G-tube question


New member
Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got home at 1:30 a.m. and he was still hurting. Now this morning at 5:45 a.m. he is yelling and crying for me. I go in and his tube is now hurting and looks swollen above it. He won't even let me touch it. He is sleeping right now, but I am getting ready to take him to the ER again, after talking to our CF hospital and phone nurse on call. Any thoughts of what may be happening here??




New member
Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got home at 1:30 a.m. and he was still hurting. Now this morning at 5:45 a.m. he is yelling and crying for me. I go in and his tube is now hurting and looks swollen above it. He won't even let me touch it. He is sleeping right now, but I am getting ready to take him to the ER again, after talking to our CF hospital and phone nurse on call. Any thoughts of what may be happening here??




New member
Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got home at 1:30 a.m. and he was still hurting. Now this morning at 5:45 a.m. he is yelling and crying for me. I go in and his tube is now hurting and looks swollen above it. He won't even let me touch it. He is sleeping right now, but I am getting ready to take him to the ER again, after talking to our CF hospital and phone nurse on call. Any thoughts of what may be happening here??




New member
Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got home at 1:30 a.m. and he was still hurting. Now this morning at 5:45 a.m. he is yelling and crying for me. I go in and his tube is now hurting and looks swollen above it. He won't even let me touch it. He is sleeping right now, but I am getting ready to take him to the ER again, after talking to our CF hospital and phone nurse on call. Any thoughts of what may be happening here??




New member
Last night Brady was complaining that his left side back was hurting him when he is breathing. It got to the point where we took him to our local ER, our CF hospital is 2 hrs away. They idd 4 x-rays, and a cat scan and found nothing. I did not hook him up for a night feeding last night, we got home at 1:30 a.m. and he was still hurting. Now this morning at 5:45 a.m. he is yelling and crying for me. I go in and his tube is now hurting and looks swollen above it. He won't even let me touch it. He is sleeping right now, but I am getting ready to take him to the ER again, after talking to our CF hospital and phone nurse on call. Any thoughts of what may be happening here??
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<br />thanks!
<br />
<br />Fourkidsmom


New member
Sorry to hear that. It might not be related to the tube at all or it could be maybe. It almost sounds like he has an abcess. I hope you all get it figured out quick for his and your sake. Sorry he is having to go through this, poor little guy.

LOL, let us know how it all turns out,


PS: A warm moist washclothe might help.


New member
Sorry to hear that. It might not be related to the tube at all or it could be maybe. It almost sounds like he has an abcess. I hope you all get it figured out quick for his and your sake. Sorry he is having to go through this, poor little guy.

LOL, let us know how it all turns out,


PS: A warm moist washclothe might help.


New member
Sorry to hear that. It might not be related to the tube at all or it could be maybe. It almost sounds like he has an abcess. I hope you all get it figured out quick for his and your sake. Sorry he is having to go through this, poor little guy.

LOL, let us know how it all turns out,


PS: A warm moist washclothe might help.


New member
Sorry to hear that. It might not be related to the tube at all or it could be maybe. It almost sounds like he has an abcess. I hope you all get it figured out quick for his and your sake. Sorry he is having to go through this, poor little guy.

LOL, let us know how it all turns out,


PS: A warm moist washclothe might help.


New member
Sorry to hear that. It might not be related to the tube at all or it could be maybe. It almost sounds like he has an abcess. I hope you all get it figured out quick for his and your sake. Sorry he is having to go through this, poor little guy.
<br />
<br />LOL, let us know how it all turns out,
<br />
<br />Patty
<br />
<br />PS: A warm moist washclothe might help.


New member
how long has he had the g-tube? Connor's first one failed, he cried when we'd hook him up (after having it for a few weeks) and developed a lump around the tube- about 2 inches away from the actually opening. He had formula going between the stomach and the abdominal wall, that was the bump. He only complained of discomfort when we administered the formula, not just out of the blue, so this may not be your guys problem. Connor got his firt PEG tube on 26 Jul 07 and was in the hospital on 10 Sept with the pain, just to give you an idea how long he'd had it when it failed.


New member
how long has he had the g-tube? Connor's first one failed, he cried when we'd hook him up (after having it for a few weeks) and developed a lump around the tube- about 2 inches away from the actually opening. He had formula going between the stomach and the abdominal wall, that was the bump. He only complained of discomfort when we administered the formula, not just out of the blue, so this may not be your guys problem. Connor got his firt PEG tube on 26 Jul 07 and was in the hospital on 10 Sept with the pain, just to give you an idea how long he'd had it when it failed.


New member
how long has he had the g-tube? Connor's first one failed, he cried when we'd hook him up (after having it for a few weeks) and developed a lump around the tube- about 2 inches away from the actually opening. He had formula going between the stomach and the abdominal wall, that was the bump. He only complained of discomfort when we administered the formula, not just out of the blue, so this may not be your guys problem. Connor got his firt PEG tube on 26 Jul 07 and was in the hospital on 10 Sept with the pain, just to give you an idea how long he'd had it when it failed.


