Fundraising for CF in tough economic times


Super Moderator
Just thinking of our annual walk and fundraising efforts. Usually, we do a letter writing campaign. I feel bad to even ask for money this year. People are losing their jobs, hours cut and so on. I guess I'm looking for ideas to raise funds. Maggie had an idea to do a garage sale but make every thing free; my thought is take what you want and or make a donation of what you can for CFF for the garge sale goods.(This would be during the warmer months.) I was thinking of running a half-marathon this year and have people sponsor me. Willing to throw any ideas out there? This year we need to get creative!


Good question and one I have no answer for. I've been thinking the same thing . . . how do you ask for money in times like this?? My oldest is 7 and we got a new camcorder for the holidays. He wants to use it to create an information video about CF and his sister to bring to school and show everyone. He's hoping to do a change collection. I thought it was very sweet.


Boy, do I feel the same way too! I just feel really guilty to ask for money when I know so many others are struggling to make ends meet<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Unfortunately I will not be participating in our walk to this year b/c of Kayla culturing Cepacia. I guess I am still going to do my letter writing campaign as I normally do. I will most likely point out that I realize the economy is bad for everyone, and that we will take what little we can get! I'm not sure how I will word it yet, but I guess I will start working on it soon...


New member
We are doing a couple of things this year as part of our great strides. One is our local hockey team will let us be the charity of the night, they sell us tickets at half price and we then sell them for full price. They also have a raffle in the middle of the game and we get all the money from that. Most people make about $3000 from it. We are also doing a thing with one of the restaurants, probably CPK where we hand out flyers to our friends and if they eat at CPK on a certain date CPK donates 10% to the CFF. We are also recycling.


Sakem, no, it does not. I just blogged about it a little while ago...long story<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I just refuse to let Kayla feel isolated because of the Cepacia. My nephew was 10 when he started culturing Cepacia (same age as my daughter) and it was mentally very hard on him to see everyone else in the family head off together at something he always loved to attend. I will not let my daughter feel like an outsider, even though I agree with the Cepacia policy that the CFF has. Could go on in more detail, but it is in my blog if you want more info<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks for asking though...


New member
We've been thinking about this too, but we are going to continue to do all of our usual things, plus are adding more. My main philosophy, which I state in all of my letters and fliers, is that every penny is a penny more than I had 5 minutes ago. I will be adding that I know the economy is tough, but I have always made a point of letting them know that I'm not asking for any more than they can afford. We did a cool fund-raiser at Brady's preschool last year, and some came back with 5 pennies, and some came back with $20. I think people will just appreciate it if we acknowledge that things are tough right now.


New member
I agree - it's going to be tough this year. I did not do a letter writing campaign last year. Too many family members were already experiencing lay offs and health issues. To be honest, I felt much better about the fundraising "season" with out it. Here's what we are doing this year:

1. Jeans for Genes at my school
2. Emily's preschool is doing a Trike-A-Thon (kids bring what they can and ride their tricycles around a course inthe center's parking lot).
3. Our BIG comedy improv/silent auction gala (has raised as much as $6,000 in the past, I'm hoping for $4,000 this year
4. A HUGE rummage sale in July. It will be in three garages (mineand 2 neighbors) and we are asking everybody for donations of things to sell. We will price all items under $2.00 (except for a few furniture/electronic items) and I"m working on getting some free advertising. We might make the Saturday of the sale "Family Day" with a bounce house and kids carnival games, but I'm not sure about that yet. I think we'll make around $500

I also try to recruit as many walkers as I can. I invite everybody who plays a role in one of the above events to be on our team, and I just allocate the money they helped raise to thier walker account. That way, they have a head start toward their $100 for the shirt. Most of them also get donations from friends and neighbors, so most walkers end up raising $200 when all is said and done.

We have good sized walk teams, and everybody gets "credit" for the work they did on our "events."

I whole-heartedly agree with Missy that every penny counts. It doesn't matter to me if I raise only $100 this year - it will be $100 that wouldn't have been raised if I didn't make the effort!


