appreciated.


New member
My son is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed with CF since he was 2 weeks old. I have been through alot with him, and have managed to stay strong throughout it all. But He has hit a stage in the last year where, we are constantly catching him throw away his meds. I have done everything I can think of to make him understand how important they are, and to try and make his treatment times more enjoyable for him. I feel like no matter what my husband and I do, it just doesn't work. If I could sit with him the whole time, every time I would, but we also have two very young daughters and our attention is spread between all three of them.I have taken him to a therapist who specializes in children with CF but it hardly helped. I just want him to be happy with who he is and understand just how important those medications are to him, and how important he is to us. Anyway,.. anyone with some suggestions or supportive words would be appreciated.


New member
My son is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed with CF since he was 2 weeks old. I have been through alot with him, and have managed to stay strong throughout it all. But He has hit a stage in the last year where, we are constantly catching him throw away his meds. I have done everything I can think of to make him understand how important they are, and to try and make his treatment times more enjoyable for him. I feel like no matter what my husband and I do, it just doesn't work. If I could sit with him the whole time, every time I would, but we also have two very young daughters and our attention is spread between all three of them.I have taken him to a therapist who specializes in children with CF but it hardly helped. I just want him to be happy with who he is and understand just how important those medications are to him, and how important he is to us. Anyway,.. anyone with some suggestions or supportive words would be appreciated.


New member
My son is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed with CF since he was 2 weeks old. I have been through alot with him, and have managed to stay strong throughout it all. But He has hit a stage in the last year where, we are constantly catching him throw away his meds. I have done everything I can think of to make him understand how important they are, and to try and make his treatment times more enjoyable for him. I feel like no matter what my husband and I do, it just doesn't work. If I could sit with him the whole time, every time I would, but we also have two very young daughters and our attention is spread between all three of them.I have taken him to a therapist who specializes in children with CF but it hardly helped. I just want him to be happy with who he is and understand just how important those medications are to him, and how important he is to us. Anyway,.. anyone with some suggestions or supportive words would be appreciated.


Digital opinion leader
Boy does that sound like my son! We have tried everything (counseling, talks with the docs, setting limits, punishments etc). Intellectually he understands the need for compliance, and wants to be healthy -he just doesn't do it. It IS so frustrating. It saps your energy. I understand!

I know this is not what you want to hear, but some kids are just that way. My other son is much better about treatments and is does almost everything without reminders.

There are quite a few parents who have asked the same questions. Below are a few older posts. Good luck with this. Its not easy.

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Digital opinion leader
Boy does that sound like my son! We have tried everything (counseling, talks with the docs, setting limits, punishments etc). Intellectually he understands the need for compliance, and wants to be healthy -he just doesn't do it. It IS so frustrating. It saps your energy. I understand!

I know this is not what you want to hear, but some kids are just that way. My other son is much better about treatments and is does almost everything without reminders.

There are quite a few parents who have asked the same questions. Below are a few older posts. Good luck with this. Its not easy.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
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Digital opinion leader
Boy does that sound like my son! We have tried everything (counseling, talks with the docs, setting limits, punishments etc). Intellectually he understands the need for compliance, and wants to be healthy -he just doesn't do it. It IS so frustrating. It saps your energy. I understand!

I know this is not what you want to hear, but some kids are just that way. My other son is much better about treatments and is does almost everything without reminders.

There are quite a few parents who have asked the same questions. Below are a few older posts. Good luck with this. Its not easy.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
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Digital opinion leader
Boy does that sound like my son! We have tried everything (counseling, talks with the docs, setting limits, punishments etc). Intellectually he understands the need for compliance, and wants to be healthy -he just doesn't do it. It IS so frustrating. It saps your energy. I understand!

I know this is not what you want to hear, but some kids are just that way. My other son is much better about treatments and is does almost everything without reminders.

There are quite a few parents who have asked the same questions. Below are a few older posts. Good luck with this. Its not easy.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
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Digital opinion leader
Boy does that sound like my son! We have tried everything (counseling, talks with the docs, setting limits, punishments etc). Intellectually he understands the need for compliance, and wants to be healthy -he just doesn't do it. It IS so frustrating. It saps your energy. I understand!
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<br />I know this is not what you want to hear, but some kids are just that way. My other son is much better about treatments and is does almost everything without reminders.
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<br />There are quite a few parents who have asked the same questions. Below are a few older posts. Good luck with this. Its not easy.
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New member
I can remember those days. My son did same at 9 hiding pills etc. It passed until he hit about 16-17 and back again He told me once he was just tired of taking all medicines. The phase did not really last long. He is now 29 and taking all meds. My daughter who will be 25 pretty much went through this type phase 16 but for not very long. It never bothered my kids that they were thought of as different we live in a small town and everyone never really treated them different, they just were tired of taking a lot of meds all the time. I know it can be hard but hang in there.


New member
I can remember those days. My son did same at 9 hiding pills etc. It passed until he hit about 16-17 and back again He told me once he was just tired of taking all medicines. The phase did not really last long. He is now 29 and taking all meds. My daughter who will be 25 pretty much went through this type phase 16 but for not very long. It never bothered my kids that they were thought of as different we live in a small town and everyone never really treated them different, they just were tired of taking a lot of meds all the time. I know it can be hard but hang in there.


New member
I can remember those days. My son did same at 9 hiding pills etc. It passed until he hit about 16-17 and back again He told me once he was just tired of taking all medicines. The phase did not really last long. He is now 29 and taking all meds. My daughter who will be 25 pretty much went through this type phase 16 but for not very long. It never bothered my kids that they were thought of as different we live in a small town and everyone never really treated them different, they just were tired of taking a lot of meds all the time. I know it can be hard but hang in there.


New member
I can remember those days. My son did same at 9 hiding pills etc. It passed until he hit about 16-17 and back again He told me once he was just tired of taking all medicines. The phase did not really last long. He is now 29 and taking all meds. My daughter who will be 25 pretty much went through this type phase 16 but for not very long. It never bothered my kids that they were thought of as different we live in a small town and everyone never really treated them different, they just were tired of taking a lot of meds all the time. I know it can be hard but hang in there.


New member
I can remember those days. My son did same at 9 hiding pills etc. It passed until he hit about 16-17 and back again He told me once he was just tired of taking all medicines. The phase did not really last long. He is now 29 and taking all meds. My daughter who will be 25 pretty much went through this type phase 16 but for not very long. It never bothered my kids that they were thought of as different we live in a small town and everyone never really treated them different, they just were tired of taking a lot of meds all the time. I know it can be hard but hang in there.