g-tube dependant


New member
i was just wondering if anyone else's child is g- tube dependant. madi was overdosed on metachlopramide after her g-tube surgery, which caused her to vomit a lot. it's been almost a year now and we have her to where she only vomits 0-3 times a day. but because of this she absolutely will not eat because the vomitting has given her a real weak gag reflex.


New member
i was just wondering if anyone else's child is g- tube dependant. madi was overdosed on metachlopramide after her g-tube surgery, which caused her to vomit a lot. it's been almost a year now and we have her to where she only vomits 0-3 times a day. but because of this she absolutely will not eat because the vomitting has given her a real weak gag reflex.


New member
i was just wondering if anyone else's child is g- tube dependant. madi was overdosed on metachlopramide after her g-tube surgery, which caused her to vomit a lot. it's been almost a year now and we have her to where she only vomits 0-3 times a day. but because of this she absolutely will not eat because the vomitting has given her a real weak gag reflex.


New member
i was just wondering if anyone else's child is g- tube dependant. madi was overdosed on metachlopramide after her g-tube surgery, which caused her to vomit a lot. it's been almost a year now and we have her to where she only vomits 0-3 times a day. but because of this she absolutely will not eat because the vomitting has given her a real weak gag reflex.


New member
i was just wondering if anyone else's child is g- tube dependant. madi was overdosed on metachlopramide after her g-tube surgery, which caused her to vomit a lot. it's been almost a year now and we have her to where she only vomits 0-3 times a day. but because of this she absolutely will not eat because the vomitting has given her a real weak gag reflex.


New member
My son Jack is almost 22 months old and is g-tube dependent. He also has a sensitive gag and vomits.
At the worse he was vomiting 2-3 times a day but now (unless he has a cold virus) he is vomit free for the most part.

My son doesn't eat anything the way you or I do but he does suck on crackers, toast, cereal and other like foods. We actually got him to lick ice cream off his lips last week. A big leap for him.

How old is your daughter? What kind of food is she on?
My son is on a mixture of Pediasure and Peptamen Jr.
Does your daugher take bolus feeds or continual feeds?
Jack does four feeds a day and gets about 300-330 mils in about 45 minutes. He tolerates the feedings well and has done even better since we got him the pump.


New member
My son Jack is almost 22 months old and is g-tube dependent. He also has a sensitive gag and vomits.
At the worse he was vomiting 2-3 times a day but now (unless he has a cold virus) he is vomit free for the most part.

My son doesn't eat anything the way you or I do but he does suck on crackers, toast, cereal and other like foods. We actually got him to lick ice cream off his lips last week. A big leap for him.

How old is your daughter? What kind of food is she on?
My son is on a mixture of Pediasure and Peptamen Jr.
Does your daugher take bolus feeds or continual feeds?
Jack does four feeds a day and gets about 300-330 mils in about 45 minutes. He tolerates the feedings well and has done even better since we got him the pump.


New member
My son Jack is almost 22 months old and is g-tube dependent. He also has a sensitive gag and vomits.
At the worse he was vomiting 2-3 times a day but now (unless he has a cold virus) he is vomit free for the most part.

My son doesn't eat anything the way you or I do but he does suck on crackers, toast, cereal and other like foods. We actually got him to lick ice cream off his lips last week. A big leap for him.

How old is your daughter? What kind of food is she on?
My son is on a mixture of Pediasure and Peptamen Jr.
Does your daugher take bolus feeds or continual feeds?
Jack does four feeds a day and gets about 300-330 mils in about 45 minutes. He tolerates the feedings well and has done even better since we got him the pump.


New member
My son Jack is almost 22 months old and is g-tube dependent. He also has a sensitive gag and vomits.
At the worse he was vomiting 2-3 times a day but now (unless he has a cold virus) he is vomit free for the most part.

My son doesn't eat anything the way you or I do but he does suck on crackers, toast, cereal and other like foods. We actually got him to lick ice cream off his lips last week. A big leap for him.

How old is your daughter? What kind of food is she on?
My son is on a mixture of Pediasure and Peptamen Jr.
Does your daugher take bolus feeds or continual feeds?
Jack does four feeds a day and gets about 300-330 mils in about 45 minutes. He tolerates the feedings well and has done even better since we got him the pump.


New member
<br />My son Jack is almost 22 months old and is g-tube dependent. He also has a sensitive gag and vomits.
<br />At the worse he was vomiting 2-3 times a day but now (unless he has a cold virus) he is vomit free for the most part.
<br />
<br />My son doesn't eat anything the way you or I do but he does suck on crackers, toast, cereal and other like foods. We actually got him to lick ice cream off his lips last week. A big leap for him.
<br />
<br />How old is your daughter? What kind of food is she on?
<br />My son is on a mixture of Pediasure and Peptamen Jr.
<br />Does your daugher take bolus feeds or continual feeds?
<br />Jack does four feeds a day and gets about 300-330 mils in about 45 minutes. He tolerates the feedings well and has done even better since we got him the pump.
<br />-Carey


New member
madi is 2 years old
on pe9temin 1.5
4 bolus feeds- 80mls
overnight 550mls@50ml/hr +50ml flush
madi will nibble very rarely, the one things she'll take most often are doritos


New member
madi is 2 years old
on pe9temin 1.5
4 bolus feeds- 80mls
overnight 550mls@50ml/hr +50ml flush
madi will nibble very rarely, the one things she'll take most often are doritos


New member
madi is 2 years old
on pe9temin 1.5
4 bolus feeds- 80mls
overnight 550mls@50ml/hr +50ml flush
madi will nibble very rarely, the one things she'll take most often are doritos


New member
madi is 2 years old
on pe9temin 1.5
4 bolus feeds- 80mls
overnight 550mls@50ml/hr +50ml flush
madi will nibble very rarely, the one things she'll take most often are doritos


New member
madi is 2 years old
<br />on pe9temin 1.5
<br />4 bolus feeds- 80mls
<br />overnight 550mls@50ml/hr +50ml flush
<br />madi will nibble very rarely, the one things she'll take most often are doritos


New member
Do you have any kind of OT helping out?
We do, not that it has done much good.
Our GI doc is not helpful either. All he says is that by kindergarden Jack will be eating like everyone else. At first I couldn't beleive it would take that long, but now sometimes I wonder if it will happen by then.


New member
Do you have any kind of OT helping out?
We do, not that it has done much good.
Our GI doc is not helpful either. All he says is that by kindergarden Jack will be eating like everyone else. At first I couldn't beleive it would take that long, but now sometimes I wonder if it will happen by then.


New member
Do you have any kind of OT helping out?
We do, not that it has done much good.
Our GI doc is not helpful either. All he says is that by kindergarden Jack will be eating like everyone else. At first I couldn't beleive it would take that long, but now sometimes I wonder if it will happen by then.


New member
Do you have any kind of OT helping out?
We do, not that it has done much good.
Our GI doc is not helpful either. All he says is that by kindergarden Jack will be eating like everyone else. At first I couldn't beleive it would take that long, but now sometimes I wonder if it will happen by then.


New member
Do you have any kind of OT helping out?
<br />We do, not that it has done much good.
<br />Our GI doc is not helpful either. All he says is that by kindergarden Jack will be eating like everyone else. At first I couldn't beleive it would take that long, but now sometimes I wonder if it will happen by then.
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