G-tube? Have one?


New member
I agree with everyone who has said to try an NG tube first. I gained about 15 pounds over three months using it three to four times per week. It was great because it was something you could put down at night and take out in the morning. Unfortunately, I lack enough self-discipline to keep up with this and have agreed to a g-tube and am going to see the GI doc in a week. Less discomfort, less work, and I can gain the weight back. If you have the will power for an NG, I would definitely try that first! Good luck!


New member
I agree with everyone who has said to try an NG tube first. I gained about 15 pounds over three months using it three to four times per week. It was great because it was something you could put down at night and take out in the morning. Unfortunately, I lack enough self-discipline to keep up with this and have agreed to a g-tube and am going to see the GI doc in a week. Less discomfort, less work, and I can gain the weight back. If you have the will power for an NG, I would definitely try that first! Good luck!


New member
I agree with everyone who has said to try an NG tube first. I gained about 15 pounds over three months using it three to four times per week. It was great because it was something you could put down at night and take out in the morning. Unfortunately, I lack enough self-discipline to keep up with this and have agreed to a g-tube and am going to see the GI doc in a week. Less discomfort, less work, and I can gain the weight back. If you have the will power for an NG, I would definitely try that first! Good luck!


New member
I agree with everyone who has said to try an NG tube first. I gained about 15 pounds over three months using it three to four times per week. It was great because it was something you could put down at night and take out in the morning. Unfortunately, I lack enough self-discipline to keep up with this and have agreed to a g-tube and am going to see the GI doc in a week. Less discomfort, less work, and I can gain the weight back. If you have the will power for an NG, I would definitely try that first! Good luck!


New member
I agree with everyone who has said to try an NG tube first. I gained about 15 pounds over three months using it three to four times per week. It was great because it was something you could put down at night and take out in the morning. Unfortunately, I lack enough self-discipline to keep up with this and have agreed to a g-tube and am going to see the GI doc in a week. Less discomfort, less work, and I can gain the weight back. If you have the will power for an NG, I would definitely try that first! Good luck!


New member
in my opinion if you have probs with food and gaining weight its worth putting in.Firstly it takes some pressure of you as your not always thinking about ya next snack etc etc and calories and the amont you have to have in a day,
and it does put on weight and the good thing about having a g tube is you dont like a rake or someone who is bordering on aneroxic ,you look normal which is good from a phychological point of view


New member
in my opinion if you have probs with food and gaining weight its worth putting in.Firstly it takes some pressure of you as your not always thinking about ya next snack etc etc and calories and the amont you have to have in a day,
and it does put on weight and the good thing about having a g tube is you dont like a rake or someone who is bordering on aneroxic ,you look normal which is good from a phychological point of view


New member
in my opinion if you have probs with food and gaining weight its worth putting in.Firstly it takes some pressure of you as your not always thinking about ya next snack etc etc and calories and the amont you have to have in a day,
and it does put on weight and the good thing about having a g tube is you dont like a rake or someone who is bordering on aneroxic ,you look normal which is good from a phychological point of view


New member
in my opinion if you have probs with food and gaining weight its worth putting in.Firstly it takes some pressure of you as your not always thinking about ya next snack etc etc and calories and the amont you have to have in a day,
and it does put on weight and the good thing about having a g tube is you dont like a rake or someone who is bordering on aneroxic ,you look normal which is good from a phychological point of view


New member
in my opinion if you have probs with food and gaining weight its worth putting in.Firstly it takes some pressure of you as your not always thinking about ya next snack etc etc and calories and the amont you have to have in a day,
<br />and it does put on weight and the good thing about having a g tube is you dont like a rake or someone who is bordering on aneroxic ,you look normal which is good from a phychological point of view


Digital opinion leader
My boys have had theirs 4 years and its been a benefit for their health for sure. Like the others have said, it take off the pressure of forcing food.

It is inconvenient only because its just more medical stuff to do every day, but once you get into a routine its not bad.

Find out how much your insurance will cover, it can add up. Ours covers everything, but others have said they have to pay for formula.


Digital opinion leader
My boys have had theirs 4 years and its been a benefit for their health for sure. Like the others have said, it take off the pressure of forcing food.

It is inconvenient only because its just more medical stuff to do every day, but once you get into a routine its not bad.

Find out how much your insurance will cover, it can add up. Ours covers everything, but others have said they have to pay for formula.


Digital opinion leader
My boys have had theirs 4 years and its been a benefit for their health for sure. Like the others have said, it take off the pressure of forcing food.

It is inconvenient only because its just more medical stuff to do every day, but once you get into a routine its not bad.

Find out how much your insurance will cover, it can add up. Ours covers everything, but others have said they have to pay for formula.


Digital opinion leader
My boys have had theirs 4 years and its been a benefit for their health for sure. Like the others have said, it take off the pressure of forcing food.

It is inconvenient only because its just more medical stuff to do every day, but once you get into a routine its not bad.

Find out how much your insurance will cover, it can add up. Ours covers everything, but others have said they have to pay for formula.


Digital opinion leader
My boys have had theirs 4 years and its been a benefit for their health for sure. Like the others have said, it take off the pressure of forcing food.
<br />
<br /> It is inconvenient only because its just more medical stuff to do every day, but once you get into a routine its not bad.
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<br />Find out how much your insurance will cover, it can add up. Ours covers everything, but others have said they have to pay for formula.