G Tube Advise


New member
hello my name is april, i am 22 and i have a 3 year old son that just got a g-tube on september 15th and i was very scared and i had put it off for long time and i finally did it and now that i did i am glad because it has helped him gain wait. I amnot going to say it is easy, but it is not as bad as you probably think it is. and you will learn how to do it all very fast. and believe it or not your child will ajust to it very easily also. i dont have a lot to say just remember to keep your head up and be strong for your child.

mother of 3yr old woth c/f


New member
Thanks April!

I was definetly resistant to it. Ian had a NG for a year and he threw up alot and stooled alot and got caught up in the tube at night and had to sleep with us. Did you have problems with your son sleeping? I'm not that worried about tube maintainence. I'm a nurse, but it's the night time adjustment. How long do you run it at night?

Thank you so much for your support!


New member
My son came home from the hospital with an ng tube. I was absolutely against the g-tube and swore I would make him eat enough. Well, all that changed when I got home with him. The ng tube was a pain in the A$$. It was too much too fast and he would spit up a whole bunch. By the time I had his follow up with pediatric surgery I was practically begging for the g-tube. It made life a lot easier and less stressful for me and him. It's a much more controlled feeding, giving smaller amounts for alonger time. I still feed him his bottle during the day time and put him on a continuous feed at night. I have never had one problem yet. knock on wood. He has had it since october 11th. On November 28th he got his button, much more convenient. I have no regrets and am glad he is gaining weight.
I have often wondered what type of nutrition do they give a child your age through the tube. I just wonder after he is off formula what will they put through the tube for nutrition?? Is there a name for it??
I wish you lots of luck with your son, I think your making the right decision and you will feel much better.


New member
Hi, I have 2 children with cystic fibrosis and my son now almost five has had a g-tube since 18 months. I didn't want it at first but it has saved my son's life. I am used to it now and even put a new one in by myself or have his home health nurse do it when she comes. He got Pediasure at first and now we changed him to nutren jr easier on his tummy. He will be five next month and now weighs 35 lbs. Before the g-tube his weight was 3 lines below 0 on the baby scale and now he is in 35-40 %. Since his weight has increased our hospital stays have decreased because he can fight infection better. That is what his cf doc says. He has a nutriport button. I have to say it has been for the best. He has adjusted so well. He calls it his special button. Good luck. I know it is nerve recking but I made it so I know anyone can. I found out both my children had cf in 2002. I since had another baby and she is fine no cf.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Jeanine ( mother of 2 cf children)