mima63- fly30 is talking about the cfa forums, I started the topic there (and also here) over a month ago. Not many people visit the cfa site & the info on the facebook page is much more up to date than the forum now! Fly30- Idis (distributor outside of the US) have said that Vertex need to speak to the TGA (like the FDA) before Kalydeco can be distributed in Australia. So neither company is distrubuting here, even for people below 40%. Vertex have said they will approach the TGA this year. Our TGA process takes at least 9 months, and then it has to get listed on our PBS (government subsidy scheme for medications, otherwise we would have to pay $294,000- our private health does not pay this), so we are looking at the second half of next year. There is a person who is at 25% (and I am sure there are others below 40%, in 2009 there were 159 G551D people), so hopefully they will get it soon.