New member
Here is a small idea:

My mother is known for her baking at the school she works at. She is baking tons of cookies and placing them in the common area. In the middle there will be a jar that is going to say, "A Penny for a Cookie." That way people can donate a minimum of a penny - but hopefully more.


New member
The cookie idea is a good one! We just had a bake sale at school to help a family (four boys ages 5 - 12) whose mom is dying of cancer. The whole staff baked and we bagged each item individually. All items were sold for a quarter. The kids were told the day before to bring one or two quarters to spend. We raised over $400! Very easy to coordinate if you have enough volunteer bakers.

SOmething like this might work well before and after school play performances, or piano/dance recitals, or on "special" school days.

I really think that fundraisers where people feel like they are "getting something" for their money are the way to go, sadly!


New member
Welcome to my world!!! LOL... the CFF is VERY lucky to have you all!!!
PS Great ideas out there guys, keep up the great work!!! It sounds like a part time job!!!


New member
Well, we do a few things besides the letter writing...which I will do again this year. If you have a Ben and Jerry's Icecream or a Baskin Robbins, B&J's has "free ice-cream cone day" nationwide in April. They allow us to set up a table in the store with a big bucket, pics of Zoe, info on CF & CFF, they hand out those little key cards for 10% off the entire year. They tell everyone as they get their icecream, to go visit the CFF table to get their key tags....then I tell them about CF, give them brochures, and most of them throw some money in the bucket! They got their icecream they figure....why not??? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I have heard that BAskin Robbins does a "really cheap ice-cream day", but I always do the B&J day.
Also, all Wal-Marts have 'scholarships'...all you have to do is get the paperwork, have your local CFF office fill out their part, turn it back in! Year before last we got a check for $1000.00.
Good Luck everyone!! Every penny counts!


New member
Oooh! Wal-mart...that reminds me. If you know someone who works for Wal-mart, get them to walk on your team. Wal-mart will match whatever their employees raise. The team leader or event organizer just has to make a phone call veryfying that the employee walked.

Two years ago, my friends' uncle was visiting them during the weekend of the walk. He came along, "raised" $100 of his own money and Wal-mart turned it into $200.

I love this thread. Who's got more ideas? Anyone?


We have alot of members on our team make web pages which include a video of Aidan. On-line donations are SO easy and we made over $28,000 last year! We also do a letter writing campaign and Cone Day at Dairy Queen. This year I think we will make choc rose lollipops and sell them for 65 roses....


My daughter and I are involved with the Great Strides walk this yr in Lima Oh. I have been spending all day sending letters and emailing all of our friends and family. This is new to our area and I am trying to get our Hometown newspaper to run a story. I know it is hard in our area due to alot of layoffs and money being tight but I hope it all goes well. Alot of your ideas are just great. The Stride walk just so happens to fall on Grayson's 1st Birthday weekend so this can be our present to her.....Once again alot of great ideas and good luck to everyone.


We've contributed in the past by doing the walk, but my sister had a great idea this year that we're going to be doing in May. She's turning 40 this year, and decided to rent out the local skating rink and invite a lot of friends and family, and instead of birthday gifts for her, she's asking everyone to donate money to the CFF foundation instead.


New member
My wife and I are selling candy bars at our places of work. You can go and buy a thirty pack at BJ's for about thirteen dollars. Sell the candy bars for a dollar and you will make about fifteen dollars on one pack. It has been working out really well for us, we've made about 400.00 so far...


New member
We have Papa John's pizza in our area....I'm not sure where all they are located...but they sold me 50 fundraising cards for a dollar a piece. We then sell them for $10 a piece. The cards have 16 little stickers on the back of them that the purchaser can buy one pizza and get one FREE ...16 times!!! I think it is a good deal for both parties! We will make $500 if we sell them all....which I don't think should be a says on the card that it is a $159.00 value. I just called up the manager and told them what we were doing .... he had me come in and pick them up! I just got them today and I'm really excited about it. Hope others will be able to do the same!!!!