

New member

I don't want to sounds like I am completely engulfed in self-pity or think my life is completely awful (because it could be so much worse) and that isn't what I am trying to say at all with this post but here it goes:

Is anyone else completely fustrated with cf? I just feel so helpless, no matter what I do I am not getting much better and I am just so scared/ helpless because I just feel like I am going to university and stuff for nothing because I won't get alot of time to actually use my education. I am also fustrated because I want a family and the hole nine yards and am scared that I might run out of time. I am so jelous of my friends because I just feel like they have a much better shot of a good future.

Alot of times I think to myself, "oh i know cf is bad but I won't ACTUALLY die from it or anything." It is stupid to think but it is just that idea of nothing bad can happen to me lol...I know this isn't right but oh well sometimes I feel like that and others I feel Doomed by CF.

I just needed to rant and get this off my chest. I can't really write exactly what I feel ( it is hard to explain). But I am pissed at CF!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">



New member

I don't want to sounds like I am completely engulfed in self-pity or think my life is completely awful (because it could be so much worse) and that isn't what I am trying to say at all with this post but here it goes:

Is anyone else completely fustrated with cf? I just feel so helpless, no matter what I do I am not getting much better and I am just so scared/ helpless because I just feel like I am going to university and stuff for nothing because I won't get alot of time to actually use my education. I am also fustrated because I want a family and the hole nine yards and am scared that I might run out of time. I am so jelous of my friends because I just feel like they have a much better shot of a good future.

Alot of times I think to myself, "oh i know cf is bad but I won't ACTUALLY die from it or anything." It is stupid to think but it is just that idea of nothing bad can happen to me lol...I know this isn't right but oh well sometimes I feel like that and others I feel Doomed by CF.

I just needed to rant and get this off my chest. I can't really write exactly what I feel ( it is hard to explain). But I am pissed at CF!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">



New member

I don't want to sounds like I am completely engulfed in self-pity or think my life is completely awful (because it could be so much worse) and that isn't what I am trying to say at all with this post but here it goes:

Is anyone else completely fustrated with cf? I just feel so helpless, no matter what I do I am not getting much better and I am just so scared/ helpless because I just feel like I am going to university and stuff for nothing because I won't get alot of time to actually use my education. I am also fustrated because I want a family and the hole nine yards and am scared that I might run out of time. I am so jelous of my friends because I just feel like they have a much better shot of a good future.

Alot of times I think to myself, "oh i know cf is bad but I won't ACTUALLY die from it or anything." It is stupid to think but it is just that idea of nothing bad can happen to me lol...I know this isn't right but oh well sometimes I feel like that and others I feel Doomed by CF.

I just needed to rant and get this off my chest. I can't really write exactly what I feel ( it is hard to explain). But I am pissed at CF!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">



New member
Sory to hear that Kari, I dont personally know you, and dont know how bad a case of CF you have. But I do know that if you are healthy enough to go to college, by all means you should definatley go. Giving up is probly the worst thing you could do for yourself, you have to at least try...and if CF kicks in and stops you from the future you dreamed of, at least you tryed. CF has never effected my life too much, becides doing medicine I feel I am pretty normal. I am now running a mile every day, and play ice hockey. I highly recomend doing a physical activity every day, because that can really add many years onto ur life. Hope everything goes well.


New member
Sory to hear that Kari, I dont personally know you, and dont know how bad a case of CF you have. But I do know that if you are healthy enough to go to college, by all means you should definatley go. Giving up is probly the worst thing you could do for yourself, you have to at least try...and if CF kicks in and stops you from the future you dreamed of, at least you tryed. CF has never effected my life too much, becides doing medicine I feel I am pretty normal. I am now running a mile every day, and play ice hockey. I highly recomend doing a physical activity every day, because that can really add many years onto ur life. Hope everything goes well.


New member
Sory to hear that Kari, I dont personally know you, and dont know how bad a case of CF you have. But I do know that if you are healthy enough to go to college, by all means you should definatley go. Giving up is probly the worst thing you could do for yourself, you have to at least try...and if CF kicks in and stops you from the future you dreamed of, at least you tryed. CF has never effected my life too much, becides doing medicine I feel I am pretty normal. I am now running a mile every day, and play ice hockey. I highly recomend doing a physical activity every day, because that can really add many years onto ur life. Hope everything goes well.


New member
Its normal to go thru this thought pattern. I dont ever really remember getting in the "why me" mode, but I have gotten quite angry. Angry at the hemoptysis that kicked in out of no where when doing "normal things". Angry that the treatments take up so much time that an outing is cut short. CF really knows how to get in the way, but I also learned to laugh about it. To get morbid about it. Some people dont appreciate the morbid humour, but its one of those things that if you dont laugh you might cry. So why not laugh.....they say its the best med!


New member
Its normal to go thru this thought pattern. I dont ever really remember getting in the "why me" mode, but I have gotten quite angry. Angry at the hemoptysis that kicked in out of no where when doing "normal things". Angry that the treatments take up so much time that an outing is cut short. CF really knows how to get in the way, but I also learned to laugh about it. To get morbid about it. Some people dont appreciate the morbid humour, but its one of those things that if you dont laugh you might cry. So why not laugh.....they say its the best med!


New member
Its normal to go thru this thought pattern. I dont ever really remember getting in the "why me" mode, but I have gotten quite angry. Angry at the hemoptysis that kicked in out of no where when doing "normal things". Angry that the treatments take up so much time that an outing is cut short. CF really knows how to get in the way, but I also learned to laugh about it. To get morbid about it. Some people dont appreciate the morbid humour, but its one of those things that if you dont laugh you might cry. So why not laugh.....they say its the best med!


New member
hey thanks fo the replies you guys. I wanted you guys to know that I am not always discouraged about cf...it isn't like i walk around sulking all the time asking "why me"...it's more of just a quick thought when someone has a baby, or gets married or something...i just sorta think to myself, " will i ever get those things?" I really hope so <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
hey thanks fo the replies you guys. I wanted you guys to know that I am not always discouraged about cf...it isn't like i walk around sulking all the time asking "why me"...it's more of just a quick thought when someone has a baby, or gets married or something...i just sorta think to myself, " will i ever get those things?" I really hope so <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
hey thanks fo the replies you guys. I wanted you guys to know that I am not always discouraged about cf...it isn't like i walk around sulking all the time asking "why me"...it's more of just a quick thought when someone has a baby, or gets married or something...i just sorta think to myself, " will i ever get those things?" I really hope so <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">