<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>just1more</b></i>
The Bard does have to be put in 'in-office' but once it is in, it is there for as long as they leave it. Instead of a balloon it has a flange on the back to hold it in place. I've heard inserting hurts a few minutes but some numbing cream or pain meds takes care of it.</end quote></div>
My boys had the bard button for 5 years! We loved the flat profile! In January Josh outgrew his g-tube for the second time and needed a larger/ longer one. Both times we were told the bard replacement has to be done under anesthesia. Josh decided to switch to a mic-key only because they are easier to replace.
He is interested in the AMT too, netx time we'll request that kind.