New member
how long has he had the g-tube? Connor's first one failed, he cried when we'd hook him up (after having it for a few weeks) and developed a lump around the tube- about 2 inches away from the actually opening. He had formula going between the stomach and the abdominal wall, that was the bump. He only complained of discomfort when we administered the formula, not just out of the blue, so this may not be your guys problem. Connor got his firt PEG tube on 26 Jul 07 and was in the hospital on 10 Sept with the pain, just to give you an idea how long he'd had it when it failed.


New member
how long has he had the g-tube? Connor's first one failed, he cried when we'd hook him up (after having it for a few weeks) and developed a lump around the tube- about 2 inches away from the actually opening. He had formula going between the stomach and the abdominal wall, that was the bump. He only complained of discomfort when we administered the formula, not just out of the blue, so this may not be your guys problem. Connor got his firt PEG tube on 26 Jul 07 and was in the hospital on 10 Sept with the pain, just to give you an idea how long he'd had it when it failed.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I had went to him after typing this and he was asleep. He tends to fall asleep when he is in pain as a defense. I laid beside him for an hour or so and he is still sleeping. When he gets up we'll see what happens. We already had an appt at our CF doc (2 hrs away)scheudled for tomorrow, so I am hoping we can hold out until then. We'll see. He does have like 2 bumps above his tube. That is kind of what I was thinking that it is between the stomach and the abdominal wall. My husband and I thought maybe we should take out the tube & put a new one in, we replaced the last one. Weird thing is last sunday and monday he was sick with vomiting 12 times and stomach pain- I wonder if this is related? I hate to say this but our local hopitals are not equipped for child with CF. I feel like we are wasting our time going here. We'll see what happens.... Oh, also he got his tube 3/1/06 and it was just replaced about 5 weeks ago, because the old one fell out! Other than this we have had no problems.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I had went to him after typing this and he was asleep. He tends to fall asleep when he is in pain as a defense. I laid beside him for an hour or so and he is still sleeping. When he gets up we'll see what happens. We already had an appt at our CF doc (2 hrs away)scheudled for tomorrow, so I am hoping we can hold out until then. We'll see. He does have like 2 bumps above his tube. That is kind of what I was thinking that it is between the stomach and the abdominal wall. My husband and I thought maybe we should take out the tube & put a new one in, we replaced the last one. Weird thing is last sunday and monday he was sick with vomiting 12 times and stomach pain- I wonder if this is related? I hate to say this but our local hopitals are not equipped for child with CF. I feel like we are wasting our time going here. We'll see what happens.... Oh, also he got his tube 3/1/06 and it was just replaced about 5 weeks ago, because the old one fell out! Other than this we have had no problems.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I had went to him after typing this and he was asleep. He tends to fall asleep when he is in pain as a defense. I laid beside him for an hour or so and he is still sleeping. When he gets up we'll see what happens. We already had an appt at our CF doc (2 hrs away)scheudled for tomorrow, so I am hoping we can hold out until then. We'll see. He does have like 2 bumps above his tube. That is kind of what I was thinking that it is between the stomach and the abdominal wall. My husband and I thought maybe we should take out the tube & put a new one in, we replaced the last one. Weird thing is last sunday and monday he was sick with vomiting 12 times and stomach pain- I wonder if this is related? I hate to say this but our local hopitals are not equipped for child with CF. I feel like we are wasting our time going here. We'll see what happens.... Oh, also he got his tube 3/1/06 and it was just replaced about 5 weeks ago, because the old one fell out! Other than this we have had no problems.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I had went to him after typing this and he was asleep. He tends to fall asleep when he is in pain as a defense. I laid beside him for an hour or so and he is still sleeping. When he gets up we'll see what happens. We already had an appt at our CF doc (2 hrs away)scheudled for tomorrow, so I am hoping we can hold out until then. We'll see. He does have like 2 bumps above his tube. That is kind of what I was thinking that it is between the stomach and the abdominal wall. My husband and I thought maybe we should take out the tube & put a new one in, we replaced the last one. Weird thing is last sunday and monday he was sick with vomiting 12 times and stomach pain- I wonder if this is related? I hate to say this but our local hopitals are not equipped for child with CF. I feel like we are wasting our time going here. We'll see what happens.... Oh, also he got his tube 3/1/06 and it was just replaced about 5 weeks ago, because the old one fell out! Other than this we have had no problems.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I had went to him after typing this and he was asleep. He tends to fall asleep when he is in pain as a defense. I laid beside him for an hour or so and he is still sleeping. When he gets up we'll see what happens. We already had an appt at our CF doc (2 hrs away)scheudled for tomorrow, so I am hoping we can hold out until then. We'll see. He does have like 2 bumps above his tube. That is kind of what I was thinking that it is between the stomach and the abdominal wall. My husband and I thought maybe we should take out the tube & put a new one in, we replaced the last one. Weird thing is last sunday and monday he was sick with vomiting 12 times and stomach pain- I wonder if this is related? I hate to say this but our local hopitals are not equipped for child with CF. I feel like we are wasting our time going here. We'll see what happens.... Oh, also he got his tube 3/1/06 and it was just replaced about 5 weeks ago, because the old one fell out! Other than this we have had no problems.