g-tube/ peg/ mickey removal


New member
Hi, I'm hoping to have my mickey button removed soon as since my transplant I no longer need feeds. The thing is I've been tube fed through my tummy since I was about 4years old, so my hole is about 15years old! I'm wondering for anyone who has had it removed is there much leakage, did you need a stitch? I remember this being discussed ages ago but I can't find it...Anyhoo, any info is greatly appreciated, thanks, x


I had mine removed after tx as well. (Waited nearly 2 hours in a waiting room to go back and find out they just deflated it and pulled it out and put some gauze over it).
Eventually the hole closed up on it's own, no leakage, at least with me.
I didn't like the scar it leftbehind (looked like a dimple) so I had it fixed so now it just looked like a short line across my stomach.


New member
Thanks. I change mine myself every few months anyway, but I was just wondering about the leakage...Did you need to wear the gauze dressing for long? And how did they fix the dimple/hole thing for you? x


It's been a while and that wasn't really a big worry for me so I don't remember it all that much, but it didn't seem like I wore the gauze long. As for fixing the dimple, they just (from what I understand), pulled the two sides of the skin over the dimple so it didn't dimple.. but still looks like a scar (works for me).


New member
I remember mine i got mine out like 3 years ago. I went in under the knife. My doctor had to stick inside so it would heal. And then on the outside he stitched it up. The whole would be cut a lil bigger then it already is, well it was for mine. But it will be all good. I was so excited when mine came out. I could wear white shirts and bikinis. I had had mine for 11 years, i got it in when i was six. ill be twenty one in october..to me i think the surgery afterwards hurt worse then a gall bladder. i couldnt walk without looking like i was on crutches but that passes and its all worth it in the end ^_^

good luck hunnie and keep us posted on how you are doing when your surgery is done and how u feel okies

luv beej <3


New member
WHen my brother had his mickey removed (after about 9 years I think) they actually cut out the scar tissue on the inside of the hole so that it would close faster, he had to have a couple stitches.


<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.deviantart.com/view/37614879/
Decided to post a new tx scar pic (3 years post)
Anyway it has my gtube pic on it (the scar on my stomach not the ones under my ribs).


New member

Congratulations on your transplant and I am so glad you are doing well. My daughter had the Bard button for about 3 months after a Nissen Fundoplication which we used only for venting, not feeding. But the surgeon pulled it out right in his office and we did put gauze over it for 24 hours, but it closed by itself within 24 hours. She does have kind of a little dimple in her skin where the hole was. Hope that helps!


I had it taken out about 7 months after transplant and I had it 'fixed' about a year after transplant (probably longer though).


immediately afterwards. There was no need to continue, I was eating food on my own, I suppose if I hadn't gained any weight within a week they would have started using it again, but I've never really had problem gaining weight, just keeping it on while sick.