G-Tube taken out


New member
It's me again and trying to make the best of things with my teenager. He is 14 and has had a g-tube Mikey button since he was 5. For the first time in his life he is finally above the 25% in weight. Now he wants to take the g-tube out. I can imagine what his doctors and nutritionlist will say. Have you guys every known someone that had their bottton removed? I realize wherehe is coming from he is 14 and body imagine is so important to them.

Mom to 3
17 w/o CF, 14 w/CF, 9 w/CF


New member
My child had her tube removed after she could keep her weight up without using the tube for about a year but her weight is in the 75% and they wanted it to stay that way, she had her tube for 10 years . As for body image she still keeps her mid-section covered due to the scar and indent it left.


New member
Hiya Terri!

My brother (now 11 also with cf) had his g-tube taken out when he was 9 he didint have it in for more than 3 yrs but he couldnt wait to get it outi dont remember when he got it out but thats not important.. It leaves a nasty scar so he has to be prepared for that, and he wont be able to go swimming for a while, so he might want to wait untill the school year to get it out or he can get it out now not go swimming and by time he gets back to school his scar will be closed better.
thats all i can really say about the mikey. i hope your son gets it out sooner than later